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Posts posted by Aki

  1. (Disclaimer: I don't need another copy of the game I'm just entering for fun and if anyone asks Ashantin is at fault xp)

    Wind whispered melodies
    A ripple through heat
    Reeds swaying in gentle breeze
    The rustling of leaves

    My weary feet rested
    In emerald shade
    Sun dappling the waterside
    Tree filtered light

    I listen to the gently lapping
    Cold wet against my toes
    At night I'll count the countless stars
    Both waterlogged and high above
    While I remain
    Earthbound and here
    Where humid air will caress me
    Into a fitful sleep

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  2. In that case, what you're suggesting would be adding another different layer to the customisation :)
    Because it would keep the classes - also as a way for other mods to use them - but add another step before that, namely, a race choice. That would also enable a connection between the two choices as seen in many other games, where certain classes are only available to certain races.

  3. Also erstmal: Gewächshäuser können maximal 7x7x7 Blöcke groß sein, "riesig" geht also nicht, oder ist dann kein tatsächliches Gewäschshaus.
    Schnee auf dem Dach ist egal. Alle Feldfrüchte, also Gemüse- und Getreidesorten, profitieren vom Gewäschshaus. Es lässt aber die Pflanzen nicht schneller wachsen, sondern stattdessen ist es, wie im realen Leben auch, dazu gedacht die Temperatur zu erhöhen.
    Somit kannst du also mit einem Gewächshaus länger bis in den Herbst/ Winter anbauen - ansonsten verhalten sich die Pflanzen darin aber tatsächlich genauso wie außerhalb.

    Ich würde dir raten, mal die Wiki Seite über Gewächshäuser anzuschauen - die ist jedoch momentan leider nur in Englisch vorhanden.

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  4. I mean, the above backpack thing also seems impractical if you want to start of and keep being a nomad. Way too high flax costs for that, you'd need to have a flax farm first.

    I don't really see a nomad style happening unless we get pack animals - and even then it would require the player to either first build a temporary base, or get help from other players, if it's on a server.

  5. Tbh, I don't understand the need to not call it Classes.
    Lore-wise, I'm pretty sure we do not have other races, at least not for the player character. And what you're describing could just as well (and better?) be a class or origin. Blackguards for instance would be an origin - someone who came from being a blackguard before. That's not a race - but they could still have different characteristics, like slightly different skin tones from let's say hunters, due to their different amounts of time spent outdoors, or something like that.
    I'd recommend to check the lore in-depth, you can find a full document of all lore we know of so far pinned in the lore channel in the discord ;)

    I like the idea to make it possible for modders to intervene into the system and add more classes and specifically more class-relevant characterisations, though.

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