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Mikel Monleón

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Everything posted by Mikel Monleón

  1. Finally got salt after 100+ hours of gameplay. I grinded it up, filled a barrel with 50 liters of water and put 50 pieces of grounded salt into the barrel. Nothing. Am I missing a step? I tried restarting the game and server, problem is still there...
  2. ...I didn't ignore what you said. I wasn't mentioning the whole "Vintage story has creative freedom" just as an off topic side tangent. I quite clearly said I disagreed, and gave you that as my counter argument. From what I've read, you seem to think that my ideas wouldn't work at all, because it wouldn't follow your version of what's believable or practical. From what I interpreted having generated villages like in Minecraft wouldn't work for you. I think they would work perfectly. But maybe I am misinterpreting what you are saying. We both clearly have different ideas of how villages would look like in this game. Frankly, I like your ideas, I think it would be awesome to have them in the game. Honestly, I just want any form of village, even if it's basic.
  3. I feel like you are misinterpreting my point. Literally most castles in Spain were incredibly isolated. I agree that they were strategically placed to fend off potential invaders, but that doesn't mean they aren't in the middle of nowhere. I feel like you are just arguing nuances at this point. That's kind of rude. I read what you said, I am just disagreeing, and my response was this: "Vintage Story is a creative medium, it can take liberties to emphasize realism without actually being accurate." I don't think players will care if a village didn't spawn next to a riverbed or crossroads. I feel like you are placing arbitrary boundaries and restrictions to a hypothetical that doesn't exist, and could very much be worked on to create anything we can imagine and adjusted to be practically implemented. If a 1000 block medieval city is too big, then why not just make them smaller? What size would work then? Do you really think there isn't any scenario in which generated medieval villages can work with Vintage Story?
  4. Well, that's not necessarily true. Depending on where you are geographically, we can see different stages of humanity in real life. Even now there are a lot of indigenous tribes that still exist. If you are aiming towards realism, I think it would make more sense to showcase the different stages. You could have flint based tribes, or bronze/pottery age villages, medieval steel based cities, separated by a large distance, and it would be more of a general average of what it used to be in the world during the medieval ages... to some degree. I also don't see why village generation would work for Minecraft, but not for Vintage Story. They already have randomly generated structures with the traders. It is definitely within their capability to make larger ones, and I don't see why it couldn't just be in the middle of nowhere like the traders. But look at medieval Spain. A lot of their castles are, pretty much, in the middle of nowhere, so I don't think it's that unbelievable. Either way, Vintage Story is a creative medium, it can take liberties to emphasize realism without actually being accurate.
  5. That never occurred to me. That's an interesting perspective. I would like to see the developers elaborate more on that concept. Wow, I didn't think of having actual developing villages, that sounds very advance. Would love to see that though. I was thinking something closer to a skyrim version of the minecraft villages. They generate randomly somewhere around the world in certain stages of human civilization. It could be more basic, where they just have mindless scheduled tasks, and then "other villagers" just spawn naturally in the wild, maybe as hunters, mercenaries, pillagers, etc. But maybe keep the spawn rates rare and only close to villages so that the world still feels alone and empty.
  6. Why can't they unload? I don't understand how it would break immersion, if they're outside the loading distance you wouldn't be able to see them anyway. How can I notice the world before I enter it? I assumed temporal storms had been around for centuries, I thought they were responsible for the collapse of the previous civilization.
  7. Why can't they unload? I don't understand how it would break immersion, you wouldn't be able to see them anyway.
  8. I would like to see t-cross sections with the axels and rotors. Based on how they designed them, it looks like it should be able to work. It would be nice to split power in a way that doesn't require such a large part.
  9. I am building a refractory and need the entrance to be a certain way. When Shift right clicking on the coffin it gives me a fixed blueprint that can't be rotated. I tried placing the coffin in different directions but it'll always give me a fixed position aiming south. If I decide to mirror the refractory, will it still work, or does it have to follow the blueprint?
  10. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. The whole game is based on grinding mechanics, if you were looking for less grind this is probably not the game for it. The way I see it, it's just a reward for long term players, it's not a requirement to advance in anything, and if you played enough of the game, you would get the same results anyway, without any grind. Skill development is fun, it makes the game last longer by adding one more thing to look forward to do.
  11. I was thinking more realistic version of Elder Scrolls. It could be regulated with a minimum requirement per day and then given a boosted exp gain with proper nutrition. I imagine just playing the game overall would give you increased stats overtime, as long as you stay well nourished and active. Or not, or just allow people to bunny hop all over the server. I do that anyways, lol, doesn't bother me.
  12. I never imagined them like that. I would assume they would behave dynamically. Like maybe kingdoms could be gated, and if you pay a toll you would be protected by guards. In the wild it would be more lawless. I did elaborate on it further down the thread: I'm just spitting out ideas, they could be all adjusted and refined for a smoother gameplay experience. I don't like the idea of just having a black and white "bad guy." I'd like to see more incentive. Like it would be interesting if you could be attacked by muggers in a village, but if it catches the line of sight of a guard then they would protect you. I feel like dynamic villages could add another layer to the game that would fit well with what has already been developed. Think lockpicking, stealth mechanics, trading animals for coin, working as a blacksmith, more realistic swordsman mechanics.
  13. Hopefully the developers see this and implement it into the game. Honestly wouldn't be hard to do. I like the idea of a physical fitness mechanic. Maybe more game hours on a certain activity would boost your stats in that field. For example, a lot of hours running would increase running speed, and the same with mining and fighting. It would be cool if certain abilities unlocked after hours of gameplay doing it. Like better terrain travel/parkour the more time you spend running and jumping, or more accurate prospecting the more you mine. I think it would be something to look forward to for committed players. Imagine joining for the first time and seeing other players have an advantage over you. It would inspire you to spend more hours to increase your stats, and add more long-term value to the game.
