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Victor Scrooge

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Posts posted by Victor Scrooge

  1. ... 

    Just to inform you, the thread we're currently posting it is called 'suggestions'. I am aware of mods and I also have no issues with using mods. Still, this is a suggestion for implementation in the thread for implementation suggestions. 

    I really hoped that my post on agreeing would close our discussion an would leave things on a positive note. Especially since you expressed to find it sad to even have this discussion. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Kaelty said:

    I just want to leave people the choice to decide themselves

    Well, we agree on this. We both want people to be able to make choices of their own. If it's an option in the game you can still choose if you want to play this way or not. If it's a mod you can choose wethrt you want to play this way or not. The only difference is how simple it is to choose. Do I just play or do I install a mod before I can choose. The convenience of being able to choose intuitively during the game doesn't affect the ability to choose a different style of playing. 

  3. "Just to make sure i'm not missunderstood. I do not denounce veganism, I myself use quite a lot of vegan products and i try to get my animal products from sources where the animals are treated well. I just think that Reality and a Game are 2 completly different things and should be treated as such. Just like i think that forcing cultural and racial diversity in a Movie or a Series or inserting females into male roles is wrong and essentialy censorship, especially if the source material clearly states otherwise."

    The problem with Reality and Game is that this isn't really a good point discussion vise. A game is a simulation of reality. Gaming as a narrative medium has grown so much in the last 30 years, that this conception is just outdated. On top of that I have to disagree to you on every point you made in your quote. Rethinking and reworking storys from the past is extremely important. Every story we know has to be altered to a certain extent so we are able to understand it. I had to read a medieval novel at university and it's mind-boggling how many problems arise when it comes to understanding our own society a thousand years back in time. 

    As for your claim about food. Meat as a primary food source is a relatively new form as a way of life. 

    In the realm of armor, you have no idea what a bunch of sticks or paper can do. Leather is not the wondermaterial. If you handle it wrong it's briddle, your own skin is irritated etc. That is one of the reasons why fabric was so much more valuable.


  4. Hello, I didn't find anything about this with the search tool, so I start the topic myself. 

    I was wondering if you could give people like me who are not really enjoying to act against our real life philosophy something, to avoid killing everything around us like crazy. 

    Like the old vegan mod from MC 1.7.10.

    I know a lot of people really hate that kind of question or suggestion. I am not really good at modding so I can just turn to this. 


    Best wishes 

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