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Crack Bandicoot

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Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. I mean, it says "rainfall common" but I've seen very common rain less than this.
  2. Actually, it's probably been longer but I feel like I should have looked for help sooner. I tried googling the problem, no results so, it might be normal or it might be a rare issue. In game time, it's been heavy rain and thunder from Date 2 August to Date 2 September, non stop. I don't know if it's going to go away on its own anymore. What do?
  3. So I know that they're already on the to do list. Just wanted to share what I think would make them most useful to the player without causing tons of lag. The makeshift raft is useful, but in a world with 40% land cover you can really start to see the limitations. A bigger boat could have storage. The best boats could come with a bed. Investing in a higher tier boat could allow you to travel faster in small increments of 5%-10%, if world gen is a problem. A tier 2 boat could be available sooner than expected. It would demand a lot of time and effort, but laying two adjacent logs on the ground, and you could carve out a canoe, just like the Haida did with Cedar logs and stone chisels.
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