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Posts posted by Ari

  1. I'm still getting the crash from the saucepan and both cauldrons any time a second item is added. I have the most updated versions of both (1.17.3 of the game). Happens both in single player and multiplayer on a server.

    If you're not getting it at all in testing, is it possible there's another mod you have which is fixing it somehow? If you install a clean copy of VS in a separate folder and add only Culinary Artillery and Expanded Foods, maybe it will happen then?

    (By the way, in case you're not aware, the nutrition calculations for eggs seem to be off. I'm getting 4000 protein saturation from one egg in soft bread.)

    Presumably you have the error log already but just in case, what I'm getting is:

    Running on 64 bit Windows with 16 GB RAM 
    Game Version: v1.17.3 (Stable)
    28-Sep-22 0:19:04: Critical error occurred in the following mod: aculinaryartillery@1.0.5
    Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.0.5, ancienttools@1.4.7, secretvintage117@, game@1.17.3, expandedfoods@1.6.0, morepiles@1.2.2, creative@1.17.3, survival@1.17.3
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at ACulinaryArtillery.SimmerRecipe.Match(List`1 Inputs)
       at ACulinaryArtillery.BlockSaucepan.GetMeltingDuration(IWorldAccessor world, ISlotProvider cookingSlotsProvider, ItemSlot inputSlot)
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFirepit.SetDialogValues(ITreeAttribute dialogTree) in VSSurvivalMod\BlockEntity\Firepit\BEFirepit.cs:line 690
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFirepit.OnSlotModifid(Int32 slotid) in VSSurvivalMod\BlockEntity\Firepit\BEFirepit.cs:line 141
       at System.Action`1.Invoke(T obj)
       at Vintagestory.API.Common.InventoryBase.DidModifyItemSlot(ItemSlot slot, ItemStack extractedStack) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Inventory\InventoryBase.cs:line 480
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.InventorySmelting.DidModifyItemSlot(ItemSlot slot, ItemStack extractedStack) in VSSurvivalMod\Inventory\InventorySmelting.cs:line 116
       at Vintagestory.API.Common.ItemSlot.OnItemSlotModified(ItemStack sinkStack) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Inventory\ItemSlot.cs:line 418
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.ItemSlotWatertight.ActivateSlotLeftClick(ItemSlot sourceSlot, ItemStackMoveOperation& op) in VSSurvivalMod\Inventory\ItemSlotWatertight.cs:line 103
       at Vintagestory.API.Common.InventoryBase.ActivateSlot(Int32 slotId, ItemSlot sourceSlot, ItemStackMoveOperation& op) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Inventory\InventoryBase.cs:line 448
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementItemSlotGridBase.SlotClick(ICoreClientAPI api, Int32 slotId, EnumMouseButton mouseButton, Boolean shiftPressed, Boolean ctrlPressed, Boolean altPressed) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Inventory\GuiElementItemSlotGridBase.cs:line 979
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementItemSlotGridBase.OnMouseDownOnElement(ICoreClientAPI api, MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Inventory\GuiElementItemSlotGridBase.cs:line 772
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElement.OnMouseDown(ICoreClientAPI api, MouseEvent mouse) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\GuiElement.cs:line 638
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiComposer.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent mouseArgs) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\GuiComposer.cs:line 459
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiDialog.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Dialog\GuiDialog.cs:line 536
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Gui\GuiManager.cs:line 394
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 2251
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.Mouse_ButtonDown(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\Input.cs:line 220
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.WindowProcedure(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\Platform\Windows\WinGLNative.cs:line 792
       at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.Functions.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
       at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.ProcessEvents() in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\Platform\Windows\WinGLNative.cs:line 1554
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\GameWindow.cs:line 368
       at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs)
       at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93


  2. 38 minutes ago, Tyron said:

    /gamemode spectator

    😵 I didn't even think to try. I hadn't seen it mentioned anywhere and assumed it wasn't in the game.😅 Will make a note of that for the future!

    And thanks for the suggestions. As for the loot, it was already pretty labor-intensive to place since I was doing it all manually by myself, and I thought there would be multiple people online competing together, so I had set it up with that in mind. When I realized there weren't many people and they were mostly on one at a time, I did log in multiple times to place more loot, but that took a lot more time and effort and still wound up not really tilting the balance since in the end, of course, the player who was on the most wound up finding the most stuff. 😆 But yeah, next time around I'll try to get a sense in advance for how many players will be on and how many at the same time so I can balance around that.

