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is there a way to force the client to ignore non critical errors and not crash? like.. we have a mod we really love but if we press h while mousing over a board from that mod it crashed the client


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Well, I'd  start by using an actual mouse instead of a hamster. But other than that, mods are under the purview of the author. Any concerns and failures should be taken up with him personally, not this community. Considering the fact that you are familiar with the very concept of modding in any way, shape or form, I would expect you would know this by now.

And if the game crashes, then it IS a critical error. No other choice than to ditch the mod, especially if the author is no longer active in keeping it up to date.

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If the game is crashing it's not a non-critical error. This is like asking if there's a way to get your car to ignore running into trees because you really like driving through the forest.

Best bet is to contact the mod author and check the logs to see what exactly is causing the crash - hopefully they're still updating the mod and can pinpoint the bug for you.

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