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Posts posted by Ari

  1. Nice ideas, thanks. Automation is unfortunately held back for me due to a shortage of flax for windmills. I have one small one but it doesn't even move a lot of the time, and not enough flax to make it bigger. If I'm lucky it'll grind up a stack of chalk over the course of a few days. I got lucky and managed to find iron and tin close to my base so I progressed quickly through the metals but I'm still in my first game year and getting a proper farm set up took longer than expected (and I had bad luck finding flax seeds) so that removes a lot of options. What little flax materials I had left I had to save for repairing my clothes.

    I suppose I could travel and search for borax and halite, do need both, but traveling in the winter is just miserable and prospecting is such a chore. I hate that it's so imprecise. Like, having a tool that tells you exactly where the metal is underground (like in Minecraft TFC) is unrealistic, sure, but so is the prospecting that exists in VS. They've made it difficult and imprecise just to add to the grind, not for realism. I wouldn't mind it so much if it were precise. Like, if the highest percentage of an ore meant dig down and you'll find that ore, cool. But instead it just means "here's your best shot, no guarantees" and half the time I dig down at the highest percentage and don't find anything at all, and when I actually find ore it's in an area with a lower percentage according to the propick. Makes me not want to bother. I also don't want to go too far since I'd like to get all my sows pregnant (and I'm out of grain and veg for them, so it's a lot of shoveling snow and cutting grass). And I only have the starting clothes, haven't found any more (or any clothing traders), so I don't have options for extra warmth when I go out.

    There is a cave nearby where I found tin where I'm pretty sure there's more tin to be found, but I also spotted some locusts down below and I'm terrible at the combat and have no proper armor. I suppose I could spend a few days working on some iron armor (if I have enough leather, which is questionable, but I can kill some of the pigs and process more up) and then head over there to explore. I don't actually need more tin but maybe there's something interesting in the caves, ruins or some such. I just really hate caving, I don't enjoy the combat and don't want to die down there and lose my stuff. 😅

    But yeah, I suppose grindy tasks are a reasonable choice. Make more iron blooms and work them into ingots, spend a day traveling to the nearest forest and gathering wood for charcoal, maybe chiseling a sculpture or two. I toyed with the idea of making a greenhouse and trying to grow some of the more cold-tolerant crops but it's cold enough that I don't think the extra 5 degrees are going to help. I guess I could set up a greenhouse for early spring, at least. I have actually already panned about a stack of bony soil and have a stack of books I could read on a particularly cold day. Or I can just spend a day or two panning some sand or gravel, see if I get lucky and find something rare.

  2. I'm mid-winter in my current playthrough, first time playing this long in a world since seasons were added to the game. Everything is covered with snow which is cool but makes exploration (mainly looking for borax so I can make steel) too difficult to be worth it. It's also cold enough and the days are short enough that travel is just a huge pain. So I'm hanging out at home. I built a barn and a chicken coop and rounded up some animals (kept indoors so they can't use the snow to escape their pens). Been shoveling away snow in grassy areas and cutting grass to feed my pigs, hoping for piglets before too long, but that's pretty tedious and I've gone through two iron shovels from the snow. Made backups of all my iron tools already. I spend some days smelting ingots of whatever metals I have and preparing more iron blooms, but that gets tedious after a while. I don't really have anything I need to make from clay, already have plenty of bowls and vessels and several tall stacks of fire bricks.

    Basically I'm trying to think of something else interesting to do that doesn't involve travel/exploration. What do others do during the cold winter months?

  3. I've managed to find all the new tropical plants except cassava. After four days of wandering in jungle biomes I haven't found a single one. Anyone know where they show up? Are they in the heart of the jungle and I just haven't spotted one because it's so crowded in there? Or am I looking in the wrong place?

    If anyone has a screenshot of one of the plants in the wild that would be really helpful too, so I can see what kind of areas I should be looking.


