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Freki's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. Very simple plugin for making traveling the game faster. https://mods.vintagestory.at/xcore Commands: /home [name:optional] # Teleports you to specific home, default home selected if none argument is present. /sethome [name:optional] # Sets a home to specific name, default home set if non argument is present. /delhome [name] # Removes specific home by name, name argument is required. /homes # Shows you list of saved homes /xcore # Saves the config /back # Teleports you back to previous location before teleport. /spawn # Teleport you to set spawn. /setspawn # Sets a spawn location. /warp [name] # Warp you to named warp. /setwarp [name] # Sets a warp by name. /delwarp [name] # Deletes warp by name. /warplist # Shows you all warp locations. In Xcore.json config you can set time limits for each command use. Some of these commands require control server permissions: /setspawn /setwarp /delwarp /warplist
  2. Hi, I've noticed that the app for mac does not contain the info in .plist to enable game mode on mac, currently I have edited the value manually and it works. Could you please add it there for next releases ? The key and string is: <key>LSApplicationCategoryType</key> <string>public.app-category.games</string> Thanks.
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