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Everything posted by b0bb0

  1. @Foltig Thanks I chiseled them and strung the support beams down the side.
  2. Thanks @ZeeTwentyThree You mean the black? Polished Basalt. All the polished stones have a deeper color. I keep messing with the interior. Note the Andesite verticals near the bottom are lighter than the andesite comb farther up the wall. Unpolished -vs- Polished. So the polished basalt is really dark.
  3. As you might guess, the tower was an add-on. Still working on the interior. Can't find any peridotite!
  4. b0bb0

    A small semi-tudor

    @Froggowo Thank you!
  5. b0bb0


    @Llama3013 Hello, I installed the alchemy mod along with a couple of others and after a bit noticed a frame drop as I turned in place. I was in a room so I thought, "Can't be rendering". Seems like it happens about every 90 degrees. Looked at the logs for client and server and saw no tick warnings. I'm running too many mods . Moved to SP and I got it down to the Alchemy mod. I created a new world with nothing but the Alchemy mod and saw the same behavior. VS 1.18.3: Windows 11:SP and linux server MP. alchemy-1.6.11 Reproduction: Let the game settle after starting, and then spin in place. You will notice a 'twitch' about every 90 degrees. Thank you for your attention.
  6. b0bb0

    A small semi-tudor

    @ThorfinnNot sure. When I 'list' it show 6 rooms but I am unsure of how/what it is calculating. Would require some experimentation.
  7. b0bb0

    A small semi-tudor

    Hey @Nessy, It is really not an issue if you are creative-building. If you are chiseling in survival-mode it is really handy. The /roomregdebug command is used to see if the game has 'reg'istered a space as a room. In winter, if the space is not registered as a room, it is coooold. There is a fair bit of conjecture as to what the limits of room size is. The suggested max size of a 'room' is 7x7x7. But I have had larger spaces recognized as a 'room'. The general rule is a block must have a minimum of 50% depth to be recognized. Slope- chiseled blocks usually don't meet that criteria. So a custom sloped roof needs a ceiling under it. The chimney and chiseled glass in this gave me fits. Its hard to see errors in glass. There are three command arguments to the /roomregdebug command. 'hi' turns on highlighting (all green if the room is registered. Red it not) 'unhi' turns off highlighting 'list' shows a count of possible room dimensions? It seems to be chunk-based, or at least chunk-sized when it fails, to judge by the second screenshot. My troubleshooting consisted of blocking suspected areas until I figured out just where the problem was. In one case I could not find it and just redid it. One tiny nick in an already thin block can do it. I did not stay in a Holiday Inn last night
  8. 1.17 Learned a lot about chiseling and using the /roomregdebug command.
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