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Posts posted by Sooner535

  1. Another question, that I am just going to put here.

    Does potash work on Terra Preta? I am testing it now but am curious if anyone knows. I assume it should boost MAX K to 115%? Since it seems base Terra Preta's placed down are 80% but can be fert to 100%? Does it increase by 15% per potash? So Can I have a crazy fertile block? Also does it matter at all? Seems growth speed is maxed at 120%?


    Thanks for any answers.

  2. First off, curious: is there any plans to add MOAR tuning cylinders? they are fun to collect lol


    Next question, how would one go about adding new ones? I see the tuning cylinder folder in music but this does not appear to be all of them. And I probably need to link them somewhere to a item. Wonder how in depth creating new tuning cylinders is (just as a note, the base game ones are amazing in every way. Just having more variety is always nice imho)


    Any advice?

  3. I think that would be fixed by an economy update though. Make things more expensive, tie it into a rep or progression system to reduce them and then there ya go. Things are for sure pretty cheap right now, could do with a 20-40% increase. Then get back to these levels or below if you tie in that system. Heck even having reduced inventory for the traders then as you use that rep they get higher or maybe the more money you give them or something they can store more stuff? And use the system to request goods and pay out the nose would be more helpful?

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  4. I mean, why should they not have it? Presumably they have been in this world longer/a lot longer than you.

    What should maybe be a thing is raising the prices, I got a black bronze pick for 15 gears, thats not much in the grand scheme of things for sure.

  5. For sure could get out of hand. I think with a progression system it will all need refining with the economy anyways, especially if they plan to go very deep or wide with it.

    As for requesting items, I feel like it should be enough costs to know its not the most efficient way, but if you are just having bad luck with prospecting or clay or whatever else? Could be a good way to get resources you need and cant find.

    Could even open up some other types of play, for instance I thought about me and my friends next world being a huge ocean with islands, so resources might be more scarce, having traders be able to grab specific items for you from far away could be interesting in that setup.


    The idea of having randomness to it is a good idea s well I feel. Heck that could even tie into a skill or relation based system. Could also be interesting to if you ask them for a rare enough item they be gone from their spot a day or two, or even die? Who knows, there are a lot of nifty things you could tie into the system I feel.

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  6. I am not sure if this has been requested before so if it has: sorry


    One thing that would be kind of nice is to pay a gear or two, or more depending on the item. To request specific items for a trader to get next restock.

    So for instance there is a list of items in a new tab called "requests" that has every item that trader can sell, then you have 1-8 slots (depending) that you can "request" in the next restock. So you can request these items and they will be there. Would be even more awesome if you could request like 2 tin ores worth and then they will have that. I think it costing something for them to specifically stock is a cool way to balance it.

    On the topic of more slots, would be an interesting thing to add later to the progression system. Not sure how that progression system will be, but if you have a trading skill/charisma stat you could get more slots/cheaper requests. Heck you could even have a system to do favors and buy/sell from traders earns favor and the more favor with your favorite trader means more/cheaper slots? Just an idea.

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  7. Just as an add, +1 for the idea of invasions and breaking blocks. Would be the one thing I want this game to have, and sandwiches.... Why no sandwich?


    Anyways, yes. But do agree: this needs to be an option. A simple toggle for entities being able to destroy blocks would fix the issue. And to top it all off they can even add a entity block breaking strength next to the entity strength setting. That way people can have it but have it to where enemies take forever to break blocks, people can disable the feature altogether, people can have super human enemies that break stuff, etc. Everyone is happy :). Always give the player more options, turns out better.

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