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Posts posted by goxmeor

  1. Fixed! Please download and update to version 1.0.1

    Sorry about that everyone. This bug will have affected any found static translocators that you already applied Metal Parts to.

    Thanks again, @Lisabet!!

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  2. A library for creating custom, temporary buffs.

    I've created a ModDB entry for this library at: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/633 However, there are no files to download there, because this library is meant to be included in the source code of your own mods.

    This source code library can be included in your mod's source code to support your own buffs.

    Buffs can specify their own expiry time, either in game time or real time.

    Buff expiry is automatically "paused" for players who leave the server, and also when the server is shutdown.

    Buffs get an OnTick method call every 250 ms while active, and there are several other event-based methods which get called, such as OnStart, OnExpire, OnStack, and more.

    cd src
    git submodule add https://github.com/chriswa/vsmodlib-BuffStuff.git
    Or just download it as a zip and unzip it into your src/ directory.

    If you need to create buffs in multiple mods, simply include a copy of the library in each mod. (It's very small!)

    However, note that you will not be able to access buffs from other mods: each mod has its own BuffManager.


    Code blocks don't render well here, so please view the remainder of the README on GitHub.

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  3. Download and Source: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/600


    This mod enables the deconstruction, construction, and linking of Static Translocators. To get started, you will need 3 steel ingots, 2 gold ingots, and 1 rough diamond.

    To craft new Translocators with this mod, you will need to use the crowbar to destroy Translocators you find in the world, since it is not possible to craft or otherwise find some of the components.

    All translocation is always two-way.

    The Crowbar

    The crowbar can be smithed on an anvil, using a single steel ingot. Only steel is strong enough to make an effective crowbar. With the crowbar in hand, hold Sneak (shift) and right click to pry a Static Translocator apart.

    Breaking Apart Translocators

    Crowbars are not an exact science. Not all components are recovered when breaking apart a Translocator:

    • 1x Gate Array (80% chance of recovery)
    • 1x Particulation Component (80% chance of recovery)
    • 1x Power Core (always recovered)
    • 1x Glass Slab (always recovered)
    • 4x Metal Parts (2-4 recovered)
    • 1x Coalescence Crystal (5-6 shards recovered, 6 shards are required to make a complete crystal)

    If you previously repaired the Translocator, you will also get back the 2 Metal Parts and any Temporal Gears you added. (However, if a Translocator was repaired with Temporal Gears by a non-Clockmaker before this mod was added, 1 fewer gears will be returned.)

    If you crafted the Translocator, you will get back the extra 2 Metal Parts and 2 Temporal Gears you used in crafting it.

    Using the Linker

    The Linker can be used to connect two Translocators. Crafted Translocators can be linked immediately. Found Translocators will nee to be repaired first, before they can be linked.

    There's no point in building and placing newly crafted Translocators without a Linker, because they won't go anywhere. Only the Translocators found in ruined structures are pre-linked to other Translocators.

    The Linker crafting recipe includes a Gate Array (among other things, check the Handbook,) so at least one Translocator must be sacrified to craft it.

    To use the Linker, right click on a Translocator, then right click it on a second Translocator. Both Translocators will become linked. If either Translocator was previously linked to another Translocator, those other Translocator(s) will become unlinked. An unlinked Translocator is still repaired, but requires linking before it can be used. All Translocation is two-way: there are never one-way Translocators.

    The maximum distance a link can be made between two Translocators with the Linker is 8000 blocks. The lights on the front of the Linker provide a rough indicator of distance. As you travel away from the first Translocator you've synchronized the linker to, the lights will start to go out (1 light will go out for every 1000 blocks.) If you are holding a Linker which is synchronized to a Translocator which is farther away than 8000 blocks, all lights will go out and the panel will flicker, indicating that you are out of range.

    After synchronizing your Linker to a Translocator, you can reset it by holding Sneak (shift) and right clicking.

    New Translocators

    Craft them and place them wherever you like. The recipe is in the handbook.

    Crafted Translocators are fully repaired and ready to be linked: you will not need to add additional Metal Parts or additional Temporal Gears.

    They won't do anything until they are linked with the Linker.

    Special Thanks

    Thanks to CaptainOats for contributing artwork!

