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Amber Furlong

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Posts posted by Amber Furlong

  1. no one ever said it would be common and how would it ruin traveling? and it would be a setting not required did i not say that?

    made tribes and leaders vague so it could be worked on

    over 60 hours on the game i know how it works

  2. this idea is for the future, maybe infected human "mobs" can have this disease and then players can get it. When you get infected you get a choice, suicide: no infection and a respawn or continue sickness
    the stage's
    stage 1: player can only make axes, spears and fires 
    stage 2: infected can only make fires to cook food, no longer like plant foods, monsters dont hunt them
    stage 3: infected are faster, dont like light and there eyes glow, they cant use weapons, they can co exist with monsters in caves, they can see in the dark, cant cook sense they can eat raw meat, they can infect other players, can live in cold temperatures like winter 
    good and bad things
    +: infected are faster, dont need to cook or craft or farm to live, they can live in the cold, they can make tribes with a leader and members and the more members the stronger the leader
    -:light hurts them, bees hate them and wolves attack them, non infected players can kill infected players, they cant make weapons, they lose ownership of everything so players can take there stuff if they chose to continue infection

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