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  • v1.19.5-rc.1 - YABATP


    Dear Extraordinary Survivalists
    v1.19.5-rc.1, a unstable release, is now available to download through the account manager.

    Yet another Bugfixing and Tuning Patch. Comes with 10% fewer bugs but might have 15% increased scent of bugspray.

    Screenshot by Fishy, shared in #screenshots

    Game updates

    • Revert: 20% mining speed debuff on Rock has been undone. The other debuffs remain
    • Tweak: When selecting any language in Interface settings, the restart server and community translations messages are immediately localised
    • Tweak: Linux and macOS users, selecting an Asian language or Arabic, are given a warning message (in English) to check their fonts
    • Tweak: More first person hands animation tuning
      • Tweak: Adjusted animation for raising your temporal stability
      • Tweak: Bucket now visually stays level when selected
      • Tweak: Improved watering can ready animation
      • Tweak: Adjusted impact and sound frame for smithing
      • Tweak: Watering animation with a watering can now looks better
      • Fixed: Freezing animation no longer continues indefinitely
      • Fixed: Animation Jitter on axehit. Experimental. Might break stuff
      • Fixed: Ready pose for shovel fixed again
    • Tweak: Buffed warmth on reindeer herder coats and boots
    • Fixed: Various potential crashes if packets received or threads still ticking during client shutdown; should fix modded multiplayer server connection issues
    • Fixed: Font issues when switching language to Thai, Chinese (Simplified) or Chinese (Traditional)
    • Fixed: Angry bees not stinging the player
    • Fixed: Further attempt to fix very rare crash with EntityItem; added additional debug logging
    • Fixed: Resolve issue when executing the /stop command immediately after joining a singleplayer world
    • Fixed: Bighorn sheep (and some deer) still had wrong step heights in 1.19.4
    • Fixed: 1.19.4 crash if pies were placed on clutter tables
    • Fixed: Topsoil grass re-growth did not match original worldgen grass
    • Fixed: Item transfer between inventories using mouse was not logged to server-audit.txt, chute placement is now also audit logged to counter item siphoning
    • Fixed: Dyes very chunky looking when inside barrels
    • Fixed: Should fix a rare startup crash when logging off sitting
    • Fixed: Anvil merging derp and hammering sound not playing
    • Fixed: Ore map generators no longer seed-deterministic since 1.18.8 upon game restart
    • Fixed: Clutter bookshelves were missing the same glue-repairing mechanism as other clutter
    • Fixed: Potential crash with shields if no space for texture etc (GitHub issue 3598)
    • Fixed: Plant container error if the container block does not exist, for example when a mod was removed
    • Fixed: Fixed curd bundles abusable as infinitely lasting food storage. Remove curd bundle from creative inventory because these are now always empty
    • Fixed: In Homo Sapiens game mode (or others where lore content is off) locust nests would still spawn
    • Fixed: Torches would not start fires in leaves, grass etc. with Shift+right click
    • Fixed: Peanuts and Olives not visible in meals
    • Fixed: Bug in creature pathfinding system that prevented them to walk towards their intended goal
    • Fixed: Very rare exception issue logged to file, related to axles
    • Fixed: /gm sp command not setting player to spectator mode
    • Fixed: Shader compile error on Intel internal graphics
    • Fixed: Properly fix crashes / texture atlas overflow related to labeled crates
    • Api Tweak: Items/Blocks can now define an attribute "inBarrelShape" to determine their shape inside a barrel
    • Api Tweak: Don't crash on invalid GroundStack
    • Like 13
    • Wolf Bait 1
    • Cookie time 6
    • Sad 2

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