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Posts posted by MrFish

  1. I think I figured out why my bread was missing the extra grain saturation. If you make dough using the grid method, the dough does not get any extra saturation. When using a mixing bowl, it adds the extra saturation correctly.

  2. 4 hours ago, l33tmaan said:

    Yes, those are lower because I added expandedNutritionProps as an attribute, since dough's original class gets replaced by ExpandedDough. This is what allows vanilla bread to have extra nutrients from things like milk, lard, and bread starter. In Expanded Foods, bread has a flat nutrition value that gets added onto based on what kind of flour you're using. Flax gives no boost, rice gives +170 nutrients, and all other flours give +140 nutrients.
    Pies should be adding the nutrients up correctly, though. Are they not?

    Something may not be working correctly in my game then, I will do some testing with my mods to see if there is a conflict. If I create pies or bread the nutrition is always much lower than in vanilla. I even made some rye bread with oil and starter and it the same nutrition value as plain dough bread.

    All pies I make have lower than expected grain saturation:

    Flax Dough and Pear Pie:


    Spelt and Pear Pie:


    This is on 1.5.3-pre.6


  3. Hey I have been having a lot of fun making the food in your mod. I just had a question on one thing.

    I couldn't find it documented anywhere here, but is there a reason that bread/pie grain nutrition is lower with Expanded Foods compared to vanilla?

    In vanilla you have bread values of:

            "*-flax-partbaked": { saturation: 70, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-flax-perfect": { saturation: 160, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-flax-charred": { saturation: 100, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-rice-partbaked": { saturation: 160, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-rice-perfect": { saturation: 330, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-rice-charred": { saturation: 220, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-partbaked": { saturation: 150, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-perfect": { saturation: 300, foodcategory: "Grain" },
            "*-charred": { saturation: 210, foodcategory: "Grain" }

    With expanded foods installed, all bread types have saturation values of 70 saturation for part-baked 160 for regular and 100 for charred in-game (including flax and rice).

    Pies in vanilla have 120 grain saturation per flax dough, 240 grain saturation per spelt or rye dough, and 280 grain saturation per pie dough (same as meal grain values).

    With expanded foods installed, flax dough pies have no grain saturation at all, rice gives 170 and other dough pies give 140 saturation per dough used.

    Since grain crock pot values aren't changed, it makes crock pot cooking kind of strictly better over breads/pies.

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