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  4. On 4/12/2021 at 10:33 AM, Thalius said:

    Installed on The Wilderlands server and had a player post the following bug-

    When crafting a magnetic compass, they ended up with this:

    magnetic compass bug.png

    Wow! That looks like a lot of compasses! There's nothing special about the crafting mechanics in this mod, so I have no idea how this could have happened. It looks from the action bar that this is lots of itemstacks and not a rendering bug.

    Can you reproduce the issue? Got a video? Can you reproduce it with no other mods installed? We've been using this mod on a couple of modded servers and haven't run into this issue before.

  5. Thank you for this! I have a couple of requests for Xandus Inventory Tweaks that I miss from modded Minecraft:

    1. Mouse scrolling to move single items between inventories (I think this was added by NEI.) For example, mousing over a stack in your inventory and then scrolling down 3 "clicks" would push 3 items from that stack into an open chest's inventory. Scrolling up 1 "click" would pull 1 back. I can't remember whether up or down was the standard for pull or push, but maybe it should be configurable?

    2. Holding a key and clicking to move a stack into my crafting grid. I'm used to using W and S to move stacks "up" and "down" through the crafting grid, inventory, and action bar, but since W and S still cause you to move with your inventory open, I don't think they would be good keys to use.

  6. Download and Source: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/410

    Are you finding it a little too easy to kite drifters by dancing out of their attack range as soon as they start swinging their big, slow arms?

    This mod makes melee combat more difficult by randomizing attack animation timing (between 1-4 times faster,) while also providing a range bonus after starting an attack.

    Work In Progress

    This mod needs testing in the field! And feedback, please!

  7. Yes, it must be on both the and all clients.

    Did you manually add "StepUp" to ModIntegrityConfig.json?

    If so, delete ModIntegrityConfig.json, run the server, try to connect with the StepUp mod, get kicked, look in the server console for the command to copy-paste which will automatically add all the mods you just got kicked for, then reconnect. Now everyone can connect with StepUp.

    ... unless they modify their copy of StepUp from the one you used!

  8. Downloads and source: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/396

    This mod adds three craftable compasses to the game:

    Magnetic Compass

    Crafted using 1 (fired) clay bowl, 1 magnetite nugget, and 1 stick. It always points north.

    Alternate recipe: use 1 metal scrap instead of magnetite.

    Origin Compass

    Crafted using 1 Magnetic Compass and 2 Temporal Gears. It always points to the world's default spawn. If the default spawn has a radius, it points to the center of it. This will be the same spot for all players on the server.

    Relative Compass

    Crafted using 1 Origin Compass and 2 Temporal Gears. That means it'll cost 4 gears total. It remembers where it was crafted and always points to that spot.

    Known Issues

    Compasses don't point in the correct direction when dropped on the ground, or probably also viewed in another player's hand.


    I am no artist. If you would like to help improve the look of anything, please contact me on the Vintage Story Discord (my name is Gox.) Let's talk before you create a Pull Request?

    • Like 3
  9. You're absolutely right that this would be trivial to circumvent, especially considering that most anti-cheating systems typically also use security-through-obscurity (which is not actual security,) and I seem to have left this thing unobfuscated and open-source. :) I don't have the free time to start an arms race of measures and counter-measures.

    However, I expect this will be slightly more effective than a signpost, since players will need to perform the action of circumventing this mod, rather than the "inaction" of leaving various client-only mods enabled which they've been using on other servers or in single-player.

    I don't expect this to prevent cheating, but hopefully to reduce it.

  10. Download and source: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/379


    Helps ensure that the client uses only mods approved by the server. It's intended for modpack authors or server owners to restrict which client-only mods their players can use. Mods are checked by mod ID, version, source type (e.g. "zip"), and MD5 fingerprint.

    How It Works

    The client, upon joining, sends a report of all of its enabled mods to the server, including any enabled client-only mods. MD5 fingerprints of the mods' files/folders are included (don't worry, it's very fast.) The server checks that the report matches the mods that it's running, plus any client-only mods which have been allowlisted in its config JSON file. If any mods don't match, the player is disconnected with a helpful message which lists which mods caused problems and hints about how to fix things (see below.)

