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Jon Coates

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Posts posted by Jon Coates

  1. While not necessarily getting rid of them, one simple solution I usually implement in general for various reasons is to buff player walk speed in world creation settings.  Setting it to either 1 or 2 settings above default (can't remember which at the moment) allows you to just barely be able to sprint away from hostile animals without them gaining on you.  If they are pathfinding around uneven terrain you can actually put additional distance between them and you. 


    It still requires you to pay attention as they can easily catch up if you get caught on the terrain yourself.  Also, wolf lunges can still be dangerous so it isnt a full easy mode setting if you still want to retain some danger.  The biggest thing for me is it lets me NOPE! out of situations when I am not prepared for them.


    This setting also lets me just travel faster in general which is half the reason I adjust it to begin with. Can't be limited to slow walk/run speeds when you are searching across several thousand blocks of distance because RNG hates you when it comes to stuff like limestone or bauxite lol (at least not when you have relatively limited playtime like I do).

  2. I believe it is a realism thing.  The crucible we currently have is smaller than an ingot, so you have to break the ingot into bits to get it into the crucible.  At least that is my understanding.  It is an added step for sure but it isn't really much of a hassle.  Honestly, it is just a good reason to not turn all of your ore into ingots and save some to the side for casting purposes.

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  3. 1 hour ago, FizzyB said:

    Look no further than the "Temporal Prospector" mod by "AlexTheGr8r" It is a life-savor, provided you can find the gears to upkeep it. i agree that other forms of mechanical power is needed though, like nuclear reactors. :P

    This is an interesting mod.  What I was talking more about was a way to find the initial resources (specifically the rock layers).  Usually I only need to find one area that has limestone or bauxite and I have more than enough for a long while.  Based on the description of that mod it would only help me find those types of rocks after I had already located some. Unless I am reading the description wrong.

  4. 23 hours ago, FizzyB said:

    There is a mod that adds foundry to make large groups of ingots at once, without having to clear out a small plot of land for the molds. It seems like the next logical step in smithing to have a larger scale for ingot production, always bothered me that I could fit 24 ingots in a single crucible. Maybe some larger scale iron works too?

    Honestly I would like to see a lot more options with regards to mechanical power and automation with regards to metal production in general.  What we currently have is a decent base but I would love to see things like conveyor belts and other devices that could be powered by rotational energy.  I would also love something more reliable than wind power.  My biggest gripe when it comes to making plates and processing bulk iron and steel is that I have to work when the wind is high if I want to use the helve hammer.  The water wheel in medieval expansion is great for that purpose once you disable the damage ticks on the wheel during use.  Honestly a water wheel just seems like a perfect fit to be added to the base game anyway given that we already have a windmill.  You could even take it in another direction and use livestock powered mechanical power.  Just hook up some bighorn sheep to harnesses attached to a rotor and have them provide power based on how many are pulling the rotor around.  


    A close second would be a way to prospect for rock layers similar to the normal Propick function when it comes to ore.  I hate searching for things like bauxite or limestone because it is such a chore to dig tunnels down looking for them (not to mention all the tools you go through digging all those tunnels).

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