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Setting & Mods For Single Player Realistic Survival


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after 300 hours or so playing  vintage from 1.15 to 1.18, with 4 true commitment game save each version
i think a lot default setting for the game in not friendly for single player setting
where grind is too much, resourse too scarce like metal and processing leather (lime, chalk etc)
i will share my "preference" setting to enjoy the game for single player
added bunch of mods but not really game changing

Yes i can say homo sapiens is unique, probably after you reach Pre Steel Age there not a lot to do, since not much challenge/content to explore
abundant food (after you set good well base, bee farm, foods in cellar, green house, big farm, but the process going there is a lot of challenge,
somehow for me personal drifter just nuance, i dont jugde how people play
since people just exploit the game mechanism to avoid them, they spawn endlessly, no soul, just too annoy you
putting rock/pebble you mines on cave floor, blocking dead end pitch darkest, so drifter cant enter, using slabs etc
yes they have good loot drop, in the end they add challenge, but after sometimes they just hindrance of your valuable times

another note is very challenged finding Lime or Chalk for progress leather, still struggling finding good mods or setting, its my 1st mandatory settting up base

  • good landscape flat big open area with a lot landmark for easy navigation,
  • low rain frequency (i hate raining all over everyday),
  • near good pine forest for resin
  • and good river, lake, sea for long range boat travel
  • nice view outside your base

here my setting

Mode : Homo Sapiens
not really into supernatural stuff, but you will miss the lore and the trader
no drifter, no bells, rift etc
but i like the idea like spider still in the cave, maybe in the future i hope more animal and more "realistic challenge" outside bear and wolf
like disease, more challenging enviroment or disaster, as long its not supernatural
the best stuff is NO MAPS, so no easy instance Propick to easily advance to next tier metal
you need put landmark, signpost, road so you not lost

Tool Durability : 200%
well after few times you will get bored how fragile tools get destroyed after few uses, 2x is my ideal since its not too grindy, and realistically metal tools should more durable

Tool Mining Speed : 150%
after doing this a lot, you will get bored staring at rocks/stones, 1,5x speed or 2x speed i think its good way for single player, at least you not wasting a lot time in game and your time more valuable than doing spelunking cave in virtual world

Land Cover : 80%
at least with 20% water or sea, you can travel more with boat, somehow you can find underwater mining spot, since in homo sapiens dont include map

World Width : 25k blocks
World Legth : 25k blocks
Polar Equator Distance : 10k blocks

yes i know its small for some people, but in homo sapiens you cant really traverse very far from base, unless you really have good sense of direction, there is no MAPS
everything must be planned, where you go, what you need, or you will lose ur way or stuck waiting nighttime in some random places
that why polar equator is short, you can enjoy more different biome, get some other type resource
some people double this setting 50k X 50k blocks , Polar 25k for more challenge
but since dead penalty is harsh enough, if you dead in random places there small chance you will find your belonging

i dont know why default setting is so massive (1 million blocks), yes for multiplayer maybe, but most of player i think play single player or with a wife/gf/friend
so big map make it so difficult to finding another biome with different temperature and resource
in my experience going from temperate area to ice snowy biome, hot desert or jungle rainforest took me 2-3 days in game, because you cant just randomly walk straight without maps

Surface Copper Deposit Frequency : Rare
Surface Tin Deposit Frequency
:: Extremely Rare
i crank up one level for this setting, because i dont want waste a lot time looking and searching for early progress metal
i know you can just randomly going inside cave ( yes no drifter, etc) but its not enjoyable spent time on single player game too balance real challenge Versus arbitarry time waster challenge

the rest of setting is default but you can change to your preference

Mods 1.18.5

There few simple mods im using for 1.18.5
not really a game changing, but enhance your experience for single player adventure
in few categories

  • Essential

Bed Respawnner https://mods.vintagestory.at/bedrespawnner
this mods is amazing, just follow the comment edit the mods urself
the edit itself remove hay bed from respawning point, so before you can make Wooden Bed you must be careful and dont die
and for travelling skipping night outside you can just bring haybed, but if some wolf or bear killing you, you will spawn back at your wooden bed at base

Better Firepit https://mods.vintagestory.at/betterfirepit
well its should be in game feature, not resetting temperature every time item cooked, less grinding for fuel, more time for fun

