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Setting up VS Server on a NAS (Synology)

Tro Klass

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Hi everyone!


I've been looking both the forums and the Vintage Story Reddit as well as searching with my favorite web search engines but couldn't find any answer as to how to install VS on a NAS.
I'm pretty sure it's feasible since I've seen this post talking about VS server on a Synology NAS.

However, I can't find the process of setting up for a NAS on the main website nor the wiki.

I assume it could be done through the VM features of modern NASes. That said, if someone with the knowledge could indicate me the approach as to install VS on a Synology NAS (e.g. DS920+), I would be gratefull.


Thanks for your time community. 😃

Edited by Tro Klass
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  • 1 year later...

Hey its kinda hard but you have to download a package named 'Container Manager' and then on the app, you go to registry ther search for zsuatem/vintagestory and you start it from the image for creating the server and finaly you just have to go to container and you can manage your server.


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