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  1. I play with no mods and I did a clean reinstall as you said and it works wonderfully :) thank you very much for your help :)
  2. hello I have a bug with titanium ores the block is white with a question mark do you have a solution to this problem? because I found a huge titanium vein and I don't want to lose it
  3. it's good thank you very much
  4. hello everyone i need help my crops are terribly lacking in k nutrients and i can't find the sylvine ore to make potash can you tell me where i could find it or how deep underground please thank you to you and I love this game it is really my really enjoyable to play we do not do without hiihihi not let go of your good work everyone
  5. hello I would like to know how to activate the option allow underground farming on a part already started because I forgot to check it thank you
  6. yeah that would be great especially for firearms in my opinion
  7. are you going to add guns? I think it would be nice since hunting in the game is super fun to do
  8. hello everyone I need help for the construction of the mechanized forge when I install my rocking hammer everything stops as if I did not have enough power for it to work continuously I have been trying for 3 days several method nothing works
  9. I put everything in the blast furnace my ca it turns into iron flower and for the iron flower it tells me that I have to work it my I don't know how I need help for that thank you
  10. yes I would like to know if there is a list for the depth of each mineral there is not much on the internet on this subject and at the same time i would like to know how to make iron ingot I put the iron nuggets in the blast furnace and it turns into an iron flower, it tells me that I have to work it my I don't know how
  11. would you be able to tell me where is in deep thermal baths like zinc, gold etc. is there a list of ores with their depth? this would usually help me I have my own mine in my world instead of looking for caves
  12. ah ok thanks for your info :) and I just saw the basic commands for the world and I can deactivate it :)
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