Carry On - https://mods.vintagestory.at/carryon
Everyone play vintage story using this mods, really a game changing how you bring resource, a reed basket or a chest really adds a lot to your inventory slot

Simple HUD Clock - https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/282
A Quality of Life UI mods, must have

Step Uphttps://mods.vintagestory.at/stepup
if you count how many space bar you press on one hour vintage story, you will need this mods
less spacebar press just hold W and run


  • Need For Less Grind

Buzzwords - https://mods.vintagestory.at/buzzwords
this mods make finding bee more friendly, no more need for audiophile sensitive ear to finding your first beehive on some random trees and random forest
because you need progress further to make lamp, you need candle, too make candle you need wax, to get wax you need in short
want make bright house with good lightning ---> lantern ----> Candle ----> Wax ----> Bee farm ----> finding bee on the wild -----> no more upping volume in game so you can hear buzz sound, walking randomly eaten by wolf/bear to finding some F******* bee

Better Sticks - https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/8859
StickEmUp! - https://mods.vintagestory.at/stickemup
less Grind on sticks, you can chop firewood to sticks, after a while you will get bored gather sticks for your ladder comsumption
and trees drop sticks and sapling when chopped too depend on level of tools tier

Farmland Drops Soil https://mods.vintagestory.at/farmlanddropssoil
when you tilled the soil, default game dont give you back the soil block when you destroy it, this mods give you a way to relocate your farm (precious terra preta)

Visible Terra Preta Particles - https://mods.vintagestory.at/vtp
You will know when there precious Terra Preta around to dig and bring to your farm

Juicy Oreshttps://mods.vintagestory.at/juicyores
no more missing small pixel ores, now in 3d

More Dry Grass - https://mods.vintagestory.at/moredrygrass
Plant To Grass https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/8117

overall getting grass kinda boring and grindy heh?
scythe giving more grass less grind on grass for your pit kiln
you can cut random plant to grass

  • Game Enhancement

Bullseye - https://mods.vintagestory.at/bullseye
aiming bow or spear kinda meh in this game
this change randomize aim, to more player skill oriented

Shields Rebalancehttps://mods.vintagestory.at/shieldsrebalance

Shield more reliable now, absorbing damage with active use is 100%, and with passive use as much as 25%

Simple Footstep https://mods.vintagestory.at/simplefootsteps
No more jump scare because suddenly bear or wolf appear on front of your screen, at least you can hear the foot steps

Better Poultice 2 https://mods.vintagestory.at/betterpoultice
not really mandatory, but feels like should be default in game
where ever you use bandage healing item, its should not instanly heal, but it heal overtime

Mineralinguistics - With a Tad More Info https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/8418
more easier to identify the mineral - metalurgy name for people like me


  • Add Immersiveness

Human-Like Skin for Seraphs - https://mods.vintagestory.at/hss
Somehow im not a fan of Seraph skin colour, so i use this mods

Quench In Barrels - https://mods.vintagestory.at/coolinbarrel
cool in hot stuff in barrel with water

Spyglass - https://mods.vintagestory.at/spyglass
add a tools to see more in zoom state, good for inspecting from a far while you searching resource

My Music Mods
this is personal edit mods with bunch of copyright music from various game Stardew Valley, Undertale, Outpath, Harvest Moon
after a while you play too much Vintage Story, you will get bored hearing same music over and over again, then you decide to mute the music in game and play some youtube music
but with low effort you can make your list of music edit, so you enjoy more with dozen of fresh music where its match with the game, music change depend on day of the game and season
(format music files for vintage story is .ogg). i dont want make tutorial because its "danger zone" of copyright, you know how to do :D

Closing Notes, Vintage Story is one of the best currently survivalist-bushcraft game on the market, the point i write all of this is for easier access for new people who going into VS, this game kinda have a big wall for new player, from making account to buy the game kinda complicated, accessing account to download, setting up the game for accessbility, some ingame setting is not up for common single player because default setting, different game mode kinda confusing for first time player experience. I hope the devs improve accessbilty for more easier for average joe gamer, from tutorial, how to play the game, direction what must basic thing to do, and not really needed youtube, wikipedia or google to understand mechanism in game.



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