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Posts posted by ApacheTech

  1. Accessibility Tweaks

    Update to v2.3.0:

     - Added: Visual Tweaks - Disable Mist Rendering.
     - Added: Camera Shake now stops involuntary mouse movement when taking damage (screen shake).
     - Added: Camera Shake now stops involuntary mouse movement when low on health (camera drift).

     - Fixed: Colour Correction shaders not working after first use.
     - Fixed: Freezing vignette no longer disabled with Camera Shake.


    • Like 3
    • Amazing! 1
    • Thanks 2
  2. 12 hours ago, Aledark said:

    1.16 pre 7 Vanilla with standard settings.

    Got a 10 hours in pre-release so far made it back to bronze. Haven't fully tested whole thing but restarted vanilla with no mods in new world..

    I do have a big concern:

    Drifters throwing rocks needs tweaking and rebalancing.

    In my mind it was to alleviate farming them in drifter pit

    But collateral problems arises from current implementation :

    1-Takes durability off your armor fast as you get hit, no way to block with shield (unless it's planned) except hide or block placement.

    2-Damage source is gravity based not via what drifter tier throw them or via what you wear?(I'll need to test it further to make sure..will follow with more later on).

    3- Makes drifters a massive nuissance, makes cave exploration way more dangerous but also not fun. Their loot really sucks. Risks vs rewards in vs is really really really dry because of how the loot tables is % wise and what's in the loot tables. There isnt anything for the people who have gotten 1 temporal gear and have a flax field and know how to trade with traders to get rusty gears...

    So in single player and in MP, whats gonna happen? People will just log off(makes drifters despawn), avoid them but then what 50% of each 48 minutes... unless rift activity is calm...you hide afk in your base. People already log off whenever a storm occurs or even when it's night. What do people do in SP? They sleep. While you can modify this settings i dont feel like coordinating 15 people to go sleep whenever night and or a storm occurs is fun.

    4- The knockback is massive if you get hit from behind while moving ( can push you like 4 blocks ahead while you run) or on stone path. I think intent is to have you push off pillar when stationary which is fine in my book tough..

    5- Drifters keep shooting non stop (unlimited ammo).

    5b- Drifters recharge time is too fast might wanna add time for realism to pick up stones from ground to recharge.

    5c- Drifter range seems bit too far 

    6- Drifters got almost perfect direct aim, they switch from melee and or range like almost instantly depending on situation even before you notice them on surface you'll hear stones flying by or hit you.



    A) Modify throwing stats according to drifter tier introducting stats such as total of projectiles, accuracy, range, recharge time, aim time, type of dmg/projectiles used.

    • Surface drifter (low nb of rocks, low accuracy, low range, higher recharge time, long aim time, stone thrower)
    • Deep drifter (medium NB of rocks, medium accuracy, low range, higher recharge time, medium aim time, stone thrower)
    • Tainted drifter ( low NB of rocks and low NB of armor scraps, medium accuracy, medium recharge time, med range, medium aim time, stone thrower and rarely throws metal scrap (does more dmg)
    • Corrupted drifter (med nb of armor scraps, medium accuracy, medium recharge time, medium range, med-higher accuracy, throws armor scraps
    • Nightmare drifter (high NB of armor scraps, higher accuracy, low-medium recharge time, higher range, high accuracy, throws armor scraps
    • Double-headed drifter - similar to nightmare.

    B) Implement ways to block projectiles with shields

    C) Tweak dmg and or boost armor durability and or % protection depending on whom throws what projectile and what tier it is...

    Could also make throwing rocks disabled from surface drifters.

    Need to seriously think of a way to boost the drifter loot tables...right now theirs no point to kill drifters once you've repaired a few TLs in singleplayer and setted your spawn point. Cant we get some decent rare loot? Rusty gears/flax fibers worth NOTHING past 20-25 hours played in this game if you know what your doing as you'll already have a sustained amount from flax farming, rusty gears source is negligible with drops %. I feel there needs to be a rethinking on the risk vs rewards here. If only they were protecting something in ruins or caves at least...

    How long can someone with tier 4 armor last vs 5 drifters shooting at him or how long can a noob with nothing and 15 go withstand a barrage of 8 surface drifter throwing stones at him/her?

