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Everything posted by Beafush

  1. @StreetwindI have now followed you guide, after long time to find a area with hige possibility for ore, I fund the ore. I thank you for your help, it has don a lot for me and how I see the game.
  2. @StreetwindI think you for your info, and I will try it out in the game. Tho I still think that is here, is something they can make a tiny bit more less time consuming, at the hole progress in the game bottleneck in to this mining and find things like tin, as it seems a lot of players have problems with. I think to have the different stof in different biomes is a great idea, for a server it is even better, as that make trade a thing. But I have never ever played a game, where I think things like mining is such a grind. And I come from games like Wurm online, Life Is feudal and so on, where you truly can say the grind is real.
  3. I will take look at your quide. Tho what I dont understand is that most tell, take a sample before a hole, see if there is any, and then go in, but the samples only work for that chunk you tog the first sample in. Will say if you take a sample in a chunk, then you go down in a mine, and then go over to a new chunk berceuse you go deep, then your first sample mean nothing, then it is pure luck you find what you are look for? I use the ".debug wireframe chunk" command to see the chunks I am working in, and I know when I pass the black line, I need to take a new sample, if it is up, down or to the sides. I have now looked at your guide, I have don a lot of what you type there, but not to the point, I will try, but what if you dont have node search mode. The server I paly on is 100 % standard, and dont have it on.
  4. Yes I have seen videos about it, but I guesses there is a reason it is not in the default game, as again I play default, and I like to learn how to play it like that. And that is where I am saying, if I play no mods, I dont change the game, mining is a pain in the dark spot. Tho I am starting to think it is only me there find it a problem
  5. Well I run around in a area to try to find as hige reading as I can, but I cant find out what is a hige reading. Then when I have a couple of cunkes where I have the resource I want to find, I start in the center counk, and dig staircase down to I hit the counk below Well I live in Germany, but I do not speak German yet I am sorry hehe. Just moved here, but yes from my name, part of my family is German yes, but they never spoke Gearman to me, only English.
  6. Then I must be using it wrong, as even when I find tin with prospecting, I dont find it when I dig. I am mainly talking about tin as I have yet not got further with the game, as I have not fund it. I know I can trade my self to it, but I just cant believe that that is nearly the only why to get it, or when you stumbles in to it in caves or on mountain sides. I have looked a ton of youtube videos, and ben reading about it, and nearly all say it is nearly impossible to find tin. Them there dont say it, use mods or this pro prospecting what is not vanilla so it is not on the server I am on, and I like to play the base game, and if a game need moddeds to fix there game, the game is lost. One thing is to add extra thing, but fixing it is not good.
  7. I cant agree here. The info you get is, when the world was made, there was this chance for the ore to spawn? Will say, where it says nothing, there can be the ore I am looking for, where it says it can be there, I can dig for nothing. That will say, no matter what, I dig in blindness.
  8. I get you I can mod the hell out of the game, again there is more less useless functions in the game, prospecting, and I suggest that they make it more useful
  9. I know this, but from you say there, prospecting is not part of it, and that is my point, prospecting is so useless that players go to other means to get the stof they need.
  10. Hi. I find mining as the must time consuming thing in the game, mostly when I look for Tin. I don't know if it is because I dont understand how it work or what it is. Tho for me it will be nice if my tolls was lasting longer, so I am able to look in a world counk if there any ore I need there, or prospecting was getting a hell lot easier to insure me what I am looking fore is there! The game here is not like minecraft where you just make tunnels in a patten to see if there is anything worth mining, as if you do this in this game, you will end up no pickaxe as it will not give you enough resurses back to be able to do it. But it dos not work like in the real world ether, where when you find a resurse in the grund, there is most of the time, so much of you can feed a country or more from that one mine. I think it will be nice if mining in the game, became a bit easier, ether by when you fin a resurse, then you have plenty of it or make prospecting better. I must say I spend so much time in the game, to try to mine, that I dont do anyting els, and it starts to get there, where I dont want to play, as the game for me, is just about finding tin.
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