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How to restrict music to play via resonator only?


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Is there a way for me to achieve a state where the only music that plays in my single player game is the music that is played by a tuning cylinder in a resonator?

I have obtained a resonator and several tuning cylinders and I would like for music to play only when I play it through those. I noticed that the only way to disable music from playing without me intentionally triggering it is to lower the music volume to zero, as the music frequency setting only seems to go as low as "rarely", rather than the "never" which I would prefer. Unfortunately, setting the music volume to zero also affects the resonator.

I've had a look at musicconfig.jason but none of the values pop out at me as being ones with which I could achieve the above.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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Seconded. I just came here to pose this same question. I absolutely love the resonator and use it frequently, but I don't want music playing when I'm caving or in combat or just exploring. I find it incredibly distracting and sometimes even a hinderance because I can't hear as clearly when drifters are sneaking up on me. Unfortunately the only way I've found to deal with it is to only turn up the music volume when you're using the resonator and just have it set to zero at all other times. Hopefully a "never" option will be added to the music frequency setting eventually.

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