    They could spawn with a set number of stones in their inventory, but all of random types, and that would form part of their loot table, as guaranteed drops. Say upto three different types of stone, up to 20 stones in total. That's all the ammo they have. So it gives you a chance of getting rare stones like Tuff, Scorcia, Phyllite, or Marble; and it'd be a way of distributing other important stone types like Halite, Bauxite, and Limestone. Some seeds require you to travel  50,000+ blocks before finding the one stone type you need. This would make it possible to drip-feed content to players, in an immersive, and fair way.

    • Like 10
  3. 9 minutes ago, Travis Pluid said:

    Ah, cool. I didn't think it would have broke. I suppose there's no need to update, if you're still just using 1.15.5? XP

    No. The new update is not backwards compatible. It stopped the Settings Menu (F7) from being able to be shown. New updates from now on should be backwards compatible, after 1.15.6.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Anthony Mooney said:

    not even a new branch like Novocain did for VSHUD?


    The game can change drastically, overnight. Once the game is officially updated, and released to the public, I know that I can start changing things withy mod, without the vanilla game's development getting in the way. I don't want to have to ever release daily hotfixes, just to keep up with the pre-release versions of the game.

    The pre-release versions of the game are not designed for public use. Only for beta testers that should expect to not have access to mods. It's best to beta test with no mods, so that you can isolate bugs, and test new features more easily.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Anthony Mooney said:

    btw, it wasn't loading in 1.14.10 either...and I'd suspect it was for the same reason...looking for netstandard.dll and failing

    If it's not working in 1.14, it's likely that you'll need to delete your mod cache folder, and make sure you have only the lastest version of the mod in your mod folder.

    It uses .NET Standard 2.0, which is fully compatible with .NET Framework 4.5.2, and .NET Framework 4.6.1. There's no reason why it shouldn't work in 1.14.

    The only time I've seen this error before is when there has been an issue with the mod cache, after updating mods.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Anthony Mooney said:


    It's not updated for 1.15 yet. I don't update mods for pre-releases. Only for stable releases. Once 1.15 comes out properly, it will be updated that evening.


    If I update it before then, it will break for anyone still in 1.14.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Anthony Mooney said:

    finally looked into why, for the past 2 weeks, my WPEX wouldn't load...

    the client-main.txt states...

    [Error] [wpex] An exception was thrown when trying to load assembly:
    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
    File name: 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'

    ...so, it seems that wpex is trying to find netstandard.dll, which doesn't seem to be included with wpex.

    Hi, could you let me know what game version you're playing on?

  8. Environmental Tweaks

    by Apache Gaming


    A client-side mod made for content creators, and for people who suffer from epilepsy, or similar. This mod give you the option to remove all visual and audiable effects related to rain, hail, lightning, and snow; and completely removes involuntary camera shaking (for instance, when cold, or injured). These effects can be life-threatening for some people, and currently, the game has no way to disable the flashing lights and jittering camera effects... this mod changes that. Also removes the white noise sound effects of rain, and hail. as well as removing the ridiculously loud thunder sound effects.

    Rain still falls, and snow still accumulates; only the dropping particles are removed. You'll still see rain splashes in water, and you'll still take damage from the cold.

    COMMAND: .et | .envtweaks

    Change settings for Environmental Tweaks.

    Syntax: .et [settings|lightning|rain|hail|snow|sounds|shake] [on|off]

    Example: .et shake off
    Example: .envtweaks settings
    Example: .et lightning on



  9. Update: 1.4.0:

    New Commands:

    • .gps: Broadcasts your current XYZ coordinates to the server, in the form of a chat message. Also copies your coordinates to the clipboard.

    • .wptl: Adds a waypoint to a fixed translocator, within five blocks of the player.

    • .wptp: Adds a waypoint to a teleporter block, within five blocks of the player.

    New Features:

    • Options Menu (Default Key: F7): Allows the player to enable or disable automatic trader and translocator waypoint creation. When enabled, traders will get a waypoint when you enter their GUI. Translocators and Teleporters will get a waypoint when used.
    • Like 1
  10. Updated to 1.3.3


    • 1.3.3:
      • Fix: Actually fixed the issue with FluentChat now.
    • 1.3.2:
      • Fix: Fixed issues with the FluentChat framework that were preventing arguments being parsed correctly.
      • Fix: Fixed issue with thread-safe messaging. (Acknowledgement: Novocain)
      • Game Version Update: Mod updated for Game Version 1.14.10.
      • Refactoring: Mod codebase has been refactored to be more in-line with the VintageMods Core Framework.
      • New Command: Exposed a previously debug-only command as ".wp util purge-icon". This has been temperamental, and so will be further documented in a future release.
  11. Updated to 1.3.1