    • Cookie time 1
  3. And the results are in! Our top players are...

    In third place, with a respectable score of 144 Pumpkin Points is goaliemagics!

    Our runner up, just barely sneaking past the third spot to take the silver medal, with 147 Pumpkin Points it's Jar of Jam!

    And our winner, putting in the time all weekend and blowing away the competition, with a whopping 493 Pumpkin Points, it's Tyron himself!

    Thank you so much to the people who joined the event, including the ones who weren't able to stay on for long enough to get on the leaderboard. I absolutely would like to host more events in the future, and this map will be tucked away and adjusted and added to for future stuff. I've learned some lessons this time around. I thought to make it "spooky" for Halloween I should increase the number of temporal storms (and therefore monsters), but in practice I think this wound up driving a lot of more casual players away. On top of that, while I provided some resources like food, armor, and tools, I didn't provide everything needed to survive. In particular, a lot of players gave up quickly because they didn't have easy access to permanent light sources and the dark nights were just time spent sitting in a safe spot in the blackness waiting for the sun. Next time around, some things will need to be rebalanced, and I should make sure there's always a safe place near spawn at the very least.

    We also didn't get very many players. A handful of folks did come on for a bit, but didn't make much progress, then seemed to have given up. Next time it might help to promote an event further in advance, and make sure more people are able to join in. This map was balanced with the assumption that there would be at least a handful of people competing against each other, but in practice there was usually only one person on at a time. Lots to tweak there.

    Finally, I have some requests of the devs for the future. I know it might be a while before I can get my wishes granted, but it would help tremendously with creating this kind of map and event if we could have:

    • A way to write more in the game. Books or parchment or something. It could even be creative-only, at least to start - maybe a way to make books like the lore journals you can currently find in ruins sometimes. If I'm trying to leave clues or tell a story, I need a way to communicate with the players, and signs and chalk drawings are too clunky and imprecise.
    • Some type of spectation mode so I can monitor the map invisibly and see chat without having the UI up. I recorded a bit of footage of this event but in all of it I either had to close chat, or you could see my hotbar and such. And the players could obviously see me spying on them. :P 
    • A way to save our default world edit settings! Every time I log into the game and jump into flight mode I have to manually close the minimap, open the world edit menu, and use the drop-down menu at the top right to lock the Y axis. (I also found that when I changed my move speed to get around the map quickly, it would randomly revert to speed 1 after a short period of time, but I assume this is a bug and will report it on the issue tracker.)

    If anyone has any feedback, please feel free to leave it here! What would have encouraged you to play more? What parts did you like and dislike? Do you have ideas or requests for future events?

    Thanks for playing!

    • Like 1
  4. And the event is over! Thank you so much to the people who participated. I (and several of my community members) spent a month getting this ready and it was gratifying to see people hunting for pumpkins. If there is interest, I'd love to manage more events in the future.

    Please, everyone give a round of applause to Jar of Jam and Mephansteras, who built most of the structures on the server.

    Now that the server is closed, please post the coordinates to your vaults! You can post them here or send them to me on Discord. I will evaluate them tomorrow, tally up the points, and congratulate the winners!

    • Like 1
    • Cookie time 1
  5. Less than six hours to go! For those who have been collecting pumpkins, at this point please:

    • Make sure you note the coordinates of your stash or vault! You will need to post those after the server closes.
    • Please start placing your pumpkins in the world at your vault location. To be counted, the pumpkins will need to be placed in the world as objects - not kept in chests! Make sure you have enough space!
    • From this point onward, please do not log out with pumpkins in your inventory, to make sure they are in the world when the event ends, either in your vault... or in someone else's if they find your stash. ;)
    • Please make sure your vault is accessible in some way. You can hide it as much as you like, but there should be an entrance which can theoretically be found and opened without breaking blocks. (So you can have an open cave, a hole, or a door or trapdoor, but not fully encase your base in sand or whatever.)

    Enjoy the remaining hours of the event!

    • Like 1
    • Cookie time 1
  6. The map has been repopulated with loot! If you didn't get a chance to get on and play yesterday, now's your chance to find some pumpkins and get some points before time runs out. The event ends in a little under twelve hours!

    I've also added light sources around the map. It seems a lot of newer players were quitting because they couldn't sort out a light source in time, so now there are loads to just grab to get you started.