    To make things easier for modpack authors or server owners, a command /modintegrityapprove can be used to easily add all mods that someone was just kicked for. Getting yourself kicked and using this feature is the easiest way to allowlist the client-only mods in your modpack, as a server owner. Just join your own server, get kicked, then copy-paste the /modintegrityapprove myPlayerUID command from the server console to add all your enabled client-side mods.

    Disconnect Messages

    Examples of the 4 types of mod issues:

    • Unrecognized or banned mod "Make Ice Unslippery" — please disable this mod using the in-game Mod Manager.
    • Unrecognized or banned version "0.0.1" for mod "Autopottery" — please update to a known good version, such as: 1.0.0
    • Unrecognized or banned source type "DLL" for mod "Drifter Googly Eyes" — please update this mod to use a known good source type, such as: Zip
    • Unrecognized or banned fingerprint for mod "Secret Drift Wolves" — please update this mod with a freshly downloaded copy.

    The message "Please contact the server owner with any problems or to request new mods." can be customized in %appdata%/VintagestoryData/ModConfig/ModIntegrity.json. You should may want to add your own contact information!

    Primary Motivation

    Some client-only mods give players an advantage which doesn't match the intended gameplay of a modpack author or server owner. For example, some client-only mods can expose coordinates (which isn't supposed to be allowed on Wilderness Survival playstyle) or show where enemies are through walls. There's probably an X-ray mod out there too...


    Doesn't verify any client-side files outside of the mods' source files, so any mod config JSON files can be tampered with, as well as any vanilla assets or dlls.

    This is not exactly the most advanced anti-cheat system; however, it should stop "casual cheating". Players who want to cheat will need to explicitly circumvent this system, rather than innocently adding (or forgetting to remove) client-side mods.

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  11. It would be nice to have better integration with the forum: I'm finding it a bit tedious to create both a mod and a forum post, then edit the mod with the forum post's url, and try to remember to keep both pages updated.

    I prefer the forum for discussion (upvotes and email subscriptions, etc.) and the Mod Database for hosting and release tracking.

    Would it be possible to automatically create a forum post for each mod and embed the forum page in an iframe or something?

    • Like 6
  12. I'm intending to create a compass mod with several compasses: one which points North, one which points to the default spawn center, one which points to the nearest player-craftable "radio transmitter", and one which points to another dynamic location which can be controlled by another mod I intend to create.

    I still need to figure out what crafting materials would be fair.

    Currently, you can use the orientation of knapping patterns to tell direction (although I'm hoping this will be fixed at some point.) For example, the knife blades always point West.

  13. Links to download and source: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/339


    A Vintage Story mod which allows players to craft (most) clothing items in the game. Make a Bone Needle by putting a bone in the bottom of your crafting grid, then a knife on top of it, and a stone on top of that. Right click with the Bone Needle to open the Tailoring menu. Use the controls up top to filter clothing items. Click on a clothing item to display required materials. If you have the required materials in your inventory, the Craft Button is enabled. Click to create the clothing item. It will be crafted at 100% condition.

    Material costs

    Materials are based on (a) the clothing item's warmth attribute, (b) whether it has "leather", "raw-hide", or "fur" in its item code, and (c) whether it's for your feet.

    Warmth 0.5 (and less) items cost 1 Linen and 1 Flax Twine.

    Warmth 1.0 items cost 2 Linen and 2 Twine.

    Warmth 2.0 items cost 4 Linen and 6 Twine.

    Warmth 3.0 items cost 8 Linen and 8 Twine.

    Warmth above 3 (e.g. 4.0) items cost 12 Linen and 16 Twine.

    The mod config file allows the above values to be changed.

    If the article of clothing has "leather", "raw-hide", or "fur" in its item code, it requires Leather instead of Linen, in the same amount.

    If the article of clothing is for the feet, and not already leather, 1 Linen is subtracted and 1 Leather is added to the cost.

    What can be crafted?

    All items with codes starting with "clothes-" are considered. The mod config file allows blocklisting categories and item code substrings. Default blocklists are provided to disallow more ridiculous recipes, such as crafting a silver crown or wooden mask.

    Blocklisted Categories:

    • neck
    • emblem
    • arm
    • armorhead
    • armorbody
    • armorlegs

    Blocklisted Item Code Substrings:

    • silver
    • gold
    • wood
    • metal
    • gem
    • prisoner
    • malefactor-mask
    • Mind=blown 3
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