    • 1.3.1:
      • Fix: Changed ".map" to ".cm" to resolve issues with other mods.
    • 1.3.0:
      • Fix: Fixed "mushroom" default text.
      • New Command: ".wpt" - Adds a trader waypoint for the nearest trader.
      • New Command: .map – Finally added much needed map features, such as re-centring the map on the player, or being able to go to a specific coordinate on the world map.
      • New Codebase Features: Full re-write of the VintageMods.Core project, as well a full re-write of the VintageMods.WaypointExtensions library. This has included a much needed spring clean, and future-proofing ready for providing my own GUI for the mod.
  12. 6 hours ago, BearWrestler said:

    I hope the messy codebase doesn't end up slowing development to a crawl through bug explosion as features pile up, or forcing a major months-long refactor.

    It will cause issues eventually. It will definitely stunt the scalability of the game. The biggest crime is using public fields, and not following C# naming conventions. That last one is the one that infuriates me the most. I think both are remnants of Java that need to die in a fire. Just a single auto-cleanup through JetBrains Code Analysis would solve a huge number of problems, including spelling errors, and casing issues. Part of the codebase uses the Strategy Pattern, but there aren't nearly enough interfaces. The GUI, especially, is very tightly coupled, and lots of things are hard-coded where they shouldn't be. I've seen this GuiComposer used in Megaquarium, and it's just as terrible there. It's really difficult to edit, and really steep learning curve to make your own. Even ImgGui for C++ is easier to work with! But, with enough adaptors, visitors, and extension classes, you can make your own modding framework that hides all the mess, and allows you to make rapid roll-out code mods, in a really elegant way. :)

    6 hours ago, BearWrestler said:

    As far as the remapping command goes, it seems pretty limited? IIUC you have to map each missing ID to a unique valid ID. But if you had built, say, Lichen tents with their various blocks and just want them to disappear and be replaced by air i.e. all by the same ID, it doesn't sound easy?

    You can run the command `/fixmapping applyall` to fix issues with invalid Block IDs. You can also run `/bir [getid|getcode|remap]` to manually remap blocks after uninstall. This is what the mod author should handle within their uninstall process. However, this is an issue for Multiplayer Servers. You really shouldn't rip mods out of an SMP world, mid-season. The player-base should be involved in the process, and given plenty of time to prepare for the removal of a large mod. Some form of compensation may be needed by the Admin. I could only imagine what would happen if Better Crates was ripped out of Aura Fury SMP. I've spent over 1,000 copper ingots upgrading them so far, and I'm only half way through! I'd want some form of reparations from the Admin Team if they decided to pull the plug. Removal should first be done on a backup of the world, so that you know what to expect on the production server. In a Single Player world, you can just change game modes, and get back anything you lost, and change any blocks that need changing.

    • Like 2
  13. Mods like that LIchen one should really have a graceful degradation on uninstall. There is a server command that helps remap blockIDs back to where they should be. It's a shame that more mods don't think of what happens when they are uninstalled. There should really be an "OnUninstall" method for all ServerSideModSystems, and the rule should go that you Uninstall the mod via the mod menu. That way, you'd have the graceful degradation built in, as part of the culture of VS mod management.

    There is no overriding "Vintage Story Modding Ruleset", so each mod is handled by the developer. There are a range of skills within the modding community, ranging from absolute beginners who need help installing Visual Studio, to people who've been coding in .NET for decades, and have only had the learning curve of game development to contend with. The codebase itself is much better than most games I've modded before, but it's still pretty sketchy for a .NET codebase. It doesn't follow C# Coding Standards, and a lot of the game doesn't follow its own design patterns. Especially the GUI. Some of it is ported directly from Minecraft mods, and just run through a Java to .NET converter. There are Get/Set methods where Properties should be being used, and there are lots of exposed public fields which shouldn't exist. Resharper tries to sit you down and give you a good telling off if you try to match the naming conventions and coding styles of the vanilla game. It needs a major overhaul to make it consistent, and compliant.

    A lot of the "Essential" mods like CarryCapacity, etc., are very easy to uninstall. The less the mod touches the block registry, the better, when it comes to hotswapping. It's like trying to hotswap minecraft mods though. Ripping Botania out of a pack might leave huge clumps of barren land where flowers once grew, but compare that to ripping Biome's A'Plenty out of a pack...