  7. You don't need to find it in a list anywhere, just add a multiplayer server manually. When you open the game and click Multiplayer, you can then click "Add New Server" in the bottom right. The server name can be whatever you want, then Host / IP Address is the address above, then Server Password is spooki. It will then appear in your list and you can just click the button to join. :)

    • Like 1
  8. 🎃 The Great Pumpkin Hunt 🎃

    The event will run from midnight central European time today (8 hours from the time of this post) until midnight Sunday (49 hours from the start, owing to the glorious and highly-anticipated end of daylight saving time in Europe this weekend). Players can join at any time and play as much or as little as they would like. Working together in teams is encouraged but not required.

    The goal of the event is to find and keep as many pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns as possible. Land claiming is disabled for this event, so be sure to stash your pumpkins somewhere safe and hidden! You may keep them in your inventory while you play, but be careful - you drop your items when you die, and it is possible to fall over the edge of the world and lose everything. At the end of the event, only pumpkins stored in your vault will be counted, so if you haven't deposited them in time, you won't get your points.

    The world is dangerous. Seasons are only 3 days long, so winter comes (but then goes again) quickly. Temporal storms will be short, but strike often, so be ready!

    The map is full of small builds, some obvious and some well-hidden, created by me and my patrons (mainly Mephansteras and Jar of Jam - kudos to them for all their hard work!). Many valuable resources are to be found in these places. There are also other resources dotted around the map, though you will probably have to do some normal survival gameplay to keep yourself fed and warm in the winter.

    More pumpkins will be added to the map periodically over the course of the weekend.

    Server Information

    Server Address: vshallowsweekend.g.akliz.net:11038
    Server Password: spooki
    Game Version: 1.15.7

    The server will restart periodically over the weekend. If you get suddenly disconnected, wait a minute then try to reconnect. Only report an outage if you are unable to connect for several minutes.

    World Size: 1000 x 1000 (Traversable Edge - you can fall off!)
    Temporal Storms: Very Often
    Temporal Storm Duration: 0.5
    Death Punishment: Drop Inventory
    Hunger Speed: 75% (slower)
    Food Spoilage: 25% (slow)
    Block Gravity: Dirt + Sideways Instability
    Tool Durability: 1.5x
    Tool Speed: 3x
    Days Per Month: 1
    Spawn Radius: 50
    Tree Growth Time: 3 Days

    PVP: Enabled, but not to be abused. It is allowed to kill another player to defend your vault or while trying to raid theirs, or to steal their pumpkins if you believe they are carrying some. It is not allowed to kill other players just to harass, grief, or annoy them. Anyone abusing PVP will be removed from the game.

    All other settings are default.

    There should be no translocators on the map. However, if it turns out we missed one and you find it, please do NOT repair and use it. The world map is not big enough and trying to use one may cause crashes.

    Game Rules

    Goal: Find as many pumpkins as you can and store them in a hidden vault to be counted at the end of the event. The pumpkins have been chiseled and placed in advance. It is not necessary to obtain the Vintage Story pumpkin crop, though if you manage to grow them and place them in your vault, they will also be counted at one point each.

    Vaults: Alone or with a team, it is up to you to choose a location and build a secure vault. Land claiming is not enabled, so you will need to hide it lest other players raid it and steal your pumpkins. Make sure to write down the coordinates of your vault. At the end of the event when the server is closed, you must post the coordinates of your vault in this thread. You will have 24 hours to do so before points are tallied up and the winner declared.

    Points: There are three types of pumpkins, each worth a different number of points.

    Jack-O-Lanterns: 10 points
    are carved with faces, some of which glow in the dark. There are three variants of each face, and each jack-o-lantern is unique. These are hidden in special locations.

    Tall Pumpkins: 3 points
    Larger than your ordinary pumpkin, and rarer as well.

    Round Pumpkins: 1 point
    The most common variant, these can be found dotted around the landscape and at special locations.

    More pumpkins will be added to the map periodically throughout the weekend, so there will be plenty of opportunity to find them even if you can't start at the beginning of the event.

    Language: Please keep the language during the event PG. This is a friendly, respectful competition and not the place for antagonism or offensive language. Anyone using racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist or otherwise bigoted language on the server will be banned.

    A Note On Recording/Streaming: If you are a YouTuber or streamer, you are welcome to record and/or stream all or part of the event, but please refer your viewers to this thread and credit Ari (SecretFoxfire) with creating and managing the event. I will be recording some of it as well and plan to release a highlights video on my YouTube channel (youtube.com/secretfoxfire) some time after the event ends.

