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Posts posted by Buggi

  1. So after doing some testing it looks like chiseled glass would only really work if it was in rectangles as any notch cut into it would really mess up the transparency.

    Looking into making some colored hardened clay, not as many colors available, but could make it work I think.

  2. My Random Changes mod adds a mass plate and mass ingot mold because I was going through SO MANY of each.

    And a chain mold because chain is a royal pain to smith and that mod also adds Titanium armor. :)

  3. If you unzip any of my mods you can look through the files to see where the changes happen. I try to name the files with their primary purpose. Looking through them is highly encouraged as it will help teach you the format of simple Json mods and what the change is.  You can, of course, modify any mod to match your playstyle and interests. I encourage that. I get some might like processing Iron Blooms, but with the amount of steel I've been going through (just for Chisels alone!) I needed a LOT of iron for steel and you already have to process Blister Steel in exactly the same way. The change can be easily reversed.

    Any other change with other mods all depends on the load-order of the mods.  
    Terra Preta is a little more common, but not to crazy levels. Ore's O' Plenty took a LOT of updates and tweaking to get the values honed in. But I'm happy with the result. Gems, diamonds in particular, have a use now that they are required for my Diamond Steel pick and the World Eater. And I looked around my world for hours and hours to find Kimberlite and couldn't find it. So added diamond to basalt. Similar reason I added Olivine to other rock types. Keep these settings or reverse them is up to you. This is also why I made the Rock Sniffer mod. 

    Getting lava buckable was a huge challenge in learning the mod system. Just getting it working was enough for me. But I may revisit and add a steel bucket now that I know HOW it works.

    Quartz blocks adds the 'ancient' type blocks. My cathedral is made of them and needed a LOT and never found them anywhere in the game.

    Rock Blocks IS cheaty, which is why it's a seperate mod. Using it is up to the player. Use the newly updated Quarry mod for an alternate way of getting these rocks.

    Yes, I've streamed the game many times, streamed the modding process many times. Check out my past streams here:

    Three of the streams have "modding" in the thumbnail, I'd suggest you try those first.

    • Like 1
  4. oh wow, looking great!
    I did install the brick mod you mentioned and will play around with the glass... I'd love to make this out of colored glass.

    Not sure how much more I want to tackle another big circle... that gold gear was brutal...

  5. Screenshots are huge, like over 10 MB each, so they're on my Google Drive. I shrunk one shot down for a preview.

    (Night) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wJwNbsV-t6D7S8ZdV5njiM7_iQuQgxRj/view?usp=sharing

    Making the model was a fun new and unique challenge!

    Once finished I'll record a special video showing it inside and out. I could not have done it without my Angel Belt mod, so whatever you may think of it, it really helps keep me building and sculpting efficiently. 


    • Like 13
    • Mind=blown 2
  6. If you want to work on something enormous there's an entire back-wall of my cathedral that needs an artistic touch. 

    Where'd you get the different colors for your work? I've been so limited in colors so far, wondering if I missed something obvious.

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