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Everything posted by Remuluson2

  1. Yeah, i reinstalled vintage story and now it works properly. I think updater broke one my clientside parts of the game but I never noticed because I play on multiplayer and only tried singleplayer again just now.
  2. Yeah... Looks like I have a problem with constant "desync" with invisible logs staying in my inventory, tools not consuming durability and according to the game there was no fuel in the firepit even tho I constructed it. I think I need to reinstall vintage story
  3. 50 tries on a torch, also somehow my flint tools regain durability when I reload my singleplayers game?? All of this feels super scuffed + cursed
  4. Before 1.18 when I tried using a firestarter it was like 4-5 tries to get fire going. Now I can't get it even after 20 tries. Am I doing something wrong? I am playing on wilderness survival.
  5. Remuluson2

    Class survey

    Honestly I have a problem of being hardcore puritan when it comes to server settings. I know I might be a bit naive to assume the settings the coders put in place are just enough to be good and challenging experience but I don't like meddling with them. Maybe after another two hundred hours. I feel like maybe the best course of action is to just flip the debuff on its head and just put the lowest class's damage as the baseline so everyone only gets buffs. The numbers would be inherently the same but it feels much different if you see class have -30% to food consumption rathen than someone else having a big stack of red numbers. Personally I play as a commoner, sometimes picking malefactor to avoid wolves but then I die thanks to some sudden drop and I go back to commoner again.
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