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Posts posted by Nowweh

  1. On 7/7/2022 at 7:02 AM, BenLi said:

    "So it is not about making it easy to get resource. You should not get resin easily. If you want it easy - open creative mode."

    Its not based around balance at all. I highly doubt the devs want the game to be tedious. 
    If i make it to even early bronze to late iron, i shouldnt have to spend 4 RL hours searching for resin to make and be creative with windmills and stuff. I just spend 2 RL days searching for iron or tin.

    You absolutely contradict yourself. 
    You state the games designed for long play and creativity. No if you wanted that "OpEn CrEaTiVe MoDe"

    Unlocking new tools and tiers of metal should result in the past tedium becoming much easier with new technology.
    Its really that simple.

    The whole "if you want it easy goto creative" right after stating that the basic experience(which is survival) is supposed to for creativity and leisure play is insane.
    Dont even get me started on the games tendency to be leaning towards realism, and how unrealistic it is a caveman whos discovered alloying and metal bloomeries to not make the correlation between pine resin leaking from scrapes in trees, and being able to replicate the same thing with the newly made saw, knife, pick, any sharp metal tool.

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  2. I agree that wolves should be less prone to attacking a player holding a torch it makes sense.
    However if they are in a pack they should still attack players as they have strength in numbers, Or perhaps if they are low weight they become desperate and will brave the fire to try and get a meal off your bones.

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  3. Or just make it so player grown spruce trees have a chance to spawn resin node.
    Or allow us to use the chisel and hammer combo with a bucket, to tap the tree for resin/create a resin node.

    With resin being a finite resource and being a gating material is a recipe for disaster, especially on big servers where new players dont exactly understand not to destory the resin nodes.

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