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Peer Pressure Dog

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Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. The US has only 100 million less people then the entire EU, which should show how stupid the 'only the US' argument is (And that point is wrong anyways).
  2. I meant for this to be world specific. I also don't think it should lock you from crafting something not in your journal. I am thinking of something similar to minecrafts recipe book, where you unlock how to craft things as you discover things. Like if you jump in the water in Minecraft you get the recipe for making a boat or if you break block you get all the recipes that involve that item. Also the game is already played with the wiki open, even with the handbook. Also the handbook is just a simple version of the wiki built into the game. That's why I think a system that gradually introduces gameplay mechanics one at a time would help new players. I remember it took me forever to understand how to fire pottery and the handbook didn't make sense until I saw a video on how to do it. Maybe my title was a bit stupid. I don't really want to replace the handbook but to integrate it in a lore friendly way.
  3. I think it would be really interesting and build onto the experience of the game to have the handbook fill out as you discover new items, biomes, creatures, etc. Making it more like a journal of your characters adventures through the world. Maybe make it this old mysterious book you found with a few beginner guides and crafting recipes with plenty of room to expand. I also think in multiplayer this would be a cool way to promote exploration. Especially if you make a system where you can share pages of your handbooks with your friends for things they haven't discovered (with credit to the player who originally discovered whatever of course). Related to this but it might be way too far out there to be possibly done or just too stupid. As part of this new handbook idea I propose a system that would let you save screenshots on blank pages and add journal entries (with the screenshots being turned into more simple drawings somehow). It is currently 2am and this was just an idea that has been keeping me and I wanted to share. I would love to see what people think about it and what they would add to/change about my idea.
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