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Posts posted by HandsomelyJack

  1. The other day was testing some In-game features and tried enabling spectator mode to check the underground caves and map generation and one thing that I noticed was the lack of caves or render distance to even see said caves rendering(with most of them just flickering).

    I do have an High End PC with most graphical options toned to max(including view distance).

    Is this a case of the game Engine not being able to show them ? or is there a secret or unnoticed graphical option that I need to turn on to be able to see them just as well as this Minecraft x Vintage story Example:


  2. The only Info I got on the issue is when am Playing on my multiplayer server and turn On creative mode, breaking blocks(mostly plain rocks In this case Granite Rocks) will lead to a game disconnect from the server with that Red Error on the server console. I did notice that it depends on breaking speed if I take a pause between each block break is fine, but if I spam left click to break blocks faster it crashes.

    I have a high End Pc, but I still tried reducing View range, Lowering Particle amounts, Reducing graphics, closing the server/game and opening several times and it still happens.

    Yesterday it even happened to my buddy playing without creative mode on, He had 2 points in mining faster(Pickaxe Expert) and using the blacksmith class From "MoreClasses_v1.2.5" that increases his mining speed by 50%, and that value was enough to reach a sufficient mining speed to also crash without creative mode while mining rock blocks(fyi I wasn't using any class perk to increase mining speed but creative does allow you to mine faster ofc).

    Never had this issue before.

    Will upload a List of mods on the server encase you got info on previous casses of Incompatibility.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Bug Report: Tried Restarting my server after the patch but there are still some ongoing issues.
    I dont know if the problem is from this side or from (Wildcraft/Primitive Survival) Getting info about that would be helpful 😄
    Also, just so I dont double post(unless is more helpful posting it on that side of the forum), There is also that huge issue with "Culinary Artillery" doing a critical Error crash Whenever more than 1 Ingredient is added to the Large Caldron.
    Also also, Sorry for troubling you with more issues, but since your mod enables the cooking/boiling of water into salt would you know anything about it enabling it to also smelt water on a crucible(potencial bug) ? since I dont own any mod that does it and it shows in the Crafting book, which results in insta crash if you mouse over the end product when the water boils in the crucible(even worse if you pick it up).

    • Like 1
  4. Today I logged in my server and for some reason the explosives stopped working and they dont destroy blocks but do drop stones and other resources, could I get some assistance to find out why ?

    Screenshot 2022-02-21 214119.png

    postnote- It started working again randomly, seems to be fixed for now.

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