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Everything posted by Lemniscate_Mike

  1. Thanks for the reply! I must've changed something else, because I started with a fresh install and just replaced the skin file and it worked fine. I have decided to wait until 1.14 for more skin stuff though; might not even need a mod for skins after!
  2. So I've started making my own skin, as in the first picture(ignore the sword, I fixed that already). But I ran into an issue with any armor or clothing showing up like the second picture(Fresh install); I even deleted everything related to VS and it shows up like this... I tried messing with some .json files involving armor, wearables, seraph, etc. and using the model maker to see if I messed up a texture path or something, but no dice. That's why I decided to uninstall and reinstall just incase I did any real damage, nothing changed in-game though. I did see that trying to load helmets in the model creator will cause it to say it's missing it's background model, and I can manually select seraph and then it[model creator] works normally, I think... dunno if ti's normal or not. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance!
  3. Will this still work in the current and unstable version? I keep trying to delete the spikes with the model program but it messes up the texture for the handle for some reason... Thanks in advance!
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