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Posts posted by DancingHoskuld

  1. 9 hours ago, hydrazombie said:

    your mod is crashing my single player game, i took all the mods out and added the oldest mods first until i got to yours and it crashed my single player game

    I am not having a problem with single player and this mod. Perhaps we should compare our other mods. I only have two screens of them 😉

  2. 1 hour ago, jakecool19 said:

    That depends on the herb, most are pretty winter hardy and can survive and grow if winter is not to bad. Only tropical herbs, like basil will have a hard time in winter.

    Both sage and mint stop growing in winter, at least they do here, and I have only seen snow on the ground once in the last 40 years. I live at about 32 degrees south of the equator 😉

  3. On 12/18/2020 at 7:04 AM, Godogma said:

    Would you consider possibly increasing the stack size for Ash so we can make a full 50 liters of lye at once in a barrel? It's somewhat resource intensive to build all these barrels and tedious to do 20 liters at a time then transfer the contents of 3 barrels into one for the evaporation process (no matter how many barrels I make I always seem to have 10 liters left over)...

    Or did I miss something and have been doing this wrong the whole time and I can just add more on top of the 60 Ash in the barrel to make more than 20 liters at a time?

    I second this.

    Also will you be adding a White Potash version of the compound fertilizer?

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  4. I thought Exploration mode meant that you would not be attacked by animals.

    I am getting old and I can't hit the broadside of a barn with the in game weapons when I am standing right next to it. The animals move way to fast for me.

    Also should the sheep be attacking me because I just killed a pig? They came out of nowhere.

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