    In case of any problems, contact Ari here or on Discord: https://discord.gg/GY6dH4S








    pumpkin types.jpg

    thumbnail new.jpg

    • Like 4
  9. This weekend I'm running a Halloween event and everyone is invited! On a small (1000x1000) server littered with custom-built ruins and loot, but under constant threat of temporal storms and monster attacks, come hunt for (custom-chiseled) pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns. Work alone or team up, but make sure to hide your pumpkins well so they don't get stolen! At the end of the event we'll tally up each player or team's Pumpkin Points and crown a victor. The server will open tomorrow at midnight central European time and run for 49 hours (thanks to the glorious end of daylight savings in Europe this weekend!). More detailed rules will be revealed tomorrow. Spread the word!


    thumbnail new.jpg

    • Like 4
  10. Yeah some of this feels a bit like "how do we force everyone to play in one specific way?" which is... why? If someone likes cheesing the drifters with murder holes, why prevent them? If someone doesn't find that playstyle fulfilling, then why wouldn't they just play the way they want?

    I feel a bit like too many people are asking "how do we force EVERYONE to have to FIGHT all the enemies in the storms?" and not enough asking "why do some people not like the storms?" If someone just doesn't like combat, cheesing it seems reasonable. I think for me, they're just an annoyance that provides absolutely no benefit, so why WOULD I play them legit? If the game were altered to make it impossible to cheese the storms, I would simply disable them in every single world I generate, because there's no benefit to them.

    Vintage Story is a sandbox. It's not specifically a fighting game. Fighting is one part of it, but there are many other aspects that have nothing to do with combat, and some of us play primarily for those. I like the wilderness survival bit. I like exploring, crafting, and building. I love cooking interesting meals and baking pies. I don't care about the scary monsters bit. I think it's great that there are interesting monsters for the folks who like fighting. Anyone who wants to fight them is already free to do so. But folks who are avoiding them are doing so for a reason. If you want to encourage everyone to fight the monsters, then there needs to be a suitable reward for doing so.

    • Like 3
  11. Unfortunately, finding ore in this game is mostly about luck. The prospecting pick does NOT work the way you would expect, especially if you've played Minecraft TFC. Basically, in its main mode, the propick does NOT tell you how much ore is nearby. It only tells you the chance that the game might have generated some ore nearby. You canNOT use it to triangulate where ore is. Digging wherever the propick gives you the highest percentage in no way guarantees you'll find anything. Sometimes the ore is in an area with a lower percentage. Sometimes there's no ore at all. And yes, it is TREMENDOUSLY frustrating and I wish it would just work like the TFC one, let you triangulate where the highest concentration of ore is and dig down.

    As it stands, your only real option is to find an area where the propick gives a reasonably high concentration of what you're looking for, then either dig a ton of holes in the area and hope you get lucky, or find a cave system to explore (potentially very difficult and dangerous depending on your gear and how good you are at combat or cheesing enemies).

    It's a nightmare and I and other players have been begging them to change how propicks work for ages and they have not done so, so I guess it's unlikely that it will ever be more useful or intuitive. If someone ever makes a mod that creates a propick that works like the TFC one I'll be all over it, but I'm not sure how likely that is - it would probably be pretty complex to make.

    In the meantime, you can at least reduce your frustration by cranking up the ore density when you create the world. That'll make ores common enough that you're not pulling your hair out searching for them. You can also do this in a world that's already generated using commands, but it will only affect newly-generated chunks.

  12. At the moment the temporal storms, the more difficult enemies deeper underground, temporal instability (the green gear at the bottom of the screen which goes up or down depending on the "temporal stability" in your area - if it gets too low, you start to get visual effects and more enemies spawning), and the lore you can find in journals are just about it for the "Lovecraftian" side of things. Temporal storms are mostly just a hassle at the moment without any real benefit (and a lot of players disable or sleep through them), but I believe there are plans to add more to that aspect of the game in the future. There are heavier storms, but they just have stronger visual effects and harder enemies. For now the majority of the game is a pretty standard survival sandbox.

  13. I know how to use the /gamemode command to change my own gamemode, or to change it for a specific player. Is there a way to change the default gamemode for all new players joining a server? Maybe something in the server config? It may be really obvious and I'm just not spotting it. >_<

    EDIT: Actually, I think I found it under "defaultgamemode". Was looking for the word "survival", didn't realize the config relied on the numbers (which I had to look up). I think it's working now.

    EDIT2: Actually, no, that didn't work at all. Help!

