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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Kaz


    Maybe I'm just not in a great spot... I've only seen Basalt all around my area. I've made a few camps for traveling outward and it seems like I need to keep venturing further.
  2. Thanks for the response. Although I understand your point though from a realism aspect, I dont agree completely. I'd considered this for the smaller, lighter animals but for the larger ones that would sink in the snow it doesnt make sense. i.e. if I cant jump over the fence while standing on the snow, neither should they. But ok... can you make a double height fence without stacking two? Or double height gate? Having to open 2 gates is really very annoying! Maybe a variant of a door? My other, more realistic approach is to put a roof of wood slabs to keep the snow from falling inside the pan. So far it seems to work fine.
  3. Rabbits and chickens also escape, but not the chicks.
  4. Kaz


    Thank-you for those suggestions, processing hides is my main focus right now. I'm close to a large field of Basalt (sand/gravel/rock) so I'll check out that area. I haven't seen any borax yet, but I'll keep an eye out and take more samples to see if I can find some.
  5. Kaz


    I'm 60 hours into the game. I've enjoyed exploring and building up my little settlement however I've not been able to find any limestone other than the small cache I found in ruins and from a the couple shells I found. Is there any trick to locating limestone?
  6. I never had any issues until it snowed and then they all seemed to escape the fence, even the rabbit that had found it's way inside. I may try the 2 high blocks but room is an issue. relocating the sheep to a larger area will be quite an undertaking too.
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