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Does the Crude Door no longer fall off it's hinges?


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Im making a youtube video about the benefits of the saw and more advanced smithing and I wrote a section on the Crude (Formerly Rough) Door falling off periodically, however I am unable to replicate this.

Please see attached is over a full minute of opening and closing without having it happen.




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14 hours ago, Owktree said:

I believe it no longer dislodges.  However, it also does not qualify as something to close off a room or cellar either.  Which also applies to the "sleek door" which the old doors changed to.  You need to use one of the solid doors that don't have a window in it now.

I think so too, I was unable to find mention of this change in any of the patch notes, a friend speculated it may have been when the new doors were implemented but it doesn't say as much

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