  14. Also be aware that if you make really tiny worlds, they are currently bugged and will not work properly. I don't know what the minimum threshold is but after a lot of experimentation I found that if you make a really small world (less than 1000 blocks or so), when you leave the world and try to reopen it it will give you an error and fail to load. I left a bug report on this ages and ages ago in the bug tracker and it was acknowledged but there have never been any updates - I guess it's not a priority for the devs. (I do hope they fix it eventually. I want to make tiny arena worlds for multiplayer events.)

  15. I believe fallen snow can only get up to half a block in height (which is indeed enough for mobs to walk over fences next to it). In very cold areas, full snow blocks can be generated on worldgen.

  16. +1 to this. I've been asking for toggles (at least options for toggles) to replace the need to hold down the mouse button for ages because I have chronic wrist problems. I know there are third party programs that can do it but it's a lot of extra work to set up something like that, and hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to add it to the game itself.

    • Like 2
  17. "Almost all the time" is definitely too much. I'm not sure what all the in-game "translations" are of the numbers but if you have access to and are willing to use commands, you can try /wgen pos climate to get a detailed list of climate info for where you're standing.

    Bees are easiest to find in forests, of course. In my experience, they spawn in the "wolf country" areas with mushrooms and a variety of trees, in birch forests, or if you want to avoid wolves you can head south far enough to get warmer biomes (where sunflowers start to spawn) and search through forests risk-free. You can also find them in acacia areas but then you have to deal with hyenas. You won't find them in jungles (too wet) and I generally don't find them in pine forests (maybe because too much rain or too cold, maybe because the trees are so tall you wouldn't hear the bees up high, not sure).

    Easiest rules of thumb for me are that if you see mushrooms or soybeans growing around, or if there are lots of birch trees in one area, it's probably possible to find bees there. Of course, actually finding them is largely luck. Best way to do it is to turn the weather volume slider all the way down, the main volume up, and walk around slowly listening for the buzz.

    • Thanks 1
  18. Crafting most clothes requires a sewing kit, which can only be crafted by clothier class characters (I'm just a commoner). It does appear that you can make some fur clothing without it but it requires quite a lot of hides. At this point it's nearly the end of February and it's warming up anyway, so it's probably not worth doing, but I'll have to keep that in mind for next time. I don't remember that being added to the game at all, must not have gotten much fanfare.

    In any case, I've been keeping busy making chain and doing a bit of not-too-far exploring (always bringing what I need to make a campfire when I get too cold). I actually managed to find some halite, which was handy. Still searching for borax... I swear I used to see borax EVERYWHERE. I used to be tripping over the stuff back when it had no use. But now there's none to be found! I'm exploring a big area of sedimentary stone and crossing my fingers. Seems like you only need one piece to start steelmaking...

    I have noticed that the seasonal changes are totally unconnected with the temperature. It's still consistently hitting -16 or so, but all the snow and ice is melting. I suppose that must just happen based on the core temperature of the area and the calendar date. But if it's warm enough for snow and ice to melt, the temperature should be higher so I'm not freezing to death if I fall in the now-exposed water!

    • Like 1
  19. The game is not designed to run over a virtual LAN. It is designed for servers, and there are many options available for running servers, including running one for free on your own computer if it's powerful enough and you have a strong internet connection. If you purchased the game expecting it to do something it was not designed to do, and then it wasn't able to do that, that's not really the fault of the game or its developers. If Hamachi isn't working the way you want, you need to look into Hamachi support, not angrily complain that the game doesn't magically work with a third-party program. This game is made by a 2-person team and demanding that they drop everything they're working on to add functionality just because you want it isn't going to get you anywhere. If you're unsatisfied and no longer want the game, the devs are usually willing to give refunds if you contact them.

  20. You can click and drag in the crafting grid to evenly distribute items across multiple spaces (for example, hold a stack of reeds and click and drag slowly around the outside cells of the crafting grid will drop 8 reeds in each slot to make a couple of baskets). You can also right-click to drop just one item at a time in each space.

    The game does have a steep learning curve for a newcomer but the handbook will explain most things, and you can always ask more questions here. :)

  21. So I decided to make myself some iron chain armor and.... This is gonna keep me busy for a while. xD Wow does the chain take a long time to make, and it's 2 ingots a piece. 20 are needed for the full set. I'm going to need to make a run for wood for charcoal, I'm gonna run out. Also gonna run out of leather - so much is required for armor!

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