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  • Post-Post-Christmas Patch (v1.14.3-rc.3)


    Dear Festive Community
    v1.14.3-rc.3, an unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager.

    Happy new year everyone! Hopefully this is the last unstable release for v1.14.3.

    Screenshot by GromerJay

    Game updates

    • Tweak: Mitigate missed arrow hit detections
    • Fixed: Flowers in planters had the wrong model
    • Fixed: Server dashboard not working
    • Fixed: Prevent any flash of x-ray vision when breaking blocks at chunk edge
    • Fixed: Digging charcoal piles correctly rendered at chunk edge
    • Fixed: Might fix a crash when a player has applied invalid skin items
    • Fixed: Various Cementation Furnace issues introduced in rc.2
    • Fixed: Missing hewn fence gate recipe

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