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Posts posted by Mr1k3

  1. On 10/14/2022 at 12:06 PM, Plumeria said:

    Copper pan issue ~

    I went through about 4-5 boney soil and only got 1 bone out of it all. Another person on a modded server I was playing with said it would crash them every time they got something out of the copper pan. I tested it on a singleplayer with only my client side mods and only 1 bone. >< 


    On 10/19/2022 at 2:07 PM, Joshua Crabtree said:

    We are running 1.17.8 and have crashes using copper pan on bony soil client side

    Released v 1.2.5 to fix the copper pan issue,

    I am still planning out the next update but so far It looks like I will mostly be doing a balance pass on traits for the blacksmith since armor repairing is now part of the base game.

    • Like 2
  2. Released a hotfix-

    Fix for broken electric sword recipe, this is just a small change so the mod works on 1.17.

    I wanted to put out this patch since I wanted this mod to be updated for the current version, but work is still underway on the next major update-( the 2.4.0 update), but progress is slow due to various issues I've ran into, as well as the potential 1.18 "lore" update could threaten some of the work I have already implemented, optimally I'd wait for that version to release, but I have no clue when that will be. Work will still continue but I will have to keep a close eye on the 1.18 additions and changes so my effort is not wasted. Anyways, thanks for all the support!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Zeeny said:

    That sounds awesome!! Thank you for all the work you put into the mod, seriously. Big fan here. 

    So sounds like a possible big update will come out for the gamma pack then 😍 do you have a rough ETA for that release or is it still too early to tell?

    I guess I worded that a bit poorly, for the gamma pack I just plan on refreshing the bow models, perhaps the arrow models, and add ground storage, as well as update the handbook guide. I have not been able to take over the ItemBow class unlike the melee weapon item class so I am unable to change much of anything on the bows other than damage and durability, arrows are in the same boat but at least I can modify their air drag, gravity, and size on top of their normal stats. So, until I can figure out how to take over the bow class the amount of bows and arrows will likely stay the same for now.

    No current ETA, as I am working on the massive temporal tinkerer update next, but I also work all over the place so there's a chance I might work on it before . The changes to AWP are similar to what is getting changed in that update, plus more. So, yeah it's basically a new mod at this point... only catch is that it is gonna be a while before that update comes out because I am still only in the modeling stage for it right now.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Zeeny said:

    Hey @Mr1k3! Thank you so much for the update 😁 Just curious about WeaponPack Gamma though? Should we be expecting an update for 1.17.2 (stable) or would the current version of the mod be suitable?

    I did send a small update to get the gamma pack to work on 1.17 out a couple days ago, just so it worked while I work on its next update, nothing changed that majorly in the releases up to 1.17.3 so it should be working fine. Currently I have plans to improve the bow models and also add in ground storage support in that next update similar to the changes in the alpha pack.

    • Amazing! 1
  5. I essentially remade the entire ALPHA mod for this update, the 9 new weapons is now 24 and all weapon models have been updated now that I have a bit more modeling experience under my belt. This update includes the new feature of swing speeds, so now different weapon types will have faster or slower swing speeds, and they also have custom swing delays so the sword combat feels far more responsive since the delay is set  to 0. Also this update addresses PVP and includes ways to deal with armored players, but that usually comes at a cost. Throwing weapons have been overhauled, in addition to two new types- the mambele and chakri, and stone age weaponry has been expanded on.


    Also beta weaponpack is obsolete as of 1.17 so I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with it.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    Do you make ALL stone blocks (like suevite) have all the block variant, such as brick (which suevite doesn't have in vanilla)?

    No, but that is a good idea for a future addition, there are already textures for suevite/obsidian bricks in the game textures so it would be easy enough to implement with a patch or two. Thanks for the feedback!

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/1/2022 at 6:07 AM, macoto_hino said:

    That's a damn good mod!
    It would have been even better if it had a chimney that would allow the smoke from the fire to pass through while also ensuring an indoor seal.😆

    Thanks! I do have some leftover ideas that didn't make the release and one was new smoke/particle emitting blocks, but those will need quite a bit of work to implement, and I already spent so much time on the current stuff, I wanted to get it out so I can gather some feedback for it while I focus my efforts on updating/content additions to my other mods.

    • Like 2
  8. Builders blocks is a building additions mod that adds over 790 new blocks to build with, many of which provide new building themes and overal greater flexibilty with your builds. It also provides some functional additions such as climbing scaffold, door options, new light sources, walls, and cairns which can be used as primitive landmarks.


