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Posts posted by Pluffy

  1. I thought that my game was glitching when I first encountered wind pushing me around. I couldn't understand why it was such a struggle moving in a certain direction. I restarted the game and it was fine, so I thought it was a bug. I'm happy that there's an option to disable it, but I do wonder why wind should affect a player in such a way.


    • Wolf Bait 1
  2. When bringing up the map with the M key, it happens often that I can't find the white dot that identify my character. This is made worse when around snow since the character dot is also white.

    Monster Hunter Rise has a really elegant solution to finding yourself on the map, you push a button, and a "ping" appears around your location. The ping appears as an animated glowing red ring around the player(like the ripple effect of dropping a pebble in water). This makes it quite obvious where the player is on the map. I think that this would be a great way to solve that particular issue.

    Alternatively, having a way to center the map around the player would help, but white dot on white snow might still be an issue.


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  3. That file would be located at "AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData" ? It's the only one I found.

    If I modify that file, and create a new world in the game client, the grace period is overwritten by whatever is set in the client(single player GUI).

    I've tried figuring out something with VintagestoryServer.exe, but I can't tell if it's accepting any command line arguments. I think that all it does is launch a dedicated version of the last game I had running in multiplayer. I tried to point it to a different serverconfig.json, but it's ignoring it. I have 3 different world and only one serverconfig.json for that matter.

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