    • Like 3
  14. This should do what you want:

    The mod is universal, so needed on both server, and client.

    Key Bindings:

    • Disabled 'M' Key Binding.
    • Disabled 'V' Key Binding.


    • Disabled "Show Coordinates HUD" in Settings Menu.
    • Disabled coordinates being shown when hovering over the mini-map.
    • Disabled mini-map scrolling.
    • Mini-map zoom levels now range from 2 to 6, rather than 0.25 to 6.
    • Mini-map zoom level defaults to 3, rather than 2.
    • Waypoints cannot be pinned. I've re-written both the '/waypoint' command, and the Add/Edit Waypoint GUIs. Even works with Waypoint Extensions mod.
    • Coordinates HUD disabled by default, and cannot be enabled.
    • Mini-map visible by default, but can still be manually hidden by player.

    Let me know if there's anything you'd change.

    I've tested it in a Single Player world, but not on a multi-player server.


    • Mind=blown 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. Known Issues:

    • ".wp mushroom" suffers from CopyPasta issues. Default title is "Meteor".


    Future Features (In Progress):

    • Waypoint Management GUI (Filter, Export, Import, Remove, etc.)
    • New Waypoint Icons (Meteor, Flower, Shovel, Water, Gems, Mushrooms, etc.)
    • Automatic Trader Waypoints (Using same colour scheme as AutoMap)
    • Automatic Translocator and Teleporter Waypoints
    • World Map: Render lines on map between Traslocator and Teleporter end-points.
    • World Map: Follow Player
    • World Map: Re-centre Map on Player

    It's taking a while though, because I'm learning how to use these things for the first time, whenever I try to add a new feature.

    • Like 2
    • 1.2.5:
      • Fix: Fixed fatal issue with dependency bundling.
      • Command Added: ".wp-debug update" - Updates the file structure used for custom waypoints up until 1.2.1. Only run if needed.
      • Command Added: ".wp-debug blurb" - Copies the info text about the mod to clipboard. Handy to keep an offline list of the syntax available.
      • Command Added: ".wp-debug purge" - Purges all files and folders used by the mod, ready for uninstall. Only run if needed.
      • Command Added: ".wp-debug reset" - Resets the mod to factory settings. Only run if needed.
  16. Ahh, ok. That's an issue with the bundler that I thought I'd fixed. I've done a lot of refactoring work recently which should have sorted it out. It's difficult to get the Fody Weaver settings to add what you want, while ignoring the rest. I'll rush through an update tonight. Thank you for letting me know. :) Of course, this doesn't show up on my PC, because it grabs dependencies from the GAC if not found locally.

  17. This was on a fresh install of Vintage Story, with only VSHUD v2.0.5 in the Mod List, with all default settings.


    Running on 64 bit Windows with 128 GB RAM
    Version: v1.14.8 (Stable)03/03/2021 05:23:30: Critical error occurred
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at VSHUD.LightUtilSystem..ctor(ClientMain game, VSHUDConfig config)
       at VSHUD.LightUtilModSystem.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<StartClientSide>b__0()
       at Vintagestory.API.Common.Action.Invoke()
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandleLevelFinalize(_uQLFO3G34CNPass7LE9Zs5TcuUF packet)
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime)
       at _h57p42MkW1QbZF33dSw2nGDMdRj._IIIrDcgMyMKwpTkEZsHikpfl3dh(Single )
       at _idIkJkIueHHf3Oz2WNlBdD0E1XR._DvzT6D0wN3fMakeuDyljJJ09hok(Single )
       at _idIkJkIueHHf3Oz2WNlBdD0E1XR._V5piYzG7beYPldE6UVxY58dqacE(Single )
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
       at _YrS2W1MoaeqC4xqH8ItdZB6vADN._8t1BmEWVlCT9mjx5M0vFIzU9tif(_7T00Rjby4si0wyEBez5dXNqLm7h , String[] )
       at _ejKuc6cg0k8V39o8jDIzquyczbO._8t1BmEWVlCT9mjx5M0vFIzU9tif(ThreadStart )


  18. Changelog:

    • 1.2.4:
      • Tweak: Changed folder structure for global config and data files.
      • New Syntax: "mushroom", "olivine", "peat", "resin".
      • New Codebase Features: Major changes to the core, enabling rapid rollout of ModSystems, inlcuding a file manager, embedded resource manager, and service layer.
    • Thanks 1
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