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Mikel Monleón

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Posts posted by Mikel Monleón

  1. I saw a post that said something similar to that. So I stuck around for 8 in game days near all the trees. Just to test that out. Nothing.

    I played for about half a year in 1.16.5, and now i've updated to 1.17.0rc5 with still no luck. Is it just broken? Is anyone able to grow fruit trees?

  2. Been following the wiki, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've planted 30+ of these fruit trees with plenty of space and in viable weather conditions. But even after an in-game year, they don't seem grow. Am I doing something wrong? All I did was place the stem (tree branch) on medium fertility soil. 


  3. Does anyone use G-portal to host their servers? I see it's one of the recommended server hosts on this site. But they don't seem to support updating to the latest unofficial release.

    Typically I use filezilla to directly control the contents of the server. But it seems like with G-portal they don't give you access to the vintagestoryserver.exe

    Any ideas of what I can do? Or should I be looking for an alternative server host that will let me play? Anyone know of any that support vintage story and let you update?


  4. This new crop mechanic made my base obsolete. I built a floating island way up in the sky, where it is cold. I have spent a long time building a massive greenhouse inside of the island. Now my crops can't survive one night. 

    I get that the new crop mechanics have an intended playstyle, but I do think it discourages people to get creative with their builds.

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  5. They should definitely make it so that all your torches don't go out when you fall in water. It can be such a game ender when you fall down a pit into water and you forgot to split your stack of torches. 

    Frankly I like the darkness, makes it exciting. But perhaps only have complete darkness during cloudy nights. 

  6. I almost didn't get into Vintage Story for this reason exactly. For some reason whenever we set up the server it would start the world at night. It was too dark to play, and it didn't matter how I tweaked my settings. 

    Not knowing anything about the game, and having to wait 20 minutes before being able to do anything was very discouraging, we gave up on it and I had no real incline to try it out again. A week later we decided to give it another shot, In the end I just looked up a command to set it to daytime. 

    I don't mind it being pitch black. In rust, that was an exciting part of the game. But in Rust you also start out with a torch. 

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  7. Anyone else having this problem? Seems like my chests and storage vessels aren't consistent. Somedays i'll log on and it'll say .54x perishing speed, when it used to be .26x. Breaking the chests and placing it back down fixes the problem temporary. Does the speed of decay actually change, or is this just a text error?

    Before anyone asks, the door is closed, the cellar is built correctly etc. It's not a user problem, it's just buggy. 

  8. Here's an update. I've ended up filling my basement with rooms, and now the temperature seems to lower rather than increase. Very bizarre, I do not understand this at all. I'm starting to think that maybe the game registered the area as a cave? 

  9. I noticed that the countdown for them to flower/ripen gets reset when the temperature falls below 0 degrees. In that regards it can make or break a farm. 
    I was having trouble growing my berries until I built a greenhouse over them. My base is very high up, so it gets very cold. The extra 5 degrees helped. 

  10. 14 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    There is an elevation element to temperature. As you go up, ambient temperature drops, even if all other factors are the same. If you go down, it gets warmer. You can see this very well if you're digging vertical shafts downwards looking for ore. There can be 20°C and more in terms of temperature difference between the surface and the deepest reaches. I would assume the same goes for sea level and the world ceiling, just perhaps even more (as the distance is larger).

    Also keep in mind that whether your body temperature falls or rises is pretty binary. There's a threshold temperature (0°C by default, modified by weather, wetness, clothes worn, proximity to heat sources etc), and if it is above the threshold temperature, your body temperature will climb. If it's below, your body temperature will fall. So it's entirely possible to have a temperature difference of just 0.1°C from one area to another, but lose body heat in one of them while gaining it in the other.

    This is very interesting. I don't think this is the case for my base, since I also freeze when I'm at sea level, 110. My base begins roughly at 170 blocks high, and reaches over 200 blocks. With no heat sources, no wetness, if I climb down the ladder to the outside, I start freezing to death, climb back up into the basement (again, not insulated), I start gaining temperature. Then if I go up the stairs to my main section of the house, I start freezing again. 

    It's almost as if the basement, which is the furthest area away from the outside opening, is in fact shielded from the cold, despite not having any doors. It makes me think that If I make a long labyrinth tunnel, the opening at the beginning of the tunnel would be cold, but the end of it would be warm...

    Or do you think that there could just be a pocket of warmth at block level 170?

  11. 3 hours ago, Farnley said:

    Are you sure this isn't caused by heating?

    I am sure. There is nothing in that large space that would cause heating. 
    My base is 200 blocks high. It is freezing up there. I will start taking damage very quickly anywhere else in the house, I have to constantly light my firepits to stay alive. So it is very odd that the basement, which has no torches, sources of heat, and direct access to the outside, is warm... 

  12. So I did some further testing. The wiki page doesn't seem to be accurate. In my house I have made a large open area, probably close to 50x10x50 blocks, with access to an open balcony 3 stories above. There are no doors, just a spiral staircase. For whatever reason the large open area is insulated, my temperature rises when I'm there. However, some of the smaller rooms above aren't, in fact I freeze pretty quickly.

    I've also noticed that the cellar isn't insulated either, my temperature drops there as well. Even though it follows the 7x7x7 parameters. No chiseled blocks, or anything. The food is being preserved too, so I know it's being recognized as a cellar. 

    Does the game recognize obstacles in the way of open areas?

  13. Thanks for the help!

    I had tried removing the large gear and placing it back, with the clutch disengaged and everything. I tried a million different things, couldn't get it to work. Turns out, having the power feed into the large gear from the top middle section of the wheel was causing it not to work. I am not sure if this is part of the game mechanic or a bug. I ended up moving things around, and it worked out.

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