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Posts posted by Kolyenka

  1. For using up small amounts of meat/vegetables/fruit, it would be cool to have a new craftable item--piroshky. 1 dough, 1 meat/vegetable/fruit. Made like a pie and baked in the oven, 4 at a time like bread (or 8 at a time, since they would probably be smaller). Bread isn't very worth making because of the time and fuel cost for something that doesn't give all that much nutrition (I for one only really bake them when I'm out of everything else and it's either rye porridge or bread)... and pies are very useful, but require using 8 of each filling, which means you end up with leftovers that can't really go in anything unless you want to do, like, 3 servings of stew.


    • Like 3
  2. I've started both a singleplayer and a LAN multiplayer in the most recent version (which added the whole rift activity thing). Both games have temporal storms set to every 10-20 days, but it's upwards of 40 days in both and not a single temporal storm. No notification about one being imminent, nothing.

    In both games I turned off temporal instability (I almost always do that and it has never affected temporal storm generation before). I'm seeing drifters, but just no storms.

    Has anyone else had this problem ?

  3. 12 minutes ago, Buggi said:

    One mod idea I am thinking about making would be a sort of single block 'drill rig' that you place on the surface, slap with right-click a few times, and it pops up a report on what rock (not ore) is at that X,Z location from surface to mantle.

    Something like this:

    Drill Report (x,z: 334, 1234)
    Depth : Blocktype
    0-3 : Dirt
    4-44: Claystone
    45-95: Andesite
    96-mantle: Granite

    I have been having the WORST time trying to find Kimberlite on my server. Searched hundreds and hundreds of chunks. If only there were surface hints (unique land structures, etc) to hint at what's below. Teach a few people on how geology works :) So this mod idea is what I've come up with so far.

    Someone want to help with block design/texture?

    That would be a really good idea. It would also help with finding halite and chalk/limestone, since the propick doesn't work with those.

  4. 3 hours ago, Philtre said:

    Based on what I have seen in my worlds, I think it means that the interior of the room (the open space, basically), must fit entirely within a 7x7x7 cube. So I think a floor plan like this will not work:




    Note that being near a lit fire source will always warm you to some extent; the "enclosed room" buff just allows you to stay warm when you're further from the fire (or not bother lighting one, if it's not that cold).

    oh, hm. that makes sense, though it is a bit of a bummer. thank you though !

  5. So I know that a room has to be 7x7x7 or smaller to heat up with a fire, but I'm wondering what about 7x7x7 is important. Is it the dimensions? Is it the number of blocks? Can you make a room that's 7x7 and then take one block out of the north wall and add it to the south wall without making it ineligible?

    I have a house that's 7x7 with an A frame roof that's 7 at the highest point. But I also installed a hearth that's cut 2 blocks into the wall, meaning in some spots it's 7x8. If I add blocks to that spot on the opposite wall, will that register as 7x7?

    Because my other idea is to add some dividing walls, but I'm really liking the open floorplan right now.

    (also--sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense, I really don't understand the room size thing at ALL)

  6. We keep finding weird ghost images of each other. 2 player LAN server. I'm hosting but we both experience it. The ghost will have the same nametag and be stuck doing something (standing, walking really slowly--still moving though!--climbing a ladder, etc). It seems to despawn after a random period of time. We've seen it regardless of who hosts, and since before the homesteading update came out. I'm posting about it again because it's gotten much more frequent after updating to the latest bug fix (v 1.15.7)! Note that we can never see our own ghosts, it's only something the other person can see.2021-10-17_00-20-20.thumb.png.8abaa88d948f9e49aa97bbe967646cc6.png

    • Mind=blown 1
  7. Our kitchen so far! We just made it to the copper age. It has an oven, stove, counter space, and a sink. Plus storage in the support beams--lots of chests and reed baskets, all accessible via the two ladders in the kitchen. Really loving the overhead storage so far.

  8. I feel the same way about many of the technologies (flour/bread being gated behind copper tech is bizarre), as I also like to stay in the stone age as long as possible. To be honest, I sometimes just creativemode in grindstones and feed troughs, because I want those aspects of the game but I don't enjoy the copper or bronze age nearly as much as I do the stone. I've maintained for a while that adding in less effective versions of most metal-gated items would vastly improve the early game, and allow players like us to hang out in the stone age as long as we like.

    However. The impression I've gotten from both the game itself and the forums is that players aren't supposed to want to stay in the stone age for any real length of time, and the development that's being planned is focused far more on adding more technology to later ages than on adding tech to the stone age.

