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Everything posted by Aksyl

  1. Yeah, I don't foresee this being a controversial ask, but I'll provide the context as added incentive. I like the vanilla variants mod, but that tends to require modders to create a recipe with each individual type of container and their different skins. Theoretically this process becomes more chaotic with each mod that adds recipes, and eventually everyone's gonna get bogged down writing in compatibility for an issue that's technically out of scope for their mod.
  2. Simply put, I think when crafting in the grid with a fluid is necessary, the game shouldn't pay attention at all to the container, and just check if the requisite amount of fluid is in the right spot in the grid.
  3. Putting a game on a platform is a matter of accessibility. There's no control the devs would need to cede to put this on steam, and they could even keep selling it off of steam, a cut of the proceeds from sales on steam will go to valve. The only thing I'm consciously unaware of and not willing to search for right this second is whether or not they could opt out of promotional sales, which is an issue people have had in the past but may have already been addressed. No out of touch board of executives is going to take over direction of the game simply because it went onto a very publicly accessible (to developers) platform. I'm all for the developers making the decision based on any whim of theirs at all, even sheer apathy, I already have the game, but no aspect of the game's "character" is at risk. The vast majority of games on steam are independent and wholly unsubsidized by anyone but the customers.
  4. I'm in a discord server I've gushed about this game to, and not having it on steam is the only thing keeping them from buying. TBF it's 3 people I interact with, but one of them is the server owner and he kinda sets the areas of interest for the server.
  5. One of the benefits of a blunderbuss was the ability to load random rocks and debris into them as munitions which would of course detract in damage output and accuracy compared to manufactured munitions.
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