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Fredrik Blomquist

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Posts posted by Fredrik Blomquist

  1. If you salt it. If you cook it in a meal and seal the crock it should be close to a year. I could ting about adding the possibility to smoke or dry meat, but that might come.



    Among many interesting things would be a ice house, where you bring ice blocks and pack them with sawdust, getting a cold storage room all through summer. But, i feel that a thing that would be pretty complex and not the most important thing to the game. Perhaps something for modders.

  2. I made a similar suggestion before, but was a little less specific, and also talked about other things. Regarding this addition should be pretty easy to implement and still bring a lot to the game, i thought i bring it up again.



    1. Fly agaric mushroom - change the mushroom so that it deals 10 hp damage, cooked or not. How you do with stews with fly agaic i'm not sure. But personally i think it would be nice if you really cant tell before eating if its poisonous or not.

    2. Ad Destroying angel - should work the same as Fly agaric mushroom, only look like a field mushroom. The mushrooms display there name anyway, but it would make mixups a little more likely.

    3. Ad gyromitra - could work the same as Fly agaric mushroom today. That would have to come with some new graphics, but it should be some generic gyromitra so it doesn't have to be fancy.

    4. Some other mushrooms - if you ad a chanterelle it doesn't have to be fancy, you can use field mushroom graphic and paint it yellow.


    It would be nice with some specific jungle mushrooms, and have some interesting variants, but i guess that would take some more work.

  3. I for one thinks firearms would be fine in the game. It doen't have to be overpowered, specially if it don't work in rain or in water (perhaps needs cleaning after being in water). But i still think there are other things that are more important. And capslocks, no, perhaps flintlocks, preferebly matchlocks. Or a small cast bronze cannon. If there are regular firearms, the barrels should be made on the anvil with steel, then a separate drill for drilling barrels be added. There are no cast iron in the game at this point, and low technology cast iron is going to be to fragile for gun barrels anyway.

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  4. Are you totally new to this game? When you say "a few days later the gear starts spinning" it doesn't sound like you built in an unstable area, usually the gear moves pretty slow and accumulates over time, unless the area are very unstable. To me it sounds like a temporal storm. You do know what a temporal storm is?

  5. I wanted to give it a try when i noticed it in the game even if i found it a little annoying. It haven't grown on me. Sure, even a gale can be pretty hard to walk straight in but the thing is the wind effects you even down in holes or in a trench. I guess winds are hard to program any other way. The only way i can think about, without making it too complicated is to make strong winds appear as a squall in windy regions and than move in the wind direction, like an invisible cloud - but moving much faster. If they hit something - a tree, a wall or the ground they die. (sure irl they can change direction and move around objects but it weakens it's strenght and this is going to be way to complex to calculate and take a lot of power from the performance) They could die by themself after let's say 5000 blocks, don't know what would work. That would open up for a future mechanic where the winds can effect the blocks they hit. tearing down trees - lifting roof tiles and so on. Don't know if this can be done though.

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  6. Was going to say i never seen lack of flint, but my new 1.15 i only found 2 the first day, which meant some problems, i couldn't make an axe, so i could't get any fire going the first day (bad managing, i could have spent more time getting peat and sticks and i would have been fine, i'm playing collapsing dirt so i had to find ruins to get stone for my first building and spent to much time with that. But once passed first day it worked out, even if it took some problems getting a pot with nearly no trees next to where i settled. Personally i only rarely waste my axe or knife on bushes - usually the bushes gives more than enough sticks anyway unless im using them for something special. I think we all play very differently. I often plant in low fertility soil first round. Might be stupid, but i figure a can always get better soil later and i might as well get something growing right away. I do a walled in garden (guess that is because i started playing when you needed the saw for a fence), and that means i usually start small and enlarge it over time, when i get better soil i use it for the expansion and the grown plants i need to replant. Getting the plantation going usually makes the rabbits appear even if they where not there before.

  7. I forgot one other thing - wolves. Now, i know that the IA is hard to work out, and the game should't be easy, but i have how wolfes charges suicidally at you. It doesn't work with wolves behaviour at all, or any animal for that matter. I would prefer if there danger was more lurking. What if they would be more likely to attack you if you where wounded or unarmed? More likely to attack in packs? Right now the best way to kill them is to lure them into water. What it they didn't follow seraphs into water to attack them at all? They could still follow rabbits but know that seraphs put up a fight and that following them there would be a bad idea. 

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  8. Might as well drop a few of the suggestions i been thinking about while playing the game. They might not be super important, but some would be really easy to implement, while others would be more complicated. I will start:


    1. It would be nice if brown coal and turf would be more realistic and would need to be dried out before use. If would not make to much grinding difference, since you would be able to stack them up and just wait. Probably you would need to keep them under roof if its raining or snowing outside. Not sure if similar should be added to regular wood. It would make the game harder. You can burn fresh wood if you got temperature high enough, but it will loose a lot of its effect.


