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Suggestion from a blind friend.


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Hi Everyone,

Most games now have a "scale the GUI" option that can help with vision impairment, but this ends up cluttering everything else.

Can we instead "scale text size and icons" or better yet independent options for both. It is the information they need not the window dressing. I understand that the UI is a set of images and if you scale the icons all the images wont fit and this is a painful problem with this system (many games employ such a system and it gets you there 99% of the time). There has to be a way to make the UI a bit more dynamic, html does this rather nicely but it is also an unwieldy monster that you might not want to put into the system

EDIT: looking into GUI modding a bit more it seems this is already possible but would require a GUI re-write. currently windows fit to child, and this is kind of what I am suggesting but a bit more dynamic, something like "flexbox" and "grid" from css, for elements like inventory flexbox might help here, bigger icons just means less columns and more rows. While the crafting square would be grid and scaled to fit children.

I understand that the game is not nearly finished and this is a feature that would take some time, and practically benefit only a few individuals in a big way, so ordinarily I would say "may be do it at the end". But if you think it would be useful later it would probably save a LOT of code re-write to do it earlier rather than later (EDIT: actually it may not... so it could be done later). It would also break a LOT of mods to fundamentally change the way the UI works and these would need time to be fixed (EDIT: again, it might not). And the modding community in this game is fantastic and I hate to suggest more work for them as well. However, I think there is already a GUI code mod that does what I am discussing here. (at least its own interface seems to be very dynamic, resize etc.) and this might go some way to implementation. We tried for days with mods and everything else and almost got there. I started to dig into the code of alternative map icon renderer (which is currently unmanned) because it helps with the map icon size a little (not quite enough) but this seems to be an option that fundamentally could be employed as is. My friend has trouble reading so relies on the icons, the icons are tiny and a lot are just a subtle colour change so hard to differentiate, the map is even worse for him. I put the mod status hub on his computer with icon size 128 and text size 32 just so he can get information without having to pull out his magnifying glass, the compass in particular he needed as the map icon was too small to see orientation, and the in game compass is in words that he has trouble reading. He does not like having to rely on the rest of us when we play together, and would much rather productively contribute.

Any way, he has quit the game for now in favour of 7D2D and this is a selfish request/suggestion, because I want to play with all of my friends and I like this game so much more than 7D2D at the moment (7D2D is still great but this game has just absorbed me).



Edited by Wookiee81
Looked into it a bit more deeply
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