  14. They could keep villages rare. I feel like in would be an exciting reward to discover one if you've spent hours searching.
  15. Really like this idea. I would even love to see more immersive mechanics like this with health and hunger. Why have any meters if you can inform a player in a believable way? This is very much needed. It is honestly currently bit frustrating bouncing backwards because your toes didn't make it over the blocks edge.
  16. Temporal storms can come and obliterate you just as easily, don't see how it would be any different. Why would a village prevent access to a scarce resource? Are you assuming that a village would be hostile? If it is, why not go somewhere else?
  17. They have mentioned they would like to remove the 3x3 crafting grid and replace it with something more immersive. So perhaps they will do something for wood cutting as well.
  18. Though I am not to keen on having unrealistic movements like a physics defying luigi jump. I do like these other ideas, perhaps without the timer/meter, so that it stays immersive.
  19. I understand that the game is still in development. I am curious to see what they will add in the future to make the lore feel more complete. However, my complaint was more about having the lore more integrated with the design of the game, which would mean reworking a lot of what they've already done, or changing their plans for the lore to fit more with what they've done.
  20. True. Maybe you're right. Perhaps it's just my own personal preference that is making me bias, I really appreciate it when you can see the natural connections that point to some origin throughout the gameplay experience. Though even if the game is following some external dimensional influence sort of logic. I do feel like there is a lot more work to be done before temporal storms feel believable. I just hope that they're open to reworking what they've done. It seems very buggy and random. I am not getting any sense of lovecraft or horror from it at all.
  21. I thought it was odd that you could heal yourself from starvation with a poultice. I also find that after attaining temporal gears, food becomes very obsolete. You can just re-spawn and reset your stats, so eating becomes meaningless. A work around could be to not have starvation deal damage, but rather it lower your stats gradually instead. Punishing people with lowered stats would incentivize players to stay well fed. I imagine it like this: HUNGER Having your hunger bar depleted causes your damage resistance, running speed, mining speed and damage dealt to begin to gradually decline. The longer your green bar is empty, the more severe this becomes. After a while, players would become encumbered, and would walk very very slowly. Hitting the run key would cause him/her to only slowly jog for a brief period. I don't think a player should not be able to run, especially if in a life and death situation. Maybe there could be a hidden adrenaline system that allows players to receive temporary boosted running speed stats when they receive damage. Perhaps after a few game days of having an empty hunger bar, they could suddenly die of hunger. NUTRITION As the game stands with nutritional values, It's a bit odd how dairy is required to be healthy, when it's arguably not in real life. I would suggest to remove all 4 nutritional stats and combine them as a single measurement, and instead, reward players with increased max health (or perhaps other stats) when they eat a wide diversity of foods. For example a diet that has a mixture of different grains, vegetables or fruits would increase nutrition more quickly. This would also justify being vegan or vegetarian in the game (though cheeses and protein could fill up your hunger meter more). I'm not suggesting that players need to eat vegetables to be healthy, they just would need more variety. I imagine having a diet of just one type of vegetable (lets say cabbage) or a diet that's entirely made up of just grains would not cause the player to get stat boosts, and perhaps even get penalized (reduced stats). I think this wouldn't be difficult to implement, and players would naturally for the most part eat healthy unknowingly. But for those who are aware the mechanic, and manage to maintain a good diet, they could then be rewarded with more quick, permanent stat boosts.
  22. I think tracing mechanics would fit perfectly with this game. Imagine this: Depending on the terrain, wet soil/sand/gravel/snow would leave paw/foot prints behind for a brief while. If an animal or player is wounded, they could also leave a trail of blood. Maybe even have broken foliage if a large animal runs through a bush? How the game is currently, it's very easy to loose track of animals when chasing them. I feel like implementing this would add another layer of immersion if done correctly.
  23. True. Though the drifter AI is a bit odd as well. In terms of battle mechanics, I feel like it wouldn't have to be too complicated for a human enemy to be believable. Having a mixture of archers and close range enemies would pose enough of a challenge, even if the AI is very simple. I'm thinking like skeletons and zombies from Minecraft, but with a damage boost. Probably the challenge would be creating AI that interacts with their environment in a believable way. It would be cool to see it implemented well, with leatherworkers, blacksmiths, etc going about their day, leaving their village to scout and having an overall dynamic and somewhat unpredictable behavior.
  24. When I toggle on the god rays, my screen will turn mostly green. Very odd. I am able to resolve it by fiddling around with the settings. I notice if I lower the resolution, turn god rays on, and bring the resolution back up, it'll start working. Still, strange behavior. Computer specs: Mac OS 10.12.6 Sierra AMD Radeon HD 7950 3072 MB 3.33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon 32 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
  25. I hope so too. I honestly wouldn't mind temporal storms if they felt like they belonged. Like what if the world wasn't a planet but a more metaphysical plane of existence. It could curve inward so in the distance you could see land curving towards the sky. If you travel further away from spawn there would be more temporal instability. Maybe energy doesn't come from the sun but through the temporal storms, so plant and animal life could be unique and bizarre looking and get drastically more extravagant the further you travel. Maybe plants glow in the dark? Also, why are drifters hostile? and what do little sloth creatures have to do with bending and twisting space? I don't think the developers have built the world from the ground up with temporal storms in mind. Even if they do add more lore, unless they change everything, it will always feel like an afterthought to me.
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