    2. rocks and panning. I know others have suggested more variety while panning, but i might as well bring it up. I think it would be nice if panning would reflect what minerals can be found in neighbouring rocks. That way panning would work a simple form of prospecting. I also think you should be able to find some stones from neighbouring regions and not only the one your in. That could work as an indicator of neighbouring regions. After all, you rarely only find one sort of stone in an area. I live on an island made entirely of limestone (well 80 %, most southern part is sandstone), but on all of the island you find glacial deposits of other kind of stone. It might be hard to duplicate a real life distribution of stones, but some intermix would be nice.


    3. Partially as the same, it would be nice if you could find some surface stone that is not the same as the top layer from neighbouring regions. Also, i do think flint is way to common, there should be regions without flint. I can see it making sense in making early game easy, but after all, there are other stones that can be knapped. On that issue i feel that the stones to be able to be knapped should be changed. Granite, andersite and peridote are not good materials. Quarts is a much better napping material. And slate is quite useful for stone tools despite being pretty soft. It's not only the hardness of the stone that does it, its how the structure of the stone is oriented and how sharp you can make the tools.


    4. I think the firestarter should not work lighting brown coal and black coal. You should need to start with sticks or wood and then put the coal inside once the temperature is high enough. Other than that its down to how fast you are able to ignite the material. Would be nice with some difference there.


    5. When i started playing this game i didn't know that throwing you spear cause double damage. I'm really bad at aiming with the spear, so i never bothered to learn and figured, irl holding your spear would be the best defence strategy defending from a wolf. You would not throw your spear away. Later i learned about the half damage, but i still feel reluctant to use my spear that way. Been thinking about making a new spear - calling the old one javelin. It would be doing as much damage stabbing (perhaps a little more, not sure what balance is best), but can´t be thrown. On a neighbouring thought that perhaps should be a to hand weapon. It would be interesting if you would have to choose between light or spear. That might start become complicated, and i know a lot of people suggested shields which i would like so i guess that might be something for a future mayor weapons update. After all, i would also really like to see a crossbow in the game in the future.

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  9. 16 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    You claim to differ, yet you confirmed what I said precisely :)

    Let me explain in more detail: I said "real life is often a fairly poor model for good gameplay". When I said that, I did not mean "the only good games are those that go full on fantasy". I meant that if you strive to replicate real life in full exactness, you will be bogged down in an endless morass of finnicky details, because real life is absurdly compex. And your players will eventually call it quits as well, because there's only so many hoops they're willing to jump through for something that other games present in a more streamlined way.

    You don't want "realistic". You want "believable". The kind of simplification and abstraction that results in an experience where the player feels immersed because it is "close enough" to the real thing, even if it is not the real thing. The very thing you meant when you said "a 'sort of' realistic struggle for survival".

    Tanning hides in Vintage Story is believable. It requires a setup. It has multiple production stages. It has individual steps that real tanners also performed. It includes the most important chemical, and an authentic low-tech way to procure it.

    But tanning in Vintage Story is not realistic. As in: it doesn't replicate the process in full, nor does it replicate the time it takes, nor the entire infrastructure and toolset, nor the long-term health problems and social ostracism that tanners often faced, nor even the sheer physical discomfort of living beside an active tannery because good grief they stank to the very heavens. And trust me: even if you were presented with the option to have the full, 100% real life equivalent simulated in your game, you too would choose the gamified, simplified variant. Because the other one would be a royal pain in the behind. Hence: real life often makes for poor gameplay.

    Often. Not always. Dedicated, narrow-focused simulators have their place. Of course, you could argue that even they gamify and simplify a thousand little details - even in the most realistic air combat simulator, the ones with the full-button cockpits and fifteen minute preflight checklists, you don't need to make sure your pilot goes to the bathroom before liftoff. Still, some genres are better suited to a deep dive into the precise mechanical replication of something than others. Typically, the narrower the task, the better. It's no accident that 'operating complex machinery from a fixed seat' is wide and far the most common simulator-style game.

    However, Vintage Story is not a game that's narrowly focused on one specific mechanic. In fact, you could call it the exact opposite. As such, going for full-on realism in any single individual area is a bad idea. You want "believable" instead, and a solid foundation of gamification to guide the player throug VS' complex world and create a solid core gameplay loop with sense of progression. This is why we have metal tiers, for example, and certain ores requiring certain metals to mine. It's not realistic; heck, it's not even believable. But it creates both short-term and long-term goals, ensures newcomers can focus on a reduced featureset at first, and lets the player 'level up' upon reaching a breakpoint. Removing these systems in favor of more realism would actually make the game worse, not improve it.

    I hope that clears up the misunderstanding. We do mean the same thing - we were just using different words to say it. :)

    Sorry, might have misunderstood your point, you might have guessed i'm not a native english speaker 🙂

    I feel that a lot of effort been put in to making tanning and metal smelting believable (even if not realistic), and it would feel sad if the feeling that gives the game was taken away. I might have small things i would like to change that would make the game even more believable but still not make the game more grindy or boring. But, know the developers ar quite busy and i think the game mainly needs more interesting content (and maybe some tweekning), so i think i'll wait with those suggestions.

  10. 4 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    I'd like to add some food for thought here -

    Story-wise, the game is already placed in a specific age of civilization. You can find pieces of lore during gameplay, and reading them reveals that a renaissance-era world [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS], which through various events leads to [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS] and the eventual appearance of the Seraph (also known as the player character).