    All of this to say: if both the devs and the vast majority of players on the forum think of the stone age as something to get through, rather than something to enjoy and take one's time with, I doubt that we'll be seeing any real improvements to stone age QoL :(

    • Like 2

    3 hours ago, Breanna Hicks said:

    I gave both 0 and 0.0001 try, and it didn't work for my server. Maybe that field doesn't apply to servers? I do know that mods don't apply, otherwise my No Monsters mod would work and I wouldn't have this issue.

    Yeah, I set it back to 10 to test, and nothing changed. I figured it was because the original timer had already elapsed.

    That's the situation for now, I've got the bed and a strict 8pm bedtime. I do want us to be able to go into caves for saltpeter and mining materials, though.

    Mods definitely do apply to servers--the Aura Fury server, for example, uses mods (you can see their modlist if you scroll down a little). They work on LAN servers, too, if that what's you're using--my sister and I had an LAN with mods and they worked fine. I'm not sure why they're not working for you, but I can only think that either the mod you're trying is broken or else both of you don't have it enabled. Have you tried using the mod on singleplayer? Also, have you tried other mods, either in singleplayer or in multiplayer?

    Bummer that resetting the grace timer isn't working at all, though.

    I assume both of you reset the drifter spawn chance field, so if it doesn't work then yeah, it must not apply to servers :( (or else is outdated advice--sorry about that, if so!)

    And yeah, that's the drawback to sleeping every night--it won't help you underground.

  10. Tyron mentioned a while ago that you drastically reduce drifter spawn rates:


    You can also make a tiny mod to reduce the spawn rate, open the file assets/survival/entities/land/drifter.json and in line 347, replace "chance: 0.1," with e.g "chance: 0.03,"

    If you run the Modmaker.exe it should generate a shareable mod .zip that also persists when you install new updates of the game.

    I don't know if either of you are coding-savvy enough to want to try it (I wasn't), but afaik that may well be the only way to permanently get rid of drifters--by setting that chance to the lowest possible number. However, having not tried it I'm not actually sure if you can set it to 0 or just to something like 0.000001 (which would at least make them very rare occurrences).

    I don't believe spawning mechanics have been changed significantly since he gave that advice, so it should still work...

    this is the thread I pulled the quote from, btw

    I'm not sure why the grace timer command isn't working, though. Have you tried just setting it to 10 (or any other number available in the world config settings?)

    as for the entity removebytype not working, I'm pretty sure that's because when you type in the command, it removes all drifters in the world, but then the game notices there's no drifters and immediately spawns some more in. hence why the number changes every time.

    Another option, which doesn't disable drifters but which helps you avoid them much easier, would be to sleep through/skip the night, every night. Aged wooden beds give you 9.5 hours of sleep, and are usually sufficient to sleep away the whole night (except far north or during the winter). Drifters won't spawn on the surface when it's light out, so you can drastically reduce how many you have to deal with by never giving them a chance to spawn. You could also use commands to change it to daytime once it starts getting dark: /time set morning will do it.

  11. I know this is old, but for anyone wondering this recently: yes, you can. Whatever mods both the host and the other player(s) have in common will be in the game. If your friend has a couple extra mods enabled, those won't show up or cause problems.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

    Not really a bug, no.

    I can't really tell you how precisely cellars are coded, as I cannot read the code. But I can tell you how it works in practice in the game. Cellars are not truly 'rooms' - you don't need to build a completely enclosed space of certain specifications. No, they works through proximity of stone-type or soil-type blocks. Each storage vessel, chest, shelf, and so on will check around them in a radius of as much as five blocks away, to see if it can find valid cellar blocks. The greater the ratio of valid blocks to invalid blocks, the slower food spoils. The slowest possible food spoilage rate is achived if the storage vessel detects only valid blocks - that is, there is a wall, floor, or ceiling made up of valid blocks in any direction, and none of them is more than five blocks away. It can be much closer - for example, a vessel buried underground by itself essentially occupies a perfect cellar of size 1x1x1. But if it's further away than five blocks in one direction, then it'll detect only air that way and it will no longer be perfect. This is why people tell you that cellars should be 5x5x5 rooms. Not because there's actually a room setup requirement, but because that ensures that there's valid blocks nearby in all directions.

    By removing the valid blocks in the floor and replacing them with invalid blocks (wooden slabs), you reduced the effectiveness of the cellar significantly.

    If you feel like you storage vessels aren't updating to the correct value, try picking them up and putting them back down.

    Ah, that's not at all how I assumed it worked. Thank you for explaining all of this--it makes a lot more sense now !

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