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Everything posted by IEATDIRT

  1. I found it, it's a world generation option, i think i need to use a command though to change it to effect my 1.18 world
  2. The new map is more immersive, yeah, but it's a lot less useful. Is there a way to get the old map from 1.18 back? I've checked the few obvious places and i don't see anything
  3. Iron and Steel should have spears too, I'm not sure why they don't exist in already, spears are still very useful into the iron age and beyond. Maybe they could be called javelins if spear is too primitive of a name.
  4. I die almost every single time a temporal storm happens, and the times I don't, I'm locked in my cellar whimpering in the corner, any tips?
  5. Are you using an ad blocker of some sort? it may think that the captcha is an ad or just block captchas, just a wild guess though.
  6. Thank you! I found tin! here's the catch: it wasn't enough tin to make a bronze anvil :hollow:
  7. I've prospecting for a while, (broken 2 prospector picks and very nearly a third) and the highest tin reading i can find is "very poor" I'm searching in granite, which supposedly can have "bountiful" tin, Am i doing something wrong? or am i just highly unlucky? or is this normal amounts of tin? seems to me like i should just rush a bloomery and bronze anvil and skip bronze entirely, i've found an area with "decent" hematite after all.
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