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Wolf Bait

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  1. Sorry for ghosting the post for the past few days, I posted in a fit of frustration. - Thank you all for the suggestions, feedback and warm welcome! - I usually try to get used to the base game before introducing mods but I've settled for one that checks if the location is above sea level. I enjoy the mechanic but the surface portion is "anti-fun" in my opinion. I sure hope they plan on introducing a way to "cleanse" these areas as I went through an exhausting amount of locations before hitting my wick's end.
  2. New the the game, as the title states. I enjoy the underground mechanic but on the surface EVERY place I've ever had a spark of inspiration to build in suffers from permanent temporal instability. What purpose does it even server on the surface? Is there something I can do to cleanse the landscape of this vile plague? This mechanic has no place on the surface as a permanent fixture... **To clarify I am speaking of areas where your "gear" turns counter clockwise and drains as if you're deep underground. I am NOT speaking about the portals that move around.**
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