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Everything posted by j34nn3tt3

  1. Poisonous mushrooms don't have a function to my knowledge (other than hurting you if you eat them) and bones are limited to just being bone meal or part of a crafting recipe for bows. I think it would be nice to see these items have more functionality. Bones being abundant in the ways we accumulate them without really trying is kind of a disappointment that you can't do more with them. And there is honestly no reason to harvest the poisonous mushrooms at this time but they are every where. For the mushrooms, being able to boil them into a poison and make poison dipped weapons (swords, spears, and arrows) and the poison would need to be reapplied over use. each mushroom having a different strength of poison according to their toxicity level. For bones, I think it would be cool to see bone tools (not handles, I'm meaning for bone tipped weapons). like a bone knife, bone needles for sewing, and even attaching bone fragments to a club for added damage, and being able to cook the bones either in to a broth or over a fire to eat the marrow.
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