    Heres my patreon if you'd like to support me: Patreon


    Current additions include:


    • Scaffold blocks in metal and wood variants, as well as hollow and soild versions of those. Non-climbing version.
    • Support braces in 4 versions and in all wood variants.
    • Pylons/Pylon pipes- octagonal supports or hollow pipe versions available in all wood and metal types.
    • Bark blocks- blocks with the bark texture on all sides.
    • Stripped wood- Like planks but without the lines in them.
    • Small/Large leaf blocks- Survival avaiable leaf blocks that can be crafted and picked up when broken.
    • Grave markers in 3 versions and all stone types.
    • Cairns- stone piles used either for decoration or navigational land markers, also has a glowing version for the tip so you can see them at night, available in all stone types, 4 different size variations.
    • Glowstone blocks- glowing blocks that can be chiseled, provides as much light as a normal lantern and can be grown in a barrel in a slightly involved process. Essentally made from suevite rock.
    • Oil lamp chandelier- brighter oil lamp that can be hung from the ceiling.
    • Cage lights in every metal type.
    • Framed metal blocks.
    • Solid metal blocks.
    • Mineral blocks- many many blocks with many textures, can be chiseled or used as condensed storage blocks, includes nugget blocks, bone blocks, lapis blocks ect.
    • Rust blocks- rust iron blocks in a brine barrel to have rusty textures.
    • Transparent solid blocks- with framed version, can be chiseled.
    • Terrariums! Available in 65 different versions including snow, water, desert, mushroom, and grass.


    • 4 New door types in all wood variants.
    • 2 new "trapdoor" like blocks.
    • Stone pile fences in every stone type.
    • Climbing rocks in every stone type
    • Metal fences in every metal type.
    • Metal ladders in every metal type.
    • 4 versions of climbable scaffold blocks, large stacks can be fell with an axe at the stack base.

    Made in version 1.17, should still work in 1.16 versions.


    Link: https://mods.vintagestory.at/buildersblocks

    • Like 2
  9. On 2/16/2022 at 2:55 PM, CoB said:

    Holding the copper pan (from the more classes mod) in your hand will crash the server. (multiplayer) @Mr1k3

    Could you provide me with a crashlog, or the server-main log?

    8 hours ago, Leenah said:

    Hello, it appears that it is not possible to use the redwood quarter log to make firewood using the Lumberjack special recipe - is that intended?
    The full version of the log works fine and the quarters can be used to make the boards using the special recipe with the saw.



    Small oversight in the recipe, the quarter logs annoyingly have a different Id structure. Will be fixed in the next update.

    • Like 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, HandsomelyJack said:

    For some reason the blacksmith Trait "Smith" is Not working, is there a workaround or is something not being done properly ?


    Plate armor takes 6 uses of the kit to repair, so the basic kit is too weak to repair it. The handbook entry lists the repair costs for armor, I guess I should also put it in the toolkit description to make that clearer.

  11. On 2/5/2022 at 1:39 PM, CoB said:

    Bug: When placing the Owl Treasure Chest it will turn into a normal chest that still has the Owl Treasure Chest label and does not animate

    I've just tested with and without this mod installed and I've never seen anything like that, this mod does not touch anything related to chests so its likely another mod doing that.

    13 hours ago, Nol said:

    is it possible to remix classes uses the characterclasses.json config?


    Yes, its entirely possible to do so. You can look in the traits json in the config to see what each stat does. Now adding classes or more traits will need you to do a little more work, especially in adding entries to the lang and defining your additions in there.

  12. 2 hours ago, Spear and Fang said:

    Yeah "This asset is usually only loaded Server side" is a false positive.  You can ignore them.

    The positional patch (9) can be problematic for sure, especially if some other mod is patching that same array.  I've never played around with dependencies in the modconfig file, but it's my understanding that that can be leveraged to control the mod load order...maybe.

    Just spit-balling.  Not convinced that that will help.

    The position 9 that the patch is targeting I think is a specific line in the json that handles drops, if it wasn't specified it might think it was patching one of the AI behavior lines.

  13. 1 hour ago, Chime said:

    Hi!  Some of the json patches don't seem to apply with BetterDrifters installed:

    Is there additional configuration we should do, or are these not intended to work together, or am I missing something that another mod did?

    That's odd, I always ran both at the same time and never had an issue.

    Json patches have always been a little finicky in regards to some magical load order thing I don't understand. I've noticed that most of my patches as of 1.16 give an error in the debug log about "This asset is usually only loaded Server side" but the patch still works fine. I think its getting an error because I use the one of two locations where you can patch from in a mod- the game domain, and your mod domain, I've always noticed I had fewer compatibility issues with patching through the mod domain but for some reason the modmaker3000 always makes patches under the game domain.

