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Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. Interesting, didn't know that can happen. But it seems I just wasn't waiting long enough for chaning the wind settings to modify the storm. "/weather setw still" stops it, and "/weather setw storm" starts it. It's clearly listed under /weather as Wind: Storm also when it's happening. I went through all the weather settings before asking this, so I think when I changed the wind, before the storm disappeared the wind must have became a storm again on its own.
  2. My entire screen is white, I can't see further than 4 blocks away. I've tried various weather commands, changing the wind, changing the time and date. Nothing stops it, I basically have to wait which is very lame. /weather by itself shows no weather events by the way when this is happening, and wind speed has no effect on it.
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