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Very Important Vintarian
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Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. Bullseye - Vintage Story Mod DB This mod has iron and steel spears, it also makes them do more damage when you throw them at smaller animals I think, also changes the accuracy (or should say the inaccuracy) system of ranged weapons to something better. The bow changes to make them slightly different so they each have a use-case instead of the longbow just being a straight upgrade to the other bow is good too.
  2. I do think something like this would be a good idea, reserved for temporal storms specifically. I've thought drifter's being able to phase through walls, or maybe a special kind of drifter that can, or somehow lets surrounding drifter's also get in, (inspired by the phasing visual drifters seem to have in storms) would make storms less cheese-able. It could make some sense with the world slowly being more and more corrupted as time goes on.
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