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Everything posted by bolt

  1. yea I just wanted to check if maybe there is an option for purchase upgrade and I could not find it no reason to complicate things, I will just buy 2 additional single keys and all 3 of us are in game.. about mods and savegames - yep, I get it, thats not going to be a problem thx for your time, cheers
  2. hi, I searched wiki and forum could not find anything about this -> 1) I bought single game account now my family wants in ( sister and niece, we dont live together, did not excpect them to be interested, both are not big on gaming ) Can I somehow change that single game account to family pack, what I am thinking here is add 37€ on already paid 18€ - that would be 55€ and with that go from 1 game key to 4 ? ( I need only 3, maybe keep one to gift to someone ) or dont complicate things and just buy 2 more single game keys ? ( which is even 1€ cheaper, but, this is not about money more about is it possible to upgrade single to family account ? ) 2) I do have PC and laptop, can I install game on both and use same account to activate game on both ? ( would not run them at same time, when I travel for work I use laptop, when I am home laptop is turned off (PC has better GPU... )) thx
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