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Everything posted by Inki_Unku

  1. Greetings! Just thought I'd throw this out there. I might take a shot at this on a future date if I'm still stuck inside, but for now my weekend wanes. Concept Overview: Windmill -> Axle -> Rotor -> Cable -> Battery -> Cable -> (whatever machines are desired) The video that inspired this thought train: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQyamjPrw-U This whole idea could be simple, or quite complex depending on how much effort one wants to put into it. The shaft mentioned at the 1 minute mark would be conceptually what connects to the axle. I believe overall this would lead nicely into post steel content. Component Ideas: Cable: Glass, as a non-conductive material, can be used to coat copper wires (or ingots, pending on how detailed one wants to be). This process could be as simple as: [G = glass block, CI = copper Ingot] G G G CI CI CI = X-Cables, where X is whatever the balanced number is decided to be G G G in a grid, or more complex if other materials such as wires and glass tubes are made. Magnet: Magnets, a needed component for a rotor, can be made as simple as hanging a steel ingot vertically for a week (tool rack?). The following page has a few fun ways to create a magnet from a steel ingot: https://commons.princeton.edu/josephhenry/permanent-magnet/#:~:text=Take%20two%20magnets%20put%20one,will%20become%20a%20permanent%20magnet. Rotor: In the spirit of keeping things simple [M = Magnet, CI = Copper Ingot (wire), II = Iron Ingot (rod), Cbl = Cable (the output), W = Wood (planks, casing, a chest?)] M CI M Axle II Cbl W CI W The center column would be to represent the copper solenoid. Hopefully I have this right, not an electrical engineer! Battery: A Voltaic Pile could be made with (ZP = Zinc Plate, L = Linen, CP = Copper Plate) ZP ZP ZP L L L CP CP CP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltaic_pile If one desires to make this a bit more complex, this could be a multi block structure where a stack of these would create a larger storage that scales with the amount of stacks.
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