  4. There's clearly some kind of misunderstanding here. It is very easy to be safe. So somehow you have inadvertently missed a way they can get to you. If you post some screenshots of your setup, I bet we can clear it up easily, and then you can start enjoying the game as intended. :)

  5. I agree that the seed drop rate for any tree should always average at least 1 seed per tree. This is difficult to balance, of course, because the game only calculates the drop rate per leaf block, and even if the drop rate seems high, there's always the chance that with bad luck you'll wind up with no seeds. Tweak it high enough to be certain every tree will give you at least one seed and you might wind up getting 20 seeds from one tree, just based on sheer chance which can't be accounted for. The code doesn't look at "seeds per tree" but just "chance per broken leaf block" so there will always be a lot of variation from tree to tree.

    But I hope the devs will keep tweaking the drop rates until players find we get on average 1-2 seeds per rare tree. Having a rare material is cool, but having a material so rare it's almost impossible to get just frustrates the players for whom these beautiful textures were added in the first place, who want to build with them.

    Fortunately, while the devs sort out the balancing, it's actually very easy for us players to tweak our own files. Navigate to your game assets folder (by default in AppDada\roaming\Vintagestory in Windows) and go to survival\blocktypes\plant\leaves\normal.json. Then search for "drops" to jump to where the drop percent chance is for each type of seed and tweak them to your heart's content.

    • Like 2
  6. The base lifespan of cured meat is one full year. So if you salt the meat, then yes, it should stay fresh for a year or more in a cellar. However, this doesn't mean that a cellar can make everything last a year. It depends on the food and how it's stored.

  7. You can build cellars which make food last longer. You can also extend the shelf life of food with certain containers like clay vessels, or by pickling/salting it in barrels. The amount of time food will last depends on the food, the temperature of the surrounding area, and how much shelf life the food had left before preserving.

    You can find all the details on food preservation on the wiki, here: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Food_preservation

  8. The wiki hasn't been updated yet with details on the new crops, so: do all of the new crops spawn in the world? I've seen sunflowers and bell peppers (which I know aren't usable yet), but not the pineapples, peanuts, etc. even after exploring a large jungle. Do those seeds need to be found in seed vessels, or am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks!

  9. You used to start VS with a torch, but that was removed a while back. But you are not meant to start at night - I think that must be a bug. It should always be morning when you start, giving you plenty of time to get your first light source. If your server starts you at night, it's perfectly valid to just use a command to set it to day.

    My concern, however, is eyestrain. If I play the game for more than an hour or so I get terrible headaches because I'm constantly straining to see details in the dim lighting, even during the day. Turning up the gamma doesn't really help, it just makes it look washed out. In previous versions the lighting was much brighter and it was easier to see, but that was changed in favor of gritty realism. I hope in the future we can get some good options for lighting in each world, so those of us with various degrees of visual impairment can enjoy the game fully.

  10. There are already a couple of "skills" in the game tied to the profession you choose at the start. I'm not a fan, personally. For example, there's a type of bow you can craft without flax but only if you chose the right profession at the start of the game, otherwise it's locked off to you forever. These things might make sense on a large multiplayer server but in single player it just means there are things you can never do. However, I'm sure Tyron will take player feedback into account when implementing anything more like that.

    • Like 6
  11. Often game developers will send out press copies of games that haven't been released yet and there will be embargoes on when content can be released or what parts of the game can be covered. Sometimes for a game which is essentially a walking simulator or other game with plot twists or no replay value, the devs will request that the ending of the game not be spoiled, for example. However, for fully released games, it's generally just fine to make videos or stream them. In fact, most developers encourage this, because it increases awareness of a game - especially a creative sandbox type of game like Vintage Story. (It's a strange sort of gray area legally, since technically you don't own the game, you license it, and if you're profiting from content made with the game, it could be construed as a copyright violation if the developer decided that for some reason they didn't want coverage of the game, but by and large it is understood that YouTube and Twitch are beneficial for game sales and it's almost unheard of for a game developer/publisher to try to stop people from using their game for video/streaming content.)

    So yes, it's perfectly fine to do so. If you search on YouTube or Twitch you will find plenty of people playing it (including me).

    • Like 1
  12. I thought this was fixed a few versions ago. There is a command to fix it that you can run in each dark chunk, or at least there used to be, but I don't have it written down anywhere. :( Hopefully Tyron or someone else who knows the command can help you with that soon. You might also want to submit an official bug report on the Github page to make sure they know this bug has returned. 