    The Seraph retains the knowledge of the renaissance-era world. He/she/it must start from scratch, obviously, and thus must use stone tools in the beginning. But they are not a caveman - not a stone-age person limited to stone-age tech until chance inventions pave the way for a more civilized approach. No, they already know how to make steel when they spawn into the world. They just have to build up the required infrastructure to where it's feasible to attempt the feat. And in this regard, the game design does a bit of creative straddling of two approaches, namely real life techniques on one hand, and a tiered progression game system on the other hand. Because ultimately, a game is meant to have gameplay, and real life is often a fairly poor model for good gameplay.

    Now, if someone wants to play Vintage Story as a stone-age simulator, that's perfectly fair. There's even mods available right now which are specifically built to enable that. But I don't think there's any chance that the base game will ever implement a civilization-ages system. It would not fit its backstory.

    I beg to differ. I claim most games if not all to a larger or smaller degree is based on reality. I would say the most successful is the one that makes the mechanics and gameplay feel realistic. Sure, you don't want the game to be too realistic in most cases, making it take a week to shop down the trees for a house and two weeks to bring the logs home to your base is not going appeal to very many players. But i think that most players choose vintage story over minecraft because they feel that they can relate to a "sort of" realistic struggle to survive that don't exist in minecraft. Moving away from that is not going to cut it for me. If i magically change my hunger rate by holding a bar of copper, that is not going to cut it for me. If it was magic by adding scrolls, potions or anything lite that, fine i can see it adding content to keep the grind less imposing (translocaters are sort of that, unless you call them some sort of alien technology) and i don't have to use it if i don't like it, but this - no.

    About Seraphs, we don't why they know the technology of making steel. Does everyone have that knowledge? Does they learn some bits from traders or other players? Isn't that there for gameplay, to make all crafting options open to every player. Sure, there is a collapsed civilization, that "your" seraph might have been part of, but what of it's knowledge been transferred to your seraph? With current lore i feel it's up to every player for themself too decide who much knowledge he/she has.

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  11. Not fond of this. Today you happen to spawn without tin nearby you can prefer to stay in copper age, but if the benefits of reaching bronze age are to great you are forced to keep on advancing. Today the game is pretty open, you can choose your own focus, i prefer it that way.

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  12. I don't want to change or decrease the grind. I hoping more variety in the game will make it feel less grindy. If you can't find limestone, perhaps crafting other stuff, exploring new biomes and so on will fill your game until you stumble upon those limestone deposits. And i can wait until then, think the game is good enough anyway.

    But sure, if its optional i don't mind how other players want to play the game.



  13. 17 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    Patience.  The dev team consists of 2 people (to my understanding).  The next update will introduce 6 new tree types, two of which are rare and require extensive exploring and 5 new crops.  It's a lot of work for just 2 people.

    I fully understand that there is a lot of work - i just wanted to share my views on what i miss most in the game. It's because i really like it i care. I don't have the skills to help out with coding myself.

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  14. I think the game still needs more fleshing out. The game has a lot of grind, but i like the fact that you don't get your stuff for free, you really need to work for them. But while exploring and gathering resources i would like to see that there where more things to explore. More animals (deer, bear, moose, perhaps some african for other biomes), more herbs, more different mushrooms, more different trees and bushes, and also more things to craft. I know a more advanced textile crafting is coming, and fishing with boats, but it would be nice if there where more.

    As it is now, i feel the game tends to loose a bit once you made and seen most of the things there is to explore.


  15. I'm not sure everyone spawns at the same spot, but i started your seed and before 13.00 first day i found 6 copper deposits, one with the ore vain visual from a cave. Personally i think copper deposits are too common, think they could be a little larger but a little more scarce. There where a lot of underbrush in some regions close to where i spawn. Remove the bushes if you want to look, or search in an open area.

    I guess you know that under every deposit of copper there is copper ore beneath, once you get access to a copper pickaxe? 

    If you are new to the game and don't know how to defeat drifters, stay in your house during night and don't bother with caves, at least deeper ones, that way drifters are no problem. You can enter them later when you are ready.

    If you still want to kill them, do it like Silent Shadow says, build a two block high, pillar, or use a wall, a pit or the roof of your house to attack them. A pit to catch them is nice, that way they cant run away. Or kill them in water, they are really bad at swimming. But don't jump into water during night with a torch though....

    I never bother with armour until can get gambeson. Think its the best compared to how easy it is to make. 




  16. I wouldn't mind a game goal, like they added to minecraft. I still don't think that is the main feature in minecraft or vintage story. I think a more immersive survival expirience with more to explore for a longer time is more important to the game.

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  17. I agree pretty much. My feeling was that after this i hit the tin-wall. I couldn´t find any tin anywhere. Now, i didn't bother to much to start with, i felt i could keep on exploring, i would find tin somewhere eventually. But it was there somewhere i found that i had done most i could do at this point, and discovered most things i could.

    And, like i said before, metal smelting, knapping (even if i think more material options might be nice) and pottery felt pretty nice developed while other parts like textiles and glass making felt extremely simple.

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