    I've had for example 3 patches targeting a different area of the armor.json, and using a game domain patch for all 3, I've noticed some of them randomly don't get loaded, so that probably the same thing happening here.

    Anyways I'll play around with the patch locations to see If I can figure something out.

  14. 2.3.5-

    Vanilla integration update:

    • added/integrated additional content around the hacked locusts that got implemented in the 1.16 update, also has a handbook guide. The hacking spear is still a technical trait exclusive, but now requires temporal tinkerer parts and no longer needs black bronze. Added tool tip to hacking spear to clarify its function. For non-technical classes they can still have access to these hacked locusts, but the process is more expensive and involves crafting a locust frame first.
    • hacked locusts have been overhauled over their vanilla implementation, now they have much more health, damage, no longer de-spawn, are faster, wont wander around all the time, teleport to you more frequently, and are in general far less prone to getting stuck on uneven terrain (though it still happens unfortunately), and when they die they will drop their frame which can be repaired with a few simple parts in the grid to allow you to re-summon them. The max number of locust followers is still one because they are much stronger now.
    • added bronze/iron parts for use in making/repairing locusts, also buffed all other parts to now give 4 items per ingot rather than just 3.
    • integrated the new soldering iron/solders into the crafting recipes for most major electronic devices (tools and lights) now you need to use them in their recipes.
    • buffed some trader sell/buy amounts
    • now temporal tools need a steel plate in their recipes
    • buffed damage of swords slightly
    • increased mining speeds of both mining tools
    • brought armor protection tiers more in-line with vanilla, meaning they were lowered by one. Since the swords are now higher tier than the force-field they properly do increased damage to it in pvp, allowed me to squeeze in some extra durability for the force-field curiass. Also increased protection of other combat armor pieces and lowered protection on the speed boots and stasis pack.
    • re-balanced light source brightness to be more in-line to vanilla, temporal torch being the cheapest, only has plain lantern brightness, electric torch has lined lantern brightness, and the electric lantern still has max brightness
    • nightmare and tainted drifters can now drop 2 essences sometimes
    • re-added some old sounds that used to play when holding the temporal torch
    • added support for the compacted machinery for my "CaveContent" mod, now with both installed the ore drops ancient parts, allowing you to source TT parts from it.
  15. 1.0.1-

    • flipped generation chances of the huge and gigantic locust caves, and slightly lowered them. Now the slightly smaller nests will be more common than the huge ones
    • upped sawblade locust spawn chance a tiny notch
    • compacted machinery now has final drop enabled on plates and the temporal gear so you will only get one of those 3, plus any additional common items that may have rolled their chance alongside it. Also added stone pebble drops and slightly lowered common drop chances and upped uncommon drop chances. Should feel a little more consistently good to get drops from the ore now and a little less 0-100.
    • temporal tinkerer now adds ancient part piles to the drops of compacted machinery, meaning you can now get temporal tinkerer stuff from the ore, this patch is handled all on TT's side and CC does not need to be updated for these specific additions, only temporal tinkerer does.
  16. 2.0.6

    • still unable to track down the root issue of the firelog handbook crash, in the meantime-
    • firelog has been excluded from the handbook because of the crash sometimes experienced when looking it up
    • added description to the firelog letting players know how to craft it, as a workaround
  17. 9 hours ago, Smeeslug said:

    trying to click on firelogs in the handbook crashes the game, "can't create itemstack without item"

    hmm, cant seem to recreate the issue. I do know there is a few mods that try to add alternate items to fat in the grid, my guess is maybe when someone added one of these alternate recipes, the game is trying to show you the recipe for the "block" or "pile" of firelogs and not the item (though that should be defined by setting "item" in the crafting json, unless it was done incorrectly). Since its the piles are the only new content this update it seems like it has to do with them. Perhaps if you could send me your client/server main, and maybe even the client/server debug .txt from your games log folder I can try to narrow it down more.

  18. 2.0.4-

    Pile stacking and balance update

    • Now you can stack firelogs, and both refined peat bricks in piles
    • Improved burn times of all peats by 5 seconds, increased burn temp of dried peat to 900
    • Increased refined peat burn time from 96 seconds to 128 seconds
    • improved bituminous peat burn time from 40 seconds to 60
  19. 1.2.4-

    Clarity, documentation, QOL, and slight balance update-

    As stated before, auto-downloads should be fixed now.