  13. I don't understand why soil blocks are universally not chiselable. It makes sense that they could not be chiseled with the default settings since the physics of chiseling dirt would be odd, but with the chisel option set to "most cubic blocks" why are soil blocks still excluded? If I'm building something in creative mode, sometimes being able to use the dirt texture would be helpful or even critical to a design. Like, say, if you're building a hobbit village for a YouTube series and need to have a thin layer of grass on top of part of the roof...

    Anyway, whatever the reasoning, has anyone found a way to enable chiseling for dirt blocks? I've looked through the block files as well as the chisel files and not found anything. Maybe it's hardcoded? Is there any way to mod the game for this? If not, I suppose I can mod in a new set of blocks with the dirt texture but set as "stone", which presumably would work, it would just be kind of a pain, so I'm crossing my fingers there's just a tag in a file somewhere I can edit instead. :D Thank you!

    • Like 1
  14. As a temporary fix until firepits are rebalanced, it's very easy to adjust the burn time/heat values for materials in the asset files. Just open the file for firewood and adjust them as you like. I always increase burn time by a factor of three or four. I also modify the recipe file for firewood and have each log give 16 instead of 4. makes no sense to me that a log that takes up a whole block would only give you four little sticks when you chop it up. Makes charcoal production a lot less tedious as well.

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  15. I've been trying to find a file I can modify to change the default presets, but to no avail. The settings I change each time (for this world I'm trying to make) are:

    Starting Climate (obviously needs to be set before world gen)
    Forestation & Shrubs (this affects the starting area so needs to be changed in advance)
    Microblock Chiseling
    Grace Timer
    Creature Hostility
    Creature Strength
    Player Health Points
    Block Gravity
    Food Spoilage Rate
    Tool Durability
    Tool Mining Speed
    ProPick Node Search Radius
    Surface Copper Deposit Frequency (affects starting chunks, needs to be changed in advance)
    Surface Tin Deposit Frequency (affects starting chunks, needs to be changed in advance)
    Global Deposit Spawn Rate (has no command to change it after world gen)
    Temporal Storms
    Temporal Stability
    Allow Underground Farming (has no command to change it after world gen)

    While it's true that many of these can be changed after the fact, some of them still need to be changed in advance, and if I'm in the customization window already it feels like it makes sense to just change everything. Maybe I'm being foolish, maybe I should only change the ones that need to be done ahead of time, check the world, and then manually change the rest with commands if I finally get a world I want.

    Again, all this would be 1000x easier if I could just save custom worldgen options, but you do make a good point, I could be saving at least some time given how many worlds I'm generating by being more selective about the settings each time.

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  16. If I'm just playing for fun, I might do that, but I'm trying to make a video series in a specific setting. I want that setting to be available at the spawn because:

    1. If it's not at spawn, there's a chance it won't exist in the world at all, and
    2. Even if it does exist, I might waste hours searching for it (and make the world save file MUCH larger than it needs to be), and
    3. I have specific goals for the video series and I want to get started on them right away rather than wasting hours and hours just trying to find a starting location.

    All of this can easily be solved if I can just save my worldgen options. The actual generation of a world is pretty quick and I could generate as many as I need without the wretched grind of constantly changing all those drop-down menus again and again and again.

    I think I've actually requested this before, but it never made its way into the game. Until something like this is added, I will just have to keep manually changing all the settings for every world I generate, and truly it just sucks the life out of me after a few hours.

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  17. I love how much we can customize world generation, but when I'm making a new world (especially for a server or a YouTube series) I typically need to generate a lot of worlds one after the other until I find a location that suits my needs. Generating a new world takes about 30 seconds - except it also takes several minutes of changing all the worldgen options every single time, and that adds up fast. An option to save your worldgen settings, either as the new default or as a new worldgen option alongside survival, creative, etc., would ultimately save hours of time (and a lot of frustration). Same goes for the starting appearance of a character. Since I can't look around each world until I've set my character appearance, and there's no easy way to change the appearance later, I have to go through and fully set up my character's appearance every single time.

    None of these things are a problem if you're only doing them now and then, but I just generated about 50 worlds looking for a good spot for a new series (still haven't found it) and I'm giving up for now, because it's just too much hassle to keep setting the worldgen options and character appearance over and over and over and over again.

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