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It came to me in a dream...literally.


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I woke up from a Vintage Story dream (I think it was VS...is was 'real', but was basically 'real life...but in VS'; walking on the dirt road was faster for me and my daughter; just grabbing and eating carrots off the side of the road; change from mountains, to plains, to swam in the space of a couple hundred meters; etc).

Anyway....I had two instant Suggestions for what would be cool for Vintage Story. Both would take some implementing, but hey, anything worth doing and all that, right? :)

(1) "Breakfast Scene".   Eating is a thing. After sleeping, you wake up, usually, a bit peckish. What if you could create a "Breakfast Basket"? In it, you would put what you want to eat in the morning (from simple berries, to a fortified meat stew and bread). Depending on where the Breakfast Basket would placed before you hit the sack, a "morning cut scene" of your character sitting there would start when you woke up, Basket open, eating breakfast as the camera slowly pans around for, oh, 3 to 5 seconds (however long the Settings say; I guess it could be a setting...?). So if the Basket was on a table with chairs around it...you'd be sitting on a chair as it pans around the 'kitchen', focused on you sitting there eating. If the Basket was on the ground, you'd be sitting next to it. If the Basket was on a window sill overlooking your garden, it would pan around you standing at the window sill, looking out over the basket onto your garden. Etc, etc. You get the point. 

WHY?: Immersion, obviously, as well as convenience. Every time I wake up, I eat. It's not different than any other time I eat. It would just be cool to sort of enforce that "You made it through another night with all the Lovcraftian horrors and REALLY disgruntled wolves!" feeling. A feeling of accomplishment, even if it is minor. Always good for Player engagement. :)


(2) "Dreams". This is far down the road, I'm sure, but similar to the Breakfast Scene thing. When you go to sleep, you might get a dream. Tie these into the Journal Pages you can find, and/or Paintings. Make the dreams...'creepy' somehow. So if you find a painting of a lake/water... maybe you dream of flying down the side of a hill towards a lake, then over the surface, then you see a green glow underneath, you 'dive' in and start descending, deeper, deeper, and darker...unnaturally dark. As the green glow gets closer, you see that it's eyeballs covering a mass of fleshiness with horrible tentacles! ... ... Hey, we can have 3D objects in now, right? ;)

WHY?: A great way to deliver supposition without the player having to 'read everything' and have the entirety of the 'story' be just that..."Oh, found another page. Time to read again...". I love reading, but combine reading/finding with visuals/sound and you got yourself a memory! :)

Anyway, that's my two suggestions. Maybe cool, maybe not, maybe they'll inspire someone else to have some idea. :)


Plum Fun

(Paul L. Ming)

Edited by Plum
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(1) -> no, simply no

Because after a week you will get annoyed of the cutscenes. Sleeping ingame is a necessity and doesn't have the effect it has in real life.

(2) That sounds quite interesting. Especially if the dreams get you to find something rare or important. This doesn't mean that I would indulge into such complex mechanic as even killing drifters is too much of a duty for me lol

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(1) Hence the "Settings" mention. So it would be a simple toggle. Best of both worlds. :)

(2) LOL! I hear you on the Drifters. I'm still a newb at the game, just taking it slow and easy as I go along. But I'm sure that once we start getting other monsters and whatnot it might be able to be a bit more 'in-depth' as far as lore/setting goes.

Thanks for the input!


Plum Fun

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