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The Colony - небольшой любительский проект группы энтузиастов, питающих нежные чувства к настольным ролевым играм и Vintage Story.
Игра представляет собой сессионку в традициях жанра классических ролевых игр - с наличием анкет, гейм-мастером и еженедельных сборах, а также последствиями своих действий.

(The Colony [Vintage Story Role-Play] is a young and growing project, created by a group of enthusiasts, who decided to combine two of their most beloved pasttimes- board RPGs, such as world-famous D'n'D, and Vintage Story!
The game consists of weekly sessions, filled both with action-packed events and daily routine. Our game follows the classic tradition of the RPG genre- every player must create their own original character with the unique sets of skills. Every dialogue between two players, every, even the tiniest of actions may lead to the greatest consequences! Sessions are run with the help of Game Master, who's invisible hand constantly manipulates the environment around the players in order to make the gaming process fun, demanding and trully immersive!)


Разворачиваясь в альтернативном пятнадцатом веке на острове, который активно заселяют – история постоянно меняется. Взаимоотношения персонажей друг с другом, задания из колонии, странная и местами жуткая история самого острова. Все это создает естественное и интересное наполнение, которое и будет служить основным контентом для игроков. Игра имеет множество условностей и механик, реализация которых в условиях Vintage Story невозможно, а потому медленно пишется пак модов, способный лучше влиться в роль колониального поселения и эпохи.

(The game is set in the alternativee XV century, during the era of active colonisation of the New World by the major political powers of the Old World. Upon start of the Game Your character will find himself or herself on the small island under the glourios name of New Vetany, which is located on the half way between the Old World and newly discovered Continent. In other times this baren rock, lost in the middle of the vast ocean would not be noticed, but now it serves the important role of transit point, providing rest, shelter and jumping point for the ships and their crews, sailing towards the lands of the New World!
Your character will have to deal with relationships between the settlers, keep up with tasks from the Metropoly, and unravel the misteries behind the strange and sometimes eerie stories of the island itself! These events and this environment creates a natural and interesting content that will provide outstanding experience for all players!
Vintage Story provides excellent template for the dynamic and detailed survival gameplay. However, every game has it's own limitations and therefore our project takes the most out of Vintage Story modding tool! As well as using the best mods from official VS Mod DataBase, our team is constantly developing new mods, which will bring even more content and immersion to our players!)


Голосовая связь реализована через mumble с привязкой к игре. Это значит, что с расстоянием звук ослабевает, пока не исчезает вовсе. Это позволяет углубиться в отыгрыш настолько, насколько это возможно в рамках самой игры.
События, происходящие вне игры – влияют на сам процесс. Изменение цен у торговцев, перебои с поставками и изменения в планах метрополии. Все это заставляет игроков на острове по – разному смотреть на происходящее и действовать в зависимости от обстановки.

(Voice communication is implemented on our server via Mumble software with the link to the game provided by MimbleLink VS plugin. This allows to link your microphone input to the position of your character on the server. This means, that with increasing distance between players, the sound of their voices would weaken until, just like in real life, it will disappear altogether. This allows You to be immersed into the roleplay as much as possible without the hasstle of typing your speech in the chatbox!
Events that take place outside the Island will also affect the gaming process. Changes in vendor prices, supply disruptions and changing political situation in Metropoly- all these conditions will affect the players and will pose new demanding and entertaining challenges for players to deal with!

Join our community and play with us! New adventures await for You on the misty shores of the New Vetany!
See you on board, brave Settler!)



Edited by Arxes
  • Wolf Bait 2
  • Amazing! 2
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Интересный и хорошо реализованный проект, крутой гейммастер, прекрасное комьюнити. 5 звёзд на Убере, кароч, рекомендую

On 3/27/2021 at 6:30 PM, Ortor said:

Отличная задумка. А есть скриншноты или может записи игрового процесса? 


Благодарю, вот часть того, что могу показать)









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