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Posts posted by Ari

  1. I wasn't trying to apply them to an already-generated world, I was trying to adjust the worldgen parameters on the server then generate a new world. I wound up just generating the world in single-player using the usual options and then uploading the single-player world save to the server, which seems to have worked. It would be great if there were a way to set these parameters on a server in a config file before starting the server, which generates the world, but there seems to be no way to do that.

    (Also, regarding changing worldgen parameters after the world is generated, it doesn't necessarily cause any problems. You can already adjust plenty of worldgen options after creating the world which only affect newly-generated chunks. If I can adjust the copper/tin surface ore generation rates after worldgen, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to change overall oregen rates. Ungenerated chunks just generate with the new settings. It makes a hard line between the old and new chunks, but it doesn't harm the world or the server.)

  2. According to the wiki, we should be able to take milk from a bucket with a bowl and drink it. However, I can't take milk from a bucket (or barrel) with a bowl. It just shows an endless animation like it's trying to do something but nothing happens. I also don't seem to be able to drink it from the bucket directly. So milk is currently useless until I get to the point where I have pickled vegetables to turn it into cheese.

  3. Yes, I'm familiar with that part of the wiki and already use those commands, but the specific ones I'm asking about are the ones that don't have commands. Does anyone know if it's possible to simply copy a settings file from a single-player world onto a server? Will that work? Has anyone done it? Or do the devs possibly have other world config commands that aren't documented in the wiki?

  4. Unless one exists and I have somehow managed to miss it entirely, we are in sore need of a way to move tame animals around. Right now, it's not too tough to move wild animals around: either get them to chase you or get them to run away from you. But once they're tame, there's no way to move them. No ropes/leads and no way to get them to follow you. This means it's actually detrimental to tame animals by too many generations, because once they trust you they won't move. Sometimes I need to move my animals to a new location, and the only way I have to do it at the moment is to move their food troughs and wait, sometimes days, for them to wander towards it. Since the game already has code for entities to follow other entities, surely that wouldn't be too hard to implement? Maybe if the player is holding grain or something, nearby tame animals will follow them?

  5. I'm making a new multiplayer server and I can't figure out how to adjust some of the world config options. Most of them can be changed after the server is created using commands, then I can delete the world and let it regenerate with the new settings. However, some of the options available for single-player worlds don't appear to have associated commands, or at least they're not in the wiki. Is there a way to do this, either with commands or by modifying the files?

    I want to adjust:

    • Global ore deposit spawn rate (I want to increase it)
    • Polar-equator distance (I want to shorten it)
    • Starting climate (I want to set it to warm)
    • Allow underground farming


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  6. Any update on this? I'm glad there's now a separate volume slider for weather but I still need a way to turn the rain off in creative mode. I'm trying to build something in creative mode and I can't see anything and it won't stop raining. I get that rain is an important mechanic in survival but there should be a command to disable it or set the weather to "sunny" or something. I'm astonished to realize there is no such option, given how many customization and world edit features the game has. I've tried everything I could find in the wiki to no avail.

  7. It's actually possible to get all your nutritional needs met in the game without hunting/killing animals. The nutritional categories are fruit, vegetable, protein, and grain. Obviously fruit/veg/grain are not animal products, and for protein you can use soybeans.

  8. If you're using commands to skip time then it makes sense that things are burning out / rotting faster than you expect. I'm afraid you can't expect things to work normally if you're using commands to change time. Throw the pots/crocks with rotted food in some water and the rot will come out. You can't eat rot, but you can put it in a barrel. Once you have 64, seal the barrel for a while and it'll give you compost, which is a high-quality soil for farming.

  9. I agree that the game is too dark now. In a previous version it was made a lot lighter and brighter and I loved it, but 1.12 dropped it back down. Supposedly we can make it as bright as it used to be with a command, but I haven't been able to find any change in gamma that actually makes the nights any less dark. It's causing me genuine eyestrain at this point. It would be one thing if we could just skip the night but until late game there's usually no choice but to play when it's dark out. I'd like to have it bright again.

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  10. That's the whole thing though, it really is about luck. if you look at the replies in this thread that becomes clear. Some players are saying "there isn't enough, I've been searching for hour after hour and found nothing" and other players are saying "it's not that rare, I found loads of it really easily, you must not be looking hard enough." It's not a question of looking hard enough, it's the fact that different worlds have wildly different mineral generations. In some worlds I spawn in a limestone biome. In others I can spend a dozen hours searching and not find a single bit. It's not necessarily that the game needs "more" of these stones, it's just that they need to spawn more consistently in every game world, because right now it seems to be feast or famine.

