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TheWalrusKing's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. I tried the game and threw many hours into it, I have a nice starting home built and several large fields growing crops, but honestly, I'm going to uninstall it and move on. I'm playing on vanilla, with no mods to learn the game and I find things needlessly complex with a lack of fun in the early game. It seems like a lot of the mods are 'quality of life', meaning they fix something un-fun or frustrating in the game. That seems to be a problem with the developer of the game if their vision is what is making everything so frustrating. Smithing broke me. I just wanted a fething sawblade. I was so looking forward to having a saw and being able to build so many things. Trying to figure out how to move the voxels around to make the sawblade caused me endless frustration, and I've done blacksmithing in real life. Reading about the fun of prospecting, I just can't see myself putting in the huge amount of hours to progress in this game. It's obvious some people enjoy it, just not for me.
  2. Mirrors my early game so far. Not really having a lot of fun. I'm just trying to find berries and cattails and can't seem to avoid the wolves, which seem to be all over. I end up sitting in a little cave with a fire at night, starving to death, and reading a book until morning. I've restarted the game three times after multiple deaths each time. I really hate the night, is there some way to minimize the screen so I can at least get work done while not playing the game?
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