    • REMOVED SHIELD CHANGES, these will be going into a separate mod
    • Added new swing sounds for weapons, no more grunting sounds, which really took me out of the "instrument voices" option I like using. Replaced with two variants of a "swoosh" sound, and just feels better
    • Added additional text, when selecting part on the anvil, that will clarify if the tool head will need 2 ingots to finish the recipe
    • Added handbook guide, should clarify weapon progression, and list what weapons you have access to at any stage in the game
    • Made some minor tweaks to some damage values, mainly made throwing spears deal katar damage when thrown since they have a far lower effective durability than any other weapon
    • Throwing spears have had their stack size doubled from 128 to 256
    • Reduced the Macuahuitl's durability a little, obsidian has 20 less, flint has 25 less
    • Changed name of heavy spears to "partisan", sure the model is not 100% accurate, but for now it provides more distinction between vanilla and weaponpack weapons
    • Removed the flax wrapping on the gladius handle; sure it looks a little more plain, but now looks much closer to the vanilla style that I want my mods to adhere to
    • Like 1
  20. 4 hours ago, Tangwulf said:

    Hey. Thanks for the reply.
    I got the new update (today) and tried to craft the bricks as it is told on the recipe for Mason trait, but it only consumes 2 of the fireclay and gives me 1 brick.

    Dang, thought I fixed those recipe oddities. I went and fixed it in 1.2.4 by setting the original recipe to shaped since shapeless recipes take priority over shaped for some odd reason.


    Hotfix for blacksmith recipes

    • Hopefully fixed all class related recipe issues, the blacksmith should be able to make double the refractory bricks using their custom shaped recipe, I did the same in the last update for the lumberjack, but I could only fix the issue by setting the vanilla recipes from shapeless to shaped, so be sure to put stuff in the right order in the grid for refractory, firewood, boards, and sticks.
    • Also I forgot to mention last update that the carpenter can now make the off version of the paper lantern with a shapeless grid recipe, and turn it back on with the same recipe
    • Added Russian translations courtesy of Orlin! Should be up to date as of this patch.
  21. 1.2.3-

    Clarification, and minor tweaks update

    • Added handbook entry for the mod, includes information on how to change class, general tips for some classes (clarifying some unclear things), and information on how drop-rates are affected by stats. Hopefully helps people better understand some things with this mod
    • Tweaked all alternate "exclusive" recipes to be shown in their own grid in the handbook, also added this to the armor repairing so no more flashing back and fourth armor recipes. This change to other recipes should give the player better understanding of what recipes they have access to, instead of being hidden behind an alternating recipe list
    • Tweaked a load of trait-breakdowns clarified ore drop chances based off the 1.25 drop rate most ores have, and for example now a reduced ore rate by -0.2 tells you that you don't have any chance at double ores, rather than an unclear "-20% drop rate" and a reduced rate of -0.1 is shown as "-12.5" meaning you have half the chance at double ores, also clarified what "forage drop rate" applies to (to the best of my understanding)
    • Following my increased knowledge on drop calculations, most foraging "wild-crop and foraging" perks have been intensified or slightly decreased, now you should see more of a gameplay impact on these drop chances since they were way too low to notice.
    • Should be fixes for the lumberjack recipes, should be able to create all boards from all logs, also can now make firewood from 2 different wood type inputs, buffed stick recipe by multiplying the recipe by 2 which halves the axe durability usage
    • Some very very minor perk value adjustments here and there
    • fixed quiver not being shown in handbook or its recipe, the hunter still has access to it and now that is stated in the handbook even though I cant easily fix the perk not showing it
    • adds french translations courtesy of Ailin78 (they might be slightly outdated sorry Ailin78)
    • Amazing! 1
  22. 2.3.4-

    Documentation and crafting balance update:

    • added new handbook guide for the mod, offers a load of new information clarifying what the mod does and what it offers, let me know if there are any typos!
    • added some perks related to the clockmaker (or classes with the "technical" perk). The clockmaker class can now create those rare temporal part bases that you could only find in ruins before, they also have exclusive recipes that let them craft basic temporal components without a schematic, and this recipe also outputs a few more components
    • re-balanced pretty much all part recipes, overall I made batteries cheaper, with better returns on components from the anvil, and made temporal powercells use 2x the essence, these particular changes are meant to slightly balance out the recharge cost of either equipment. Also made bulbs, copper coil, zinc rods, and battery hulls a little cheaper or doubled outputs. Changed stasis pack to only use 8 plating instead of 10, re-balanced old torch recipes, now output a little less for a little higher cost, to keep them on par with other light sources and the electric lantern
    • added/improved a bunch of tooltips, added some more colors, and improved the clarity for some
    • Now parts, when making them on the anvil will state if the component will take two ingots to complete the recipe
    • separated some recipes in the handbook, almost all recipes that have multiple versions should be split into two separate grids, now you no longer have to wait for the recipe to cycle to show you what ingredients you needed, huge QOL improvement here for stuff with recharge recipes.
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