  11. These aren't bugs.

    Food spoils at different rates. If it's in your inventory, it may spoil faster or slower than if it's in the game world, depending on the temperature in your area. You can also slow down the spoiling rate by putting it in a clay vessel or in a cellar underground. These mechanics should be explained in the wiki.

    When you eat a bowl of food, you only eat as much as you need. If there is more in the bowl than you need, the bowl will stay in your inventory with some of the food still in it. Open your inventory and put your mouse over the food to see how much is left. (0.9, 0.5, 0.1 servings, etc).

    If you eat a prepared meal, your hunger bar will stop going down for a little while. It's to reflect the extra nourishment from cooked food. If you eat a really nutritious meal, you won't have to eat again for a while.

  12. Just a heads up, I wouldn't quite call it a "bug", but when we updated from 1.12.3 to 1.12.6 we started noticing a lot of frame lag on the server, and we've all had similar experiences in single-player worlds. A lot of frame drops, brief freezes, etc. I no longer get the block-breaking lag in my jungle world, which is great, but now the overall frame rate just seems a lot lower. I had assumed it was just me, but when my patrons started making the same complaints, I figured I'd better let you know. For now we'll try lowering our video settings and see if that helps.

  13. The issues is that it's fully luck-dependent. Yes, sometimes you just have to explore for a short while to find the stones you need. In some worlds you can wander for 10+ hours and not find it. Making it necessary to explore a bit is great, but it's *too* random, to the point where sometimes it seems like entire worlds can generate with no chalk/limestone. And since it can take a long time to figure out whether you have easy access or not, it gets really frustrating when you realize you've wasted half a real-life day searching for something that simply doesn't exist (speaking from experience). I don't necessarily think it should be in every biome, but there should be a higher chance than there currently is of it spawning in each area, for sure.

  14. This has always been a problem, honestly. I've complained about it in the past, spending hour after hour exploring only to come up empty. It's caused me to burn out on the game several times and need a long break before coming back. I believe the developers' solution was to add lime to traders' inventories sometimes. So instead of spending a ridiculous number of hours searching for limestone or chalk, you spend a ridiculous number of hours searching for a commodities trader who has lime in stock and desperately grinding or searching for gears to trade for it. I agree that it should be much more common than it is. I do think limestone is more common now than it once was, but you might still have to search 10,000+ blocks to find it, depending on luck. I do think there are certain types of stone that might have a limestone layer underneath (basalt is one of them for sure, not sure about others). I find it most useful to explore around mountains and cliffs, since you can see "under" the top layers easily since they're sticking out above ground. I don't know if the developers will ever make these stones more common (I doubt it, since most of the changes they make are to make the game grindier and more difficult, not easier), but I think it's possible to manually modify the game files to make them more common, or make them available really cheaply from NPC traders.

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  15. The thing is, it's a sandbox game. By definition, it doesn't have an end goal. You do what you want. That type of gameplay isn't for everyone, but keep in mind that there are many different reasons why people play games. Some people want a goal to work towards. Some people want to master a skill and overcome a challenge. Some people want to collect things. Some people want to explore and discover secrets. And some people just want a fun creative space to build in. All of these gameplay styles are equally valid, and not every game has to offer all of them. I would say that someone who gets bored in a game that requires you to make your own goals probably would be more interested in other types of games. Personally, I enjoy the sandbox nature of the gameplay of VS. I set my own goals and enjoy reaching them, and that's what's best for me. I'm happiest when additions to the game give me more sandbox toys to play with, like new building blocks and automation tools (which are gradually being added), or more ways to make the game feel immersive, like the new weather and smithing systems. I wouldn't be upset if the developer decided to add more goals and quests and such, because it wouldn't do me any harm, but I don't require it, either, and I think they are definitely not obligated to add it.

    All that said, I don't know if the dev is planning on adding more progression/story-based content or not. If so, cool. But if not, also cool. I think it's important to keep in mind why these games are called "sandbox" games. Kids don't play in a sandbox to win or unlock achievements or complete quests, they play because they want to build a castle or dig a hole or whatever else their imagination can come up with. So if you find yourself becoming bored without preset goals, you might be happier with a different type of game.

    Anyway, that's just my two cents. I wouldn't mind at all if more progression, goals, and story were added to the game, but I also don't expect it, and I am the type of player that is very happy with a pure sandbox, left to my own devices. It's all relative.

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