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Robert Milligan

Very Important Vintarian
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Posts posted by Robert Milligan

  1. As evidence of my statement that Vanilla spawns livestock/animals inside of a closed building I present the following:
    It doesn't matter how many times that I kill these they just keep respawning. There were even more in this building at the time but I think that I have made my point. :) This mod is NOT the issue!




  2. 3 hours ago, Dauron said:

    I messaged you with some suggestions on Discord.

    Has anyone else had any issues with 1.17.6? I updated and my test world loads fine so I'm not sure what the issue is.

    Thanks Dauron. There was in fact nothing wrong with the mod at all. It was me and how I tested. What I did wrong was that I did not have the mod in place before I launched the world that I was testing on. This caused all the inventory to be lost when I did add the mod back. This makes perfect sense! But I needed Dauron to help point that out to me.Thanks again. It was all me!

  3. Hi Dauron. Thanks for the mods. This is LoneWolfREM from Aura Fury and an Admin there. I'm testing 1.17.6 and testing on an existing world where your mods are in use I can tell you that the BetterCrates are empty. So wanted you to know and will help test or happy for ideas of what I might do to get this working. Thanks.

  4. Opps. I DLed the new version but somehow it didn't make it to the server. I just updated it and now I will test it. Sorry. Many irons in the fire at the moment.

    With the correct version the errors at start are no longer there. Thanks once again for the work you do for the community.

    Now on to testing . . .

    Passes all my tests!!! Thanks

  5. Hi. I'm wondering if you plan a 1.17 update planned? Thanks

    I have tested you mod on 1.17.2 and I do not find anything not working. So perhaps an update is not required but it would be nice if you could change the compatibility to include 1.17.2. That way people will know that it works okay. My testing was limited but this not an extensive mod so I suspect it all works fine.
    I can confirm that x places the oil lamp into the off hand.

  6. I have it working now by changing the value of: AnvilTier to 2. I am using a Tin Bronze anvil and I guess that is what was causing it to produce NO results. What are the possible values for that property / variable?

    Would you still like to see my client-main.txt file?

  7. I was using 1.15.3 but will be trying 1.15.4 now. Still testing in 1.15.3. I have not installed 1.15.4 yet.


    I was trying to have the helve hammer create some tools. The only thing that I can get the hammer to do is to process iron blooms and make plates.


    Two days ago I did a fresh Windows 7 install. I haven't tried the mod since my reinstall.


    Okay I heated up an iron ingot. Placed it on the Tin Bronze anvil and chose to create a Pickaxe. The hammer is just pounding away on it but having no effect on it whatever.

    JUST went and re-downloaded the mod and placed it in the 1.15.3 Mod folder.

    Here is the exact folder where I have placed your mod:

    C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory 1.15.3\Mods

    Started VS. Clicked on: Mod Manager. It shows v1.1.0. Now I will try it again.

    Loaded my world and tried again. Still no effect. I have placed the mod in that particular folder because I have had several VS versions installed at the same time. I moved the mods to the version folder to avoid incorrect versions from being loaded. This is a technique that has been successful before. I'd be happy to upload log files it that would help or screenshot too.

    Attempted to fix by moving the mod zip file to the folder:


    from version specific folder. That did not work.


    Opened ModConfig\helvehammerext.json. Changed AnvilTier value from 3 to 2. That worked. I don't remember needing to do that before but maybe I did. I haven't found documentation about the values for AnvilTier so guessed at 2 for bronze anvil. I don't know if that is correct or not but it works!!!!! Yay!

    Yes I did see that the default value is 3 AND that is says Iron but since I didn't know about the possible values for that I left it alone.


  8. Downloaded and put in place. I am using 1.15.0-pre.12. I was able to upgrade a chest to Copper and then Tin Bronze. However I cannot put it on my back. Yes I did download the CC version. Just downloaded the non-CC version and going to look at that too. Thanks again.

    To be clear I